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DeeDeeDee-er Blog

Colbert For President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ephen colbert president 2008

I just heard the news!!! My favorite comedian and host of my favorite TV show, Stephen Colbert is running for President of the United States!!! I thought he was joking at first, but I found sources of interviews after the show that say that he's serious. He's running as both a democrat and a republican, as a favorite son of South Carolina!!! VOTE COLBERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Top Twelve Songs (With Videos)

Who said there could only be a top ten? Here's my toptwelve songs (I remembered "Outshined")

1. "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)" by the Jimi Hendrix Experience, off of "Electric Ladyland"

Image:Jimi Hendrix - Electric Ladyland.jpg

(Extended Live Performance Video)

2. "Fight Like A Brave" by Red Hot Chili Peppers from "The Uplift Mofo Party Plan"


(Music Video)

3. "Mayonaise" by Smashing Pumpkins from "Siamese Dream


(Live Performance)

4. "Black Hole Sun" by Soundgarden from "Superunknown"

Image:Black Hole Sun.jpg

(Music Video)

5. Everlong by Foo Fighters fom "The Colour and the Shape"

Image:Foo fighters everlong.jpg

(Music Video)

6.Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana from "In Utero"


(Music Video)

7. "Suffer" by Bad Religion from "Suffer"


(Live Performance)

8. "Story of My Life" by Social Distortion from "Social Distortion"

(Music Video)

9. "Higher Ground" (by Stevie Wonder) covered by Red Hot Chili Peppers from "Mother's Milk"

Image:Red hot chili peppers higher ground.jpg

(Music Video)

10. "Cherub Rock" by Smashing Pumpkinsfrom "Siamese Dream"


(Music Video)

11. "Outshined" by Soundgarden from "Badmotorfinger"


(Music Video with beginning cut off)

12. "Should I Stay or Should I Go" by The Clash from "Combat Rock"


(Live Performance)

There you go.

The Smashing Pumpkins Concert Videos

Since nobody saw when I put these videos on before, I'm posting them again so more people see it. video is two songs, wait after 1979 is done, there's the beginning of "To Sheila") end of To Sheila)

Today, I picked up a few CDs that were from a while ago but I never owned. First of all, "In Utero", competes with "Nevermind" as Nirvana's best album (I can't choose), I had heard most songs individually, I had listened to them on, I borrowed "Nirvana " (greatest hits album) from my friend to get some of it, but I wanted to own it the album itself. And I am ashamed to say, I had never heard "Serve the Servants" or "Tourettes" as well as a couple others. It rocks, which I knew. It was only $9.99, because I went to Best Buy instead of Borders, which had a sale, but crappy selection. I give "In Utero" ***** (5 stars) because it's self-explanatory if you listen to it.

I also got "MACHINA/Machines of God" from Smashing Pumpkins. I've always been a little unsure about their late '90s, early '00s stuff, but this isactually really good. "Heavy Metal Machine", "Stand Inside Your Love", and "The Everlasting Gaze" are all great too. I still lack "Adore" and "Pisces Iscariot", but I'll get those some other time to complete my collection. I'll have every album from 5 of my 10 favorite bands if I get those two and the Foo Fighters debut album. I give "MACHINA/Machines of God" a **** (4 stars) because it is very good, but "Siamese Dream", "Gish", "Mellon Collie", and "Zeitgeist" are all better than it, except for the song "Stand Inside Your Love", which is one of their best songs in my opinion.

New CDs Tomorrow

I'm gonna pick up some Smashing Pumpkins and other CDs I never got tomorrow, cause Borders books/music store has all CDs on sale for $11. I'm gonna buy Smashing Pumpkins' "Machina I" and their 'B-Sides and Rarities" collection, mainly for "Drown" and "Landslide". If I have some other money I find, I'll grab some other ones, cause with me, money comes up everywhere that you could ever lose it. I found $10 in singles in my nightstand drawer the other day. I'll get a Nirvana CD or two. I'm ahamed to say that I never bought "In Utero", and never had the whole thing in my iTunes, I've just heard alot of it. If they don't ave that, I'll see if they have "Live From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah.". If they don't have that, f**k them, I'll go elsewhere and find it on sale. My point is, I'm gonna have alot of music to entertain me and review. I've decided to possibly skip Guitar Hero III (I'll get it for Christmas, it'll probably be the last year I get a crap load of stuff) because I haven't even been able to play guitar for a week cause my strings went dead and I haven't put forth the little effort to take it to be re-strung. I'll do it tomorrow, probably. I still never finished learning "Black Hole Sun", haven't really started learning "She Builds Quick Machines" or "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)", so I'll get on with it. I learned "Outshined", but since I haven't been able to play recently, I forgot some of it since it's not implanted deep in my brain.

Whew, I'm done.

I Picked Up a New Game/Guitar Vs. Guitar Hero Rant

Now that I bought the new Radiohead CD, andlistened to it tons of times, I now have nothing new to entertain me!!!

