This is strange from MS. Backward compatibility was a very important feature in their old windows products. What made them change their minds? It's odd because they pursued backward compatibility in PCs when they had a monopoly and could do as they liked. Now here they have only half the console market and they're trying to bully their customers! WTF?
Maybe they're trying to drive everyone to PC... but then why all these XBOX exclusives? Looks to me like they're just stupid.
@keldarironfist I disagree with boycotting Steam. Of course Steam uses drm but from my experience it's not very intrusive. And the price reductions they offer can significantly reduce the cost of gaming (much needed in the pc market). Valve also does a lot to help indie devs use Steam, like the new greenlight thing. Digital distribution is much cheaper than physical media, and if only other online retailers would follow Steam and cut prices to reflect that, there would be no problem. Much depends also on game design; other devs better not follow the example of SimCity. I really hope Firaxis don't do the same thing with Civilization...
It's not surprising that these games are male-dominated, because they depict violence, and most violence is done by men. However, there is no necessity for games to be strictly realistic in this respect, and it would be nice to see more women, for their existence to be acknowledged, and for them not to be leered at. Multiplayer games in particular could do with more female characters. There's no reason why women shouldn't have the option of female avatars, with the same functionality as males.
The point about the self-fulfilling "strong women don't sell" prophecy is a good one. However I'm not sure one successful game will be enough to open the floodgates. It will take a tide. Old habits die hard.
This whole discussion makes me imagine a town in The Sims populated entirely by women. Where are the men? They're all off fighting in Gears of War.
DeltaMike90's comments