...you're a sweet little love maker..." Classic. You must know this or you shouldn't continue reading this blog.
Okay, I'll try to write about some controversial opinionated thing this blog in hopes of stirring up another blog battle. I owned Round 2, and i don't know who won Round 1, so i'll say it's a draw. So it's me-1 to hp-0. Also known as, grunge-1, metal-0 :P. Take that you bogan (much better word than metalhead).
I just discovered that I had a $15 iTunes gift card, which was a bittersweet discovery. It was sweet because I could buy any CD I wanted (I rarely buy from iTunes, but it is convenient and I got a gift card so I gotta use it). it was bitter because I had a $25 American Express card that I used to buy Radiohead: Live From the Basement the other day, which rocks, and was only $8 for 10 great quality videos, but I could've just used the gift card in the first place. However, this changed from bittersweet to sweet as sugar ten minutes ago, when I decided to buy a truly amazing album, and I know someone who's gonna be excited about this.
It is "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea" by Neutral Milk Hotel. Ages ago (meaning about a year ago), Indie had a blog segment called "The Greatest Albums of All Time", and this was the first part. It sounded excellent, but at the time, I wasn't sure if I fully trusted the opinions of people on this site. Since then, I've decided that I've discovered more band on this site than anywhere else, so one more couldn't hurt.
What can I say about this album so far? Beautiful for one. Awe inspiring for another. Emotional. Amazing. Few albums I've ever heard can evoke emotions like this one. I've only listened to four songs so far, so I can't fully review it, but it's looking at upper 9s to a perfect 10 if it keeps up the beauty. Truly something anyone can appreciate. Thanks to Indie for the rave forever ago, thanks to Lockedge for reminding me of it in the form of an icon, and thanks to anybody else who has ever mentioned this album on this site. I still need to finish "Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain" and "Lost Dogs", so I'll have a reviewtastic* blog soon.
*Reviewtastic copyright 2008 Dee Corporations :P.
Today, I also ventured to Gamestop (originally target, but they didn't have what i wanted) to grab a new video game. Now that I was done with Ocarina of Time, I needed a new adventure game to entertain me. And it had to be REALLY god, or it wuld apear to suck in the wake of the awesomeness of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I did a little research on gamestop.com and Gamespot, and landed on this jewel.
I bought Okami. The remaking of the 2006 Playstation 2 ****c, which won IGN's game of the year award for 2006. I read that it was like Legend of Zelda, but instead of Link, you were a wolf, and on Okami's Gamespot page, it listed LOZ: OoT AND LOZ: Twilight Princess as similar games. So, naturally, being the Zelda freak I am, I needed it. Plus, it wasn't $50, it was $40, how could I resist?
First off, it has the most beautiful graphics ever. They are the opposite of realistic, but they look like someone brought a watercolor painting to life. It's pure art.
The combat (you fight monsters in a similar way to how you fought the main monsters in Twilight Princess, in that you magically are put in a dome with monsters and you have to kill them to get out), is perfectly executed, and is never overwhelmingly confusing or difficult, as the number of enemies is limited. It's delightfully fun, and the atacks you learn make you giddy when you pull them off in battle.
The main aspect of this game, is to restore the Cursed Zones in the world (basically, bring color and life back to them) by restoring the saplings. To do this, you must learn the brush Techniques. The main character, the wolf, named Amaterasu (I probably typed that wrong), is a God, who helped seal away, and dies doing it, the evil 8 headed beast Orochi. The monster comes back 100 years later, and so must Amaterasu in the form of the white wolf named Shiranui, to restore the world's livelihood. The wandering painter Issun joins her (the wolf is a girl) in a quest to recover the techniques of the celestial brush, which is a magical brush, with which you gain the power to restore wilted trees, draw lily pads to cross water, draw bridges, use a sword, make giant cherry bombs, and aid people when they need it. Truly a detailed story, a plot that would be worthy of a movie. You need to play it to experience it, but it's truly amazing. So far, one of my favorite games. it's like the wolf parts of Twillight princess, only much better than those, and better than that game (and it was a great game too). I'm hooked on it. I got frustrated with one part, where i had to draw a bomb to aid a man in a fireworks show (I know, it was weird), and embarassingly enough, my mom walked by and figured out what I needed to do. I actually figured I needed to do it, but I couldn't figure out how until she mentioned it. Oh well.
It's almost 1:00, but not too late. Why am I mentioning this? Cause you better appreciate what I'm about to do, cause I could be sleeping, but i'm gonna do this.
