David Cage wants a game that simulates Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? That sounds like a terrible idea, how about "a thin red line" the game... If I want to play something that makes me want to kill myself I'll just play a capcom game.4K televisions... P$4 will support them and I'm going to stick with my PC. A PC that will be running Windows 7 until windows 9 comes out.
@Shame-usBlackley I'm sorry but are you implying that Microsoft has no interest in making games? Do you really think that? Microsoft Flight was going to be Free to Play any ways... they obviously seen the light as far as the kinetic goes... meaning we knew it sucked and now they know it sucks. If they are ready to give up on it... its not a bad thing for their next console that was suppose to be very Kinetic centric.
@Razer361 out of curiosity why is everyone asking if after skipping backwards compatibility for the last 5 years... now with this chopped down version of the "slim" PS3; people want to know if it can do what the original could do? Why would they make newer PS3s backwards compatible if the second generation wasn't? More over when a PS2 cost less than $50 why are your retarded asses concerned if the PS3 can play PS2 games... a year before the PS4 comes out.... ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
well if I didn't already have a PS3 original that never gets played or ever breaks down.... I'd probably just get right into the "next Generation" with a PC.... Like I am now... waiting for someone to challenge a "next generation" capable PC.
Also as the fans will thoroughly point out, KOTR 3 and BattleGround 3 would have been very popular. Instead of making a horrible game they can't give away.
@MN121MN VIce city was more fun than all the Saints row games combined... While I don't like the "realism" of GTA4 the over the top BS in Saints Row games is for retards.
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