@DawgByte2 @demonkingx5 This is what I like the most about the XB1, I rarely ever sell my games especially not to GameStop due to the crap price they offer. But I do lend them out to family/friends. Now I don't have to worry about getting my disc back in good shape.
YES! Original DICE team will do it justice I have no doubt. Even if it a Battlefield Star Wars I'd be happy. I've gotten somewhat bored of all the "modern" shooters, same way I got bored of all the WWII shooters before it.
Come system launch if MS decides to keep that DRM policy, I have a feeling MS will do something to help ease peoples minds on the whole idea of it. They have deep pockets and its just a matter of giving buyers something else as a trade-off. For me all I need is more games, and so far XB1 has them, 17 new IPs 10 of them exclusive, as a gamer if that isn't enough I don't know what is.
Either that or we find out that PS4 isn't as DRM free as they made out, there are reports of that being the case once they hand it over to the publishers to decide.
@rayonmachristie Ok lets say that MS doesn't change their DRM policy. The devs stand to make a good profit off of this, and the profit may be good enough that they start forcing their own DRM on PS4 that mimics what XB1 does.
@mlavinder Like Steam, yea makes perfect sense, but knowing MS they won't do that. But if this was true it would be a much better deal than saving $100 from the start.
@Eagllefirestorm If XB1 can replace my Xfinity box in the living room that'll save me $16 a month. Hell for that I may just pick up two and add it to the bedroom.
Deevoshun's comments