Alright well I'm not about to redo a whole blog, eventhough I could just copy and paste.
I'm going to start using my new account: Rabidus_Insurgo as my primary for my blogs. So if you wish to see what my life entails, track me, and help me out with my new account some.
Thanks to all who read, and especially who('ve) comment(ed) on this blog. Please continue doing so on my new account. I'll still check this onefrom time to time, when I'm on Gamespot, but I'd like to start switching over to Rabidus_Insurgo.
Deranged_Minds Blog
Hard Times
by Deranged_Minds on Comments
Ugh.. this week has been a mess... Just waking up on Monday, I knew things were going to go wrong. I can't even compose the words, let alone articulate full sentances to describe this...
Since I'm so lost for words I'm going to keep this blog short...
Yesterday, on October 4th, 2006, my uncle Bob passed away. He was 41 years old, and was a courageous man. 10 years ago, he faced a challenge no one, at any time would ever want to face. 10 years ago, he was diagnosed with a disease for which there is no cure. A disease that can be uncontrolable, and entirely fatal. My uncle, 10 years ago was diagnosed with cancer.
For 10 years he fought, and for 10 years we were all there. Though the thing is... last year, almost two years ago now, I was... surprised. I had broken my leg, and my uncle had to undergo a serious operation. When he came to, and when my parents spoke to him, he ignored himself and asked if I was alright. I can describe how that felt.
I never got to become too close to my uncle sadly, though I would've liked to have. Still though, even with the distance between families, it's a hard, sudden loss. About 3 weeks ago, he was told he had 3-9 months to live. No one knows what happened, but that 3-9 months shortly turned to 3-4 weeks... no one got to even say good-bye, or even hold a final conversation with him, for he lost the ability to speak...
"Where it starts is where it ends," is what they said. 10 years ago, my uncle's long fight against cancer started in his brain. He underwent operations to such extents... had bones removed, radiation, everything. The radiated one of his kidnies, and it spread to the other. It took everything from him, and eventually him from us...
Though he will never see this, and though I will never be able to tell him how proud I am to be his nephew, I would want him to know this....
Rest in peace uncle Bob, you finally can...
Since I'm so lost for words I'm going to keep this blog short...
Yesterday, on October 4th, 2006, my uncle Bob passed away. He was 41 years old, and was a courageous man. 10 years ago, he faced a challenge no one, at any time would ever want to face. 10 years ago, he was diagnosed with a disease for which there is no cure. A disease that can be uncontrolable, and entirely fatal. My uncle, 10 years ago was diagnosed with cancer.
For 10 years he fought, and for 10 years we were all there. Though the thing is... last year, almost two years ago now, I was... surprised. I had broken my leg, and my uncle had to undergo a serious operation. When he came to, and when my parents spoke to him, he ignored himself and asked if I was alright. I can describe how that felt.
I never got to become too close to my uncle sadly, though I would've liked to have. Still though, even with the distance between families, it's a hard, sudden loss. About 3 weeks ago, he was told he had 3-9 months to live. No one knows what happened, but that 3-9 months shortly turned to 3-4 weeks... no one got to even say good-bye, or even hold a final conversation with him, for he lost the ability to speak...
"Where it starts is where it ends," is what they said. 10 years ago, my uncle's long fight against cancer started in his brain. He underwent operations to such extents... had bones removed, radiation, everything. The radiated one of his kidnies, and it spread to the other. It took everything from him, and eventually him from us...
Though he will never see this, and though I will never be able to tell him how proud I am to be his nephew, I would want him to know this....
Rest in peace uncle Bob, you finally can...
Yeah.. Once again
by Deranged_Minds on Comments
Alright, so this may be confusing, but I am again switching Gamespot accounts to a new one. Personally I'm just sick of seeing Deranged Minds and being reminded of that emo band... so, I'll go by my current alias "Rabidus Insurgo."
I'll still use this account as my primary, however this account will eventually go inactive. Don't worry, you've got plenty of time with Deranged Minds until it fades away.
Blogs will be posted here, and the same on my other account. So you can access my greatness anytime, from any location.
I'll still use this account as my primary, however this account will eventually go inactive. Don't worry, you've got plenty of time with Deranged Minds until it fades away.