I just finished watching Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade, and with all four movies fresh in my mind, I'm gonna review them all.
Note: You may discuss and criticize y reviews and opinions of the movies if you wish, and i'll respon, but of you have ever said that Temple of Doom is the best Indy movie, or that Raiders of the Lost Ark is the worst (not just of all, of the riginals even), your opinions on Indy will immediately be ignored. That means hp's commetns on this will be ignored (for saying ToD is the best), which is also why I took him saying that Juno was a terrible movie with a grain of salt (because if you thought Temple was the best Indy, all your movie opinions are void to me), and Shadow has one more chance because he often posts while high or drunk, and if he actually thinks Raiders is the worst, ignored, if he doesn't, accepted.
By the way, I'll only ignore your opinions on indy, not my whole blog.
These will all be quick reviews, without any spoilers in case anyone hasn't seen them.
Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Ahh, the ****c one that started it all. Starts off strong, finishes strong. Clearly has the most thorough and original plot of any Indy movie. It had the best action, the best settings, and the single best Indy moment ever: http://youtube.com/watch?v=1cdYrBsWhtk. It has the ****c sharp Indy wit, with plenty of whip crackin', fedora carryin' action. The face melt at the end remains one of my favorite movie special effects ever.
Score: 100/100
Temple of Doom
I'm sorry to say, that this movie is saved from being only a step up from garbage by being and Indiana jones move. Sure, it has the most action of any of the films, but the action is repetitive, corny, and never makes sense. The plot was a jumble of collecting stones and making sacrafices that were all somehow linked in an unexplained way. The chick in this movie is incredibly annoying, in opposition to the gleefully sassy one in Raiders. The little Asian kid is the best part of the movie, and kept me laughing, and some scenes were suspenseful and almost captured some of the greatness of the first, but it lacks the Indy charm.
Score: 65/100
The Last Crusade
It seems that when it comes to least favorite indy film, it's always between Temple of Doom and The Last Crusade. I really can't see why it isn't between Temple of Doom and nothing. The Last Crusade is a great mix of action, a thought through story, and cleverly funny moments. It turns intense moments into a laugh moment in seconds. For example, Indy is holding his father's diary while walking through a crowd of nazis while disguised. He accidentally bumps into Adolf Hitler and Hitler takes the book as if he's going to examine it, yet he simply autographs it and hands it back. Also, when the Nazi comes on the blimp to get Indy and his father, Indy dresses up, asks for people's tickets, throws the Nazi out the window and say, "No ticket." Everyone rushes to get their ticket out :lol:. Beyond the laughs, there is a story that as opposed to Temple of Doom, makes perfect sense, and is actually heartwarming to see the reunion between Indy and his father. The major con in this film is the unoriginality of the basic idea. How many times has a movie been made about searching for the Holy Grail? Let's see... a lot of times!!! Hell, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, guess what they were searching for (and that's my favorite comedy ever). Still, one of the best Indy movies.
Score: 93/100
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Come this May, millions of people lined up to see this long awaited sequel to the original trilogy. Was it worth it? In some ways, yes, in some ways, no. Yes, there was our favorite whip cracking hero, Indiana Jones, better yet, with the original Harrisson Ford. Yes, there was tons of action, with some of the best fight scenes of any Indy movie (due to increased technology over the years), and yes, the best girl from any Indy movie was back. However, no it didn't stay true to Indy's roots, and no, it's plot wasn't well organized, and made the least sense since Temple of Doom. Nonetheless, it was an enthralling movie, which kept you on the edge of your seat. The final discoveries that lead to the temple were exciting as any final Indy scene, but the momentum was completely destroyed by their being a UFO and an alien at the end. That is nnot fukcing Indy!!! Give me an ancient mummy at the very least. Or damn skeletons come to life! No damn aliens should be allowed to touh my Indy.
Still, I had low expectations, and for being the fourth movie, and being released years afer the originals, which is when movies suck most, it was damn good, and very exciting.
Score: 77/100
I obviously put the least effort into the first review, but the original Indy doesn't need much explaining, it's just that good.
Well that took a damn long time to type. Here's some videos as a reward for listening.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V949yf33Qo&feature=rec-fresh (who saw that band coming first :P)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfhUvuSa61E (I finished the album, and it was perfect the whol way through)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RnTd4C1q4o (still my favorite Weezer song)
As you can see, I mixed up my typical five band I play songs from for fun.
And here's a strange video invlving Ocarina of Time and Daft Punk. it's hilarious.
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