Actually, I picked up Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass a couple days ago and it's addictive. I've played it all day, and alot of yesterday. I'm already halfway done :lol:, but it'll last until some new Wii games come out for me. I'm planning on buying Guitar Hero III, Super Mario Galaxy, and NiGhts: Jouirney of Dreams in the next few months, which I have just enough money to pay for.

Speaking of Guitar Hero, I'm sick of people getting so good at Guitar Hero, and not even considering picking up a damn guitar. Trust me, there's alot more satisfaction in learning something hard on guitar and doing it perfectly, than playing with some fake band by pressing buttons. The only reason I like playing the game, is because since you don't need to learn that much, you can just pick it up and play like Hendrix, or Clapton, or Slash. If you are so f*****g good at moving your fingers up and down a board, why don't you try replace those buttons with some strings, and the TV with an amp. When's the last time someone got famous for playing Guitar Hero? Never. When's the last time someone got famous for playing guitar? Probably lthis year, whether or not they actually sucked. I wes gonna unleash this on my neighbor when he said that he was so good at Guitar Hero, until I found out that he played guitar now. It's just more satisfying when you play a guitar, so pick your fat a$$ off the couch and go play a real guitar instead of that piece of plastic and metal. Still play Guitar Hero, but play guitar too, more than the game.

Video Gaming Calendar Up Until February (What I'm Buying for Sure):

10/28/07: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock with Guitar with Bonus!

11/5/07: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Possible buy)

(I can't find an English cover)

11/12/07: Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy

12/18/07 NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

2/10/08: Super Smash Bros. Brawl: :evil: (stupid Nintendo pusing the date back from December)

Super Smash Bros Brawl

I can't think of anything else right now.

An Official DeeDeeDee-er Quick Review of Radiohead's In Rainbows


Almost all fans of good music were up at midnight last night, eagerly waiting the relase of Radiohead's new album, "In Rainbows". I was among them. From the moment I started listening to the album, I could tell it would be good. But it turned it out, it gets even better than that.

The opening track, "15 Steps", is an odd semi-electronic soft rock. It builds up to get better as the song continues. When I was done listening to it, I thought, "This is pretty good." I proceeded to listen to "Bodysnatchers". The beginning of the song hooks you in, to possibly the hardest rocking, and possibly bestsong on the whole album. I loved every second of it. I moved on to "Nude", which was great, and then continued to one of my favorites, "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi". The soft riff at the beginning is the tip of the iceberg in this song, turning into a great soft song, very Radiohead sounding. "All I Need" was an odd song. I still liked it, especially the bass line in the beginning of the song, and Thom Yorke's vocals were the main attraction of the song. "Faust Arp" was another one of my favorites, with a very cool beat at the beginning, and violin/organ background music. I loved it. "Reckoner" seems to be the most lively song on the album from the very beginning, but turns into much softer quiet song. "House of Cards" is hard for me to describe, because I'm a bad reviewer of albums, although I am a good critic of things, I need help actually writing. Nearing the closing of the album, "Jigsaw Falling Into Place" and "Videotape" are great closers.

Radiohead still remains one of the (if not the) most talented bands on Earth. This goes right up in my favorite albums of 2007 so far, with a high score.

I'm a light scorer, but knowing how rarely something this great comes up, it gets 5 stars easily. No matter what comes out for the rest of the year, this will be one of my favorites so far. Since Radiohead isn't my absolute favorite band, or even in my top ten, they are very, very good, which makes me give this the score it deserves (this is how I rate all albums today, how good they are in comparison to most modern music, and this blows all the crappy bands right off the map). It's not my new favorite ever,but hell, it does rock.


New Radiohead Album!!!

I just downloaded it. I got charged twice because the first time, that damn code thing was really messed up, so i couldn't make it out right. I entered it wrong, and they charged me, but I never got am activation code. I just re-did it and paid only 0.01 ounds the next time. So they got only $4 out of me.

I'll review it tomorrow, I haven't listened to it yet, I have f*****g homework.

EDIT: I'm now listening to it. I'm really bad at reviewing albums, so I'm not gonna get into describing it. It's unique, just like Radiohead. Thom Yorke's singing is great as usual, I don't think it's anywhere close toas good as"OK Computer", but I can't really judge it that well. I usually read other reviews before reviewing an album so I can get ideas of what to think about. I liked "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi" most so far, I'm on "Faust Arp", whichI like as well. Unlike alot of suff I listen to, it's not heavy and constantly rocking, but it's more calming, softer like other Radiohead albums. It's definitely good from what I've heard. I'll need to finish it up to get a better idea.

Guess The Song/Sign Up For the OAGM (Online Association of Good Music)

You know what to do. Just guess the title of the song and who it's by. This an awesome song, not very well known. If you know your late '80s rock, it'll be easy.