Blogs will be posted here, and the same on my other account. So you can access my greatness anytime, from any location.
by Deranged_Minds on Comments
Well, the drivers test for a driving permit was exceptionally easy. I only missed one question, and how it devastated me so...
Not really, I never read the manual, I never cared enough. So I got my permit and drove about half way home. While I was doing some practice driving, my mom scared the **** out of me. I was making a right hand turn, and she first starts out by saying, "You're taking the turn too fast," three times. So I slow down and continue, (it didn't really help that someone was riding a bike RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the street) and she starts saying, "You're taking it too wide," multiple times. So as she's saying this, I'm ajusting the wheel so I'm not, and of course she does stop to tell me when I'm not taking it too wide... long story short I ended up with my front wheels in someone's lawn...
So I said, "Mom. you're scaring the **** out of me, you realize this, right?" As she's just laughing about my error, "No, seriously, don't ever do that again, you scared the **** out of me..." So whatever, I'm not driving with my mom, hopefully my dad will teach me a bit better...
It's not like it's hard to drive or anything... it's just when you have someone constantly saying things, even after you've adjusted, it does tend to scare you the first time you ever sit behind a wheel...
I'll get used to it, I did what I have to do, and I'll be getting my liscense in 6 months...
w00t! It's my birthday!
"All that is certain, is that nothing is certain."
Not really, I never read the manual, I never cared enough. So I got my permit and drove about half way home. While I was doing some practice driving, my mom scared the **** out of me. I was making a right hand turn, and she first starts out by saying, "You're taking the turn too fast," three times. So I slow down and continue, (it didn't really help that someone was riding a bike RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the street) and she starts saying, "You're taking it too wide," multiple times. So as she's saying this, I'm ajusting the wheel so I'm not, and of course she does stop to tell me when I'm not taking it too wide... long story short I ended up with my front wheels in someone's lawn...
So I said, "Mom. you're scaring the **** out of me, you realize this, right?" As she's just laughing about my error, "No, seriously, don't ever do that again, you scared the **** out of me..." So whatever, I'm not driving with my mom, hopefully my dad will teach me a bit better...
It's not like it's hard to drive or anything... it's just when you have someone constantly saying things, even after you've adjusted, it does tend to scare you the first time you ever sit behind a wheel...
I'll get used to it, I did what I have to do, and I'll be getting my liscense in 6 months...
w00t! It's my birthday!
"All that is certain, is that nothing is certain."
The Prey Approaches
by Deranged_Minds on Comments
Well, it's only drawing closer. Tuesday is my birthday, but not just any birthday, it's that special one where you actually start to gains rights, and aren't really looked at as "little rotten teenager," but rather a "rotten teenager." The certain birthday where people that know you, fear your new soon to be gotten power. Of course, there are regulations, and the possibility you fail to acquire such a power.
Now, there are three specific points I could be talking about. Since I use the term "teenager" it can't possibly be my twenty-first birthday, though people would fear you drinking. Not much power, besides of that to vote comes on your eighteenth birthday. Now what happens that people fear, when you turn sixteen? You drive. So by process of elimination, and simple logic, we are left to assume I'm turning sixteen.
So am I? Yes, yes I am. What was the point of going through all that? Why couldn't I have just been al, "I'M TURNING 16!!!!!!!!1!1111oneoneoneeleven!!?" Well... I'm an a$$hole. People in my school have already admitted to their fear of me behind a wheel of an automobile. You have to remember, I'm the "crazy kid." So naturally this only gives them more reason to "fear" me.
Other than that I've tried being a bit nicer to people, but still my theory of "being nice," isn't universal. Like early during the week, I was talking about how 9/11 was a conspiracy, which I'm convinced that it was. However, my maturity came into question soon after. Even after valid explanation, I was still "immature." So I did, what they wanted me to, and I became immature. Why do I do this? To show them that I wasn't before, but it takes them to mention something, when things turn around.
Honestly, I urge everyone to look into the matter, Americans mostly. It is a huge issue, and could put the entire Bush Administration on trial for treason and war crimes. "An hour of reading can change your life," is mentioned in a video based on facts of the Neo-Conservative group: Project for the New American Century. These people, within our country, that infact run our country now, are trying to up American military strength and budgets to unprecidented levels, and is the first step in an "American world."
