@gamingdevil800: Right. Because the first couple of weeks for a game the most important, just like for a movie premier. After that, they may as well put it in a bargain bin.
2K portfolio has Civ 6, XCOM, and Bioshock. All three are big sellers.
Beating out Civ 6 as the "highest seller in a 5-day period" is impressive; however, Civ, as a turn-based strategy, would have a much smaller appeal than a shooter like Borderlands.
Also, are these world-wide sales or US only?
Lastly, Borderlands 2 was released 7 years ago. Seven years is a long time for the market to grow. Steam itself has at least doubled or tripled in size, with over a billion accounts in 2019. So, having sold more than 50% of Borderlands 2 should be expected and has little to do with the platform it's being sold on.
@gargar: This statement would make sense if Epic had a comparable service to Valve. They don't. They lack basic features one would expect from an online retailer.
Forgot to mention: believe or not, Valve is a smaller company than Epic. Epic is a huge multi-billion dollar company. Least they could do is create a solid infrastructure and a launcher than can compete with Valve.
Let's hope combat is a bit more refined. W2 depended heavily on combat and its antiquated mechanics were not fun. I played Fallout 1 and 2 back in the 1990s, but we've come a long way since then. Newer games that have turn-based combat, like XCOM or Divinity games, have been able to update the formula and make it interesting.
Deckard2323's comments