Alright, I took my guitar in, and it turned out the jack just needed a good tightening. I also got a new cord that is angled. It helps keep the jack from breaking again. I brought in my acoustic for a re-stringing as well. My amp's tone is a little weird right now. It sounds good with flange effect on it, but with nothing it sounds strange. I'm learning (well, I learned) "Like A Stone" and "Fake Plastic Trees" today...hah, my parent's are about to leave the house!!! They won't get pissed when I play guitar instead of do my homework. Sorry, I'll get back on topic. Yeah, both songs are easy, so maybe I'll cover those when I get my Inspire 1394 dealy.
Random topic: At school, it's the end of the trimester, and I have good grades, here's my classes and grades:
Algebra 1/2 Honors: B, 86%
Science: A, 95%
Social Studies (History): A, 95%
Tech: A, 96%
Language Arts (English): A, 101% :shock: (I'll explain that later)(1)
P.E.: A, probably a 98% because I never where my P.E. uniform.
(1): We have twenty word spelling tests every week, and we get five bonus words worth a point each. These words are extremely easy, so I usually get a 25 or a 24, making up for any missed assignments.
Weird thing is, I've been pretty lazy this trimester (for Algebra, I've failed two Homework Quizzes, which I will not start explaining because they're REALLY HARD). I still have very good grades, 4.0 or not. My GPA is a 3.8333333, which is more than I expected being in Algebra Honors. Also, this years classes are very easy. I find myself putting off my homework and projects every time, and I still do well on them. I'm done. Bye.
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