Note to yourself that this is NOT conspiracy theory, BUT FACT. You can even go to their "educational" site, which states their goals:
As an American I believe what is happening within our own gorvernment is scandalous and wrong. Globalization should come gradually, and shouldn't be forced.
There are certain notes you must make in this entire conspiracy:
1.) How were we able to catch Saddam and Zarquowi, people that had recently became targets long after Bin Laden, yet Bin Laden is without a trace after 5 years?
Possible answer: We aren't looking
2.) Is a "war on terror" even possible?
Answer: No, it's not. "Terrorism" for one thing is a point of view. Therefore, can never truly be won because it's impossible to kill an idea. You can kill those with the idea, but the idea will still remain.
Possible Answer: This "war on terror" is a smokescreen.
3.) Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction?"
Answer: We've found NO weapons of mass destruction within Iraq. This was the whole reason as to why we invaded the country in the first place. UN weapon checks had made thorough checks, multiple times and came up empty handed. Still our country is there, and it is/was technically illegal for us to invade.
-Weapons were disposed of prior to UN inspection, US goes off of old intel. reports
-"Peak oil" theory
4.) What is "peak oil?"
Answer: It's the theory that there is less than half the oil in that the planet once held. As everyone knows, just about everything runs on oil in the world, and is a strong economical factor.
-PNAC* wants to control the oil market, solidify and monopolize the oil market.
-MAJOR (And I mean MAJOR) coincidence...
5.) How did this all start?
Answer: The 9/11 attacks provided the perfect reason to escilate a "war on terror." A war that is clearly inpossible to win, and the idea at the time seemed plausible and reasonable to angry/sad Americans.
Possibility: This attack was staged to justify, descretely of course, the PNAC plans. Think about it, these plans were written up long before 9/11. The oil crisis starts hitting America. The American government tries to make a deal with Afghanistan to build an oil pipeline. They decline. So how do you get the oil, quick as needed? Force. How do you justify a war with a third-world country? I'll leave it at that.
These are only 5 things to question, and there are many more. The reason I use the words "possible" and "possibilites," is simple because there could have been other factors, and of course, if coincidence wasn't possible, the word itself wouldn't exist.
I'll stop here...
*PNAC - Project for the New American Century
"Lay us a carpet of gold, or we will bury you in a carpet of bombs."
-Proverb used to describe the deal between US and Afghanistain.
Now, there are three specific points I could be talking about. Since I use the term "teenager" it can't possibly be my twenty-first birthday, though people would fear you drinking. Not much power, besides of that to vote comes on your eighteenth birthday. Now what happens that people fear, when you turn sixteen? You drive. So by process of elimination, and simple logic, we are left to assume I'm turning sixteen.
So am I? Yes, yes I am. What was the point of going through all that? Why couldn't I have just been al, "I'M TURNING 16!!!!!!!!1!1111oneoneoneeleven!!?" Well... I'm an a$$hole. People in my school have already admitted to their fear of me behind a wheel of an automobile. You have to remember, I'm the "crazy kid." So naturally this only gives them more reason to "fear" me.
Other than that I've tried being a bit nicer to people, but still my theory of "being nice," isn't universal. Like early during the week, I was talking about how 9/11 was a conspiracy, which I'm convinced that it was. However, my maturity came into question soon after. Even after valid explanation, I was still "immature." So I did, what they wanted me to, and I became immature. Why do I do this? To show them that I wasn't before, but it takes them to mention something, when things turn around.
Honestly, I urge everyone to look into the matter, Americans mostly. It is a huge issue, and could put the entire Bush Administration on trial for treason and war crimes. "An hour of reading can change your life," is mentioned in a video based on facts of the Neo-Conservative group: Project for the New American Century. These people, within our country, that infact run our country now, are trying to up American military strength and budgets to unprecidented levels, and is the first step in an "American world."
Note to yourself that this is NOT conspiracy theory, BUT FACT. You can even go to their "educational" site, which states their goals:
As an American I believe what is happening within our own gorvernment is scandalous and wrong. Globalization should come gradually, and shouldn't be forced.
