DemoPan7's forum posts
I don't remember textures like that on vanilla. Me neitherIt's not modded. Crysis1 vanilla completely destroys Crysis2 vanilla in ground textures. Here's some more, all with POM Plains_grass_leaves:[QUOTE="mitu123"]
Compare that to Crysis 1 vanilla:ocstew

Crysis 1 and 2 have about the same amount of textures actually. Crysis 1's texture folder is 482MB, Crysis 2's is 461MBMore texture variation than the first half of Crysis 1 lol :P
All within 2 minutes of a level:^^^^ That's how the half the game looks."But teh foilage!!!"Peredith
Whats stupid is going by launch price. I can get a PS3 or 360 on sale for $200 or $150, respectively. NOW not 5 years ago. And even then you could geta PS3 for 5 and a 360 for 3. A good gaming PC is 600. inconsistent man is inconsistent. you first say that consoles last 5+ years but then say that we shouldn't go by launch price.[QUOTE="BPoole96"]
PS3 and 360 launched for $600 and $400, respectively.. Saying a good PC costs a minimum of $1600-2400 is stupid
Pictures don't do the game justice, you really have to play it in dx11 to see how huge the jump is.
good read hardocp's dx11 and high res texture pack grade at bottom of the page FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!
with high res texture pack alot are untouched still look the same.
You simply can't afford it. That explains this butthurt thread.
Odd. I've seen countless threads explaining just how affordable PC can be. In fact, i've seen people specifically post sub-$300 builds to make the point.
Link?, crysis2's graphic supremacy confirmed. /thread :cool: thank you for agreeing.(that's a horrbile photoshoped C1 bullshots all over the internet btw)---> (horrible gemotry on scope, low polygon and terrible shader on hands, low res texture on terrain)

[QUOTE="ermacness"]Should've said "Console Graphics King". PC elitist are going to have a field day with this one.:roll: No..I stand by "system." ;)[QUOTE="ispeakfact"]I just can't choose. Both of these titles smear any others this gen, but I need help choosing. Edit: I'm leaning towards God of War 3 just because it implemented aa better than any other title this gen. Some of the set pieces looked so good, they could have passed for miniature models instead of cg. But hard.ispeakfact

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