@fzd88 That's a good point actually. Life at home was pretty dull for previous generations of kids, so they went out, which is more healthy, and didn't have their heads full of media junk when they went to school, so they were able to study better. I'm not saying that video games are evil (if I thought that I wouldn't be posting here) or even entirely to blame (film and tv have the same effect) but it's definitely an issue for society to deal with. Now if only society could drag itself away from the tv long enough to do something about it...
@parrot_of_adun Clearly opponents do care, eg. guys who claim feminism is about eliminating supposedly existing equality and consign men to second class status.
@Deevoshun @george43 @hairday lol. Actually it takes some balls to raise your voice against people who threaten and/or abuse those they disagree with. You were saying?
@buccomatic It's true all this is subjective. But we need to consider what is desirable, and encourage it.
I don't buy the escapism argument. Humans are open to suggestion, all the time, there is no escape from that. That's not to say that someone will buy a gun and shoot someone just because of a game, but people who seriously think about women this way need to hear different views.
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