There are certain notes you must make in this entire conspiracy:
1.) How were we able to catch Saddam and Zarquowi, people that had recently became targets long after Bin Laden, yet Bin Laden is without a trace after 5 years?
Possible answer: We aren't looking
2.) Is a "war on terror" even possible?
Answer: No, it's not. "Terrorism" for one thing is a point of view. Therefore, can never truly be won because it's impossible to kill an idea. You can kill those with the idea, but the idea will still remain.
Possible Answer: This "war on terror" is a smokescreen.
3.) Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction?"
Answer: We've found NO weapons of mass destruction within Iraq. This was the whole reason as to why we invaded the country in the first place. UN weapon checks had made thorough checks, multiple times and came up empty handed. Still our country is there, and it is/was technically illegal for us to invade.
-Weapons were disposed of prior to UN inspection, US goes off of old intel. reports
-"Peak oil" theory
4.) What is "peak oil?"
Answer: It's the theory that there is less than half the oil in that the planet once held. As everyone knows, just about everything runs on oil in the world, and is a strong economical factor.
-PNAC* wants to control the oil market, solidify and monopolize the oil market.
-MAJOR (And I mean MAJOR) coincidence...
5.) How did this all start?
Answer: The 9/11 attacks provided the perfect reason to escilate a "war on terror." A war that is clearly inpossible to win, and the idea at the time seemed plausible and reasonable to angry/sad Americans.
Possibility: This attack was staged to justify, descretely of course, the PNAC plans. Think about it, these plans were written up long before 9/11. The oil crisis starts hitting America. The American government tries to make a deal with Afghanistan to build an oil pipeline. They decline. So how do you get the oil, quick as needed? Force. How do you justify a war with a third-world country? I'll leave it at that.
These are only 5 things to question, and there are many more. The reason I use the words "possible" and "possibilites," is simple because there could have been other factors, and of course, if coincidence wasn't possible, the word itself wouldn't exist.
I'll stop here...
*PNAC - Project for the New American Century
"Lay us a carpet of gold, or we will bury you in a carpet of bombs."
-Proverb used to describe the deal between US and Afghanistain.
You've got to be kidding...
by Deranged_Minds on Comments
Alright... I stating quite clearly to STOP sending me union invites. Would someone be as so kind to inform as to why I'm getting MORE? Is this some form of an elaborate joke? Seriously... just stop sending them to me.... it's getting annoying...
Anyways... I'm kinda pissed right now, I ordered some stuff from the Games Workshop online, seeing as there is not shop anywhere near here anymore... I ordered some additional paints, and a Necron Pariah, and to my disappointment, my Pariah wasn't shipped... thanks guys...
Normally the GW is really cool, and everyone who works there is cool, but... for whatever reason my model wasn't sent to me. It was in stock last week, and it's in stock now... so... I'd like an explanation as to why it wasn't shipped. It even says on my invoice, "not shipped." So to be sure they didn't profit from my loss, I sent an e-mail confirming that I'm not being charged for something I never got.
I miss everyone at the shop in Buffalo... Jay, Perry... not Mike though... he's a douche, though we did manage to get him to shut up about Space Marines. Jay and Perry were cool though. Perry threatened to kill me with some string and a thumbtack when I told him Lord of the Rings sucked. It was quite funny. Jay was just all around cool, and didn't favor any army or game, or at least he didn't show it. The times at the shop were few, but great. They will be missed...
So basically... I'm bored... I hate school... I can't believe it's only the second week.... someone just... I don't know.... at least I've gotten organized...
School is now known as the Unholy Sanctum...
Anyways... I'm kinda pissed right now, I ordered some stuff from the Games Workshop online, seeing as there is not shop anywhere near here anymore... I ordered some additional paints, and a Necron Pariah, and to my disappointment, my Pariah wasn't shipped... thanks guys...
Normally the GW is really cool, and everyone who works there is cool, but... for whatever reason my model wasn't sent to me. It was in stock last week, and it's in stock now... so... I'd like an explanation as to why it wasn't shipped. It even says on my invoice, "not shipped." So to be sure they didn't profit from my loss, I sent an e-mail confirming that I'm not being charged for something I never got.