Welcome friends to my thoughts of when
the fax city 4 were four young men
time has come, now we jam
with the uplift mofo party plan
we're the organic anti-beat box band

One comes from the holy land
another was born an australian
me i'm from michigan
but hollywood is the land of lands
it's a hollywood jam

We represent the hollywood kids
hollywood is where we live
we represent the hollywood kids
organic anti-beat box band

Life is grand in the land of lands
the mind does boggle the mind expands
the anarchy 4 have manned their craft
get on your knees and shake your ass
to the jam that is

We don't ask we demand
that you and your clan
listem now to this jam
to the power of the drummers bad
it's a hollywood jam

We represent the hollywood kids
hollywood is where we live
we represent the hollywood kids
organic anti-beat box band

There's a party in my town at 12:00
there's a party that's rockin down to the rock
I've got nothin' against hip hop
but there's a party in my town
and no beat box jam that is

The party's got girls the girls got hot
the party's got boys and the boys got socks
something popped the doors unlocked
house got up ran around the block
sit down house
take off your blouse

We represent the hollywood kids
hollywood is where we live
any good friend of the lollypop kids
over the rainbow with the wiz
we represent the hollywood kids
organic anti-beat box band

With the organic anti-beat box band
you just might slam dance that is
it's a hollywood jam

Okay, if you guess that right, you're probably eligible to join the OAGM, founded by me. This means the Online Association of Good Music. I'm sick of crappy music, so I'm starting an organization to bring down music like emo and rapas much as possible. This is a pretty small thing, but hey, it's not a bad idea. Submit your ten favorite bands, and your five least favorite, and you might be in. If you kind of border line, meaning I don't know if I should let you join or not, I'll give you a short test of music quotes and questions. If you can score an 80% or higher, you're in. So far, I have myself, and two others joined. I'll put a list on here.

Accepted: ElmisOriginal, isud12



Check my last blog for a little more detail.

I'm Founding A Kinda Movement I Guess

This is against bad music, emo, rap, most country, whatever's bad. It's the OAGM (Online Association of Good Music), where I keep track of what the worst and best bands are. To apply to join, just tell me your ten favorite banda and five least favorite. If they check out as good enough, I'll accept, if they suck, I will make fun. One thing I want to do is go on the website for radio station and make mass-requests of good music, so noone has to deal with sh** anymore and all the emos will go cut themselves, and all the rappers will shoot themselves (uhhh Not really). I just wanna do this cause whenever I turn on the radio I hear a My Chemical Romance or Fall Out Boy song and it makes me sick. Also, in this way, people with similar musical tastes can become friends. Hopefully, a few more good songs can get played on the radio, and more people will end up with good taste. I realize this is pretty weird, but when you think about it, it could be pretty cool too.

My Ten Favorite Bands

1. Red Hot Chili Peppers

2. (tied for 1st) Smashing Pumpkins

3. Foo Fighters

4. Bad Religion

5. The Jimi Hendrix Experience

6. Soundgarden

7. Nirvana

8. Social Distortion

9. Bob Marley and the Wailers

10. Sublime

My Bottom 5 Bands

5. Green Day (they use to be okay, now they suck awfully)

4. Maroon 5

3. Nickelback

2. My Chemical Romance

1. Fall Out Boy

Just do that, and I'll judge. This is a littlestupid, but it could be cool.

Recruits: ElmisOriginal, isud12



A Mostly Musical Blog

First of all, I'm currently being overloaded with easy, yet long, pointless, and time-consumingmath problems such as 4(2(-5x+y)-y)-10(y-4x) and -50+(-2)(3(1-f)-3(-2+f), taking a minute and a half each. And the sad part is, I'm in an honors class (I got good intelligence genes :P), yet we are forced to spend forever simplifying easy problems that take as much time as it takes to figure out why the hell I'm posting this.

Second of all, I recently broke my own badass record in guitar-playing, playing my two best songs, "Tarantula" and "Readymade", rocking each solo, improvising here and there, and actually figuring out what the difference between my solo and Corgan's "Tarantula" solo is, and the difference between "Readymade" and my solo. "Tarantula" is a very basic mistake. I was missing an open note during the solo, which creates a more filled solo. "Readymade", my fingers had been too tense before, and when I let them just glide across the strings when I pull off, it's easier. I'm learning "Outshined" (a little late learning it, as I believe, only Elmis will know what I mean by that), and if I figure out how my family's digital camera can take, I should have some new videos eventually.

Third of all, my computer was recently reapaired, with minimal memory loss (I've been using a different computer for a while), but my library lost "Zeitgeist" and "Gish", both by SP. "Zeitgeist" I own the CD, no problem, but "Gish", I couldn't find in stores, so I just got it off iTunes. I'll but a copy, and then download "Machina II", (I also lost, but not a big deal), then buy "Machina I", and "Adore", the ones I don't have.

Fourthof all, every song Smashing Pumpkins played at the L.A. Invasion, is now on YouTube, so I will post them in order of when they were played is now on YouTube ("1979" and "To Sheila" are combined). video is two songs, wait after 1979 is done, there's the beginning of "To Sheila" end of To Sheila)

This next oneis in there somewhere, I think after "To Sheila", not sure though.