I miss everyone at the shop in Buffalo... Jay, Perry... not Mike though... he's a douche, though we did manage to get him to shut up about Space Marines. Jay and Perry were cool though. Perry threatened to kill me with some string and a thumbtack when I told him Lord of the Rings sucked. It was quite funny. Jay was just all around cool, and didn't favor any army or game, or at least he didn't show it. The times at the shop were few, but great. They will be missed...
So basically... I'm bored... I hate school... I can't believe it's only the second week.... someone just... I don't know.... at least I've gotten organized...
School is now known as the Unholy Sanctum...
by Deranged_Minds on Comments
Okay, my last post was a bit hostile, I know. I just felt I needed to get my point across. As far as the whole Jew thing... that was a joke... I was feeling like an a** hole, and I had to make myself laugh, that's just how it works.
It was good to see some postive imput in my photoshop of Sephiroth, thank you, thank you. I know I haven't been in the best of moods lately, but... well, hopefully I'll get into a routine soon, so I won't be miserable and sleep deprived. I mean... no sleep + school = Wrath of Tom...
For what little wrath there is actually... I'm too tired and lazy to unleash my full wrath... that would require work.
Subliminal (SSMUI!)
It was good to see some postive imput in my photoshop of Sephiroth, thank you, thank you. I know I haven't been in the best of moods lately, but... well, hopefully I'll get into a routine soon, so I won't be miserable and sleep deprived. I mean... no sleep + school = Wrath of Tom...
For what little wrath there is actually... I'm too tired and lazy to unleash my full wrath... that would require work.
Subliminal (SSMUI!)
For the last time...
by Deranged_Minds on Comments
I've put it vertically so maybe you could come up with some phrase to help you remember the simple acronym SSMUI. I'm done being respectful about it, I'm just going to delete them on sight. I don't care what the topic is, as I resigned from many of my unions, all of the topics applied to me. So... you're not getting me to join, it's worthless, I'm deleting them.
This may sound horrible, but if I could I would have an Online Holocaust, and instead of Jews, it'd be union invites... they have a ton of members, and already control the media okay? You're not converting me, I don't want to be apart of it, so BURN! Oh... try and figure out what I was talking about, Jews or union invites...
P.S. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm pissed off. It's the first week of school and I'm already out of order... bad start to a bad thing... school will now hereby be referred to as "The Unholy Sanctum." That's about it...
Oh and it would brighten my day a bit if you rate my newest photoshop out of 10: Here, take a look
I've put it vertically so maybe you could come up with some phrase to help you remember the simple acronym SSMUI. I'm done being respectful about it, I'm just going to delete them on sight. I don't care what the topic is, as I resigned from many of my unions, all of the topics applied to me. So... you're not getting me to join, it's worthless, I'm deleting them.
This may sound horrible, but if I could I would have an Online Holocaust, and instead of Jews, it'd be union invites... they have a ton of members, and already control the media okay? You're not converting me, I don't want to be apart of it, so BURN! Oh... try and figure out what I was talking about, Jews or union invites...
P.S. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm pissed off. It's the first week of school and I'm already out of order... bad start to a bad thing... school will now hereby be referred to as "The Unholy Sanctum." That's about it...
Oh and it would brighten my day a bit if you rate my newest photoshop out of 10: Here, take a look
The Year of the Dragin'
by Deranged_Minds on Comments
I've been in school for two whole days now... and I'm going insane. I can't take this, I'm not a person that can wake up at 6:30 in the morning and be expected to function. No, it just doesn't work. I've gotten just about no sleep, and my head is killing me now. Seriously, I think I hate school more every year... though Junior and Senior year are suppose to be alright... that's not the matter at hand though. My Sophmore year is already sucking. I have no advisements (or study hall as you may know them as.) I have to take Spanish again, thankfully it's my last year of it. I was joking with my friend Brandon that I almost had an epilleptic sesuire when I saw Spanish.
And of course all other boring classes still apply: Math, English, Social Studies (Global 10), Science (Bio)...School is evil... quite, quite evil. This year they're ven taking away aton of snacks from lunch! Apparently, our school is too fat or something. They don't even have Jell-O anymore! Not even the sugar-free kind! Not only that, but they've uped prices on snacks. It costs $0.50 for a bag of chips with like... 5 whole chips... It's... I .... ARGHH!
Seriously... 178 days to go... and it's going to drag... so badly... I'm already missing one of our days off next month to get my wisdom teeth taken out too! I look forward to those days, and I utterly hate surgery! It's... it's so god damn evil... School was created by people who hate... everyone. Such evil... I can feel it radiating from the school walls...
Shoot me... please...
And of course all other boring classes still apply: Math, English, Social Studies (Global 10), Science (Bio)...School is evil... quite, quite evil. This year they're ven taking away aton of snacks from lunch! Apparently, our school is too fat or something. They don't even have Jell-O anymore! Not even the sugar-free kind! Not only that, but they've uped prices on snacks. It costs $0.50 for a bag of chips with like... 5 whole chips... It's... I .... ARGHH!
Seriously... 178 days to go... and it's going to drag... so badly... I'm already missing one of our days off next month to get my wisdom teeth taken out too! I look forward to those days, and I utterly hate surgery! It's... it's so god damn evil... School was created by people who hate... everyone. Such evil... I can feel it radiating from the school walls...
Shoot me... please...
Feast your Eyes Upon...... boredom!
by Deranged_Minds on Comments
So yeah.... I'm quite bored. I finally beat Dirge of Cerberus last night, as I had to restart when I caught word of a secret extra ending. Though easy to obtain I expected a little more insight on this. You're only left to assume really, and as much research I did on this I only found out a few things. Apparently some of my questions will be answered in Crisis Core, that is of course when it comes out. There is really only one certainty of the entire ending, and that is that there will be another FFVII game coming.
Let me put it this way, if Square-Enix didn't do a follow up to this, it would be one of the biggest kicks in the balls of video game history. Of course we know everything will turn out fine (refer to ending of FFVII or beginning of Advent Children.) however they've left us with such a cliff hanger, and even more questions left unanswered.
The non-secret ending to the game was amazing though. Honestly, if you love FFVII, but hate third-person action games, you should still pick it up for the story. Unless... you're not the story type, but how could you not be if you loved FFVII? Either way, it was beautifully rendered, and beautifully presented. It's also kind of a happy/sad thing, and I won't ruin as to why.
In some non-video game related news, I've basically given up on parkour here in Sh!tvil-er Batavia. Not only is there very little to practice with, but what little there is, has become unavailable, as everyone in this paranoid town is b!tchy. So... I give up.
In other news I got some new models for Warhammer 40k. I recently got an Ork Killer Kan, a Nercon Lord and last night I ordered a Necron Pariah, as well as some more paints. The Necron Lord is proving to be a nuisance, as at first his arm wouldn't glue on, and now his staff as become my next challenge. Metal models just hate everyone... but the weird thing is, the Killer Kan, who is signifacantly bigger, and has more parts, was much easier to put together... though I had to file down the insides.... which took a very long time...
Well... that as they say, is that...
Let me put it this way, if Square-Enix didn't do a follow up to this, it would be one of the biggest kicks in the balls of video game history. Of course we know everything will turn out fine (refer to ending of FFVII or beginning of Advent Children.) however they've left us with such a cliff hanger, and even more questions left unanswered.
The non-secret ending to the game was amazing though. Honestly, if you love FFVII, but hate third-person action games, you should still pick it up for the story. Unless... you're not the story type, but how could you not be if you loved FFVII? Either way, it was beautifully rendered, and beautifully presented. It's also kind of a happy/sad thing, and I won't ruin as to why.
In some non-video game related news, I've basically given up on parkour here in Sh!tvil-er Batavia. Not only is there very little to practice with, but what little there is, has become unavailable, as everyone in this paranoid town is b!tchy. So... I give up.
In other news I got some new models for Warhammer 40k. I recently got an Ork Killer Kan, a Nercon Lord and last night I ordered a Necron Pariah, as well as some more paints. The Necron Lord is proving to be a nuisance, as at first his arm wouldn't glue on, and now his staff as become my next challenge. Metal models just hate everyone... but the weird thing is, the Killer Kan, who is signifacantly bigger, and has more parts, was much easier to put together... though I had to file down the insides.... which took a very long time...
Well... that as they say, is that...
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