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Deranged_Minds Blog

The Death of Online Gaming

Well, this is it. Online is as dead as it can be to me. With the exception of MMORPG's, online is no longer an enjoyable experience. No matter how many noobs you pwn, no matter how badly you devistate, online is just ruined. As I stated in a previous entry, Halo was the first step in this whole process. You see, Halo and XBox Live brought the joy of online gaming to casuals. Now, while this may seem like a good thing, it's not.

You see, this creates a sort of... addiction, if you will. Casuals get a taste of Halo, and think it's absolutely amazing. Believe it or not, I still have people telling me how amazing this pile of **** game is. There was/has absolutely nothing new, or innovative brought in by this game. It's just a shooter that brought millions of morons to the online realm. Now, back to the "addiction." Casuals get a taste of something they think is good. So they want more, slowly they spread, like the virus they are, into games that are actually good.

Now because of this, we get a bunch of morons and little kids in our servers. These people are what normal online gamers, one's who've been playing for quite some time, call noobs. So we have noobs in decent servers with terrible internet connections lagging it up. Then when they get killed, they feel the need to shout and cus into the microphone, calling anyone and everyone who kills them a "mother ****ing hacker." There's no need for this. Anywhere.

Besides the morons that come in, we have little kids, or "nooblets." These kids feel it necessary to yell into the microphone, at all times. They also think they're bad ass by swearing and calling everyone "gay." This soon becomes an annoyance, and anyone with class just calmly tries to get him to keep his mouth shut. Of course this never works and someone finally snaps. They then swear at the kid, giving him a taste of his own medicine, and he cries to his mother. (Mind you this has actually happened.) The mother then comes onto the mic telling you to stop trying to give her computer a virus (misinterpreting the word "hacker.") Oh yes, this has happened. I **** you not.

Now with this newly founded online craze, we get all of the casuals which has become, which I estiamte at about 95% of the population saying things, and not knowing the meaning. Completely misusing and abusing gaming slang. Saying that they "poned" the test. Possibly calling everyone noobs. Of course, the other day I made the mistake of bringing in a new term. AFK, or Away From Keyboard. I had a bunch of stupid ****s calling me noob and trying to tell me that Halo is the best. Everytime I proved them wrong, they said this, "Well you're just a noob!" How? How am I new to a game? And what game? How do I suck at this fabled game you speak of?

So of course I completely made the mistake of getting a piece of paper and writing AFK on it, to represent that I was now longer participating in the one-sided, closed minded arguement. Bad idea. Now I have two morons guessing the meaning of AFK, before claiming to be online gamers. Every online gamer knows what AFK means. After about 10-15 minutes of them thinking that the F stood for the "F-word" (damn you sensors!) I said, "I'll give you some help, F doesn't stand for ****." So about 30 minites later I just finally told them. Again, bad idea. Because then... THEY TRIED TO TELL ME I WAS WRONG! 

Online gaming is dead. The only place your going to find a mature online crowd is in an MMORPG, not in PvP though. There, you have people who are actually role-playing and enjoying a game. Not screaming "hacker!" and constantly yelling into the microphone....


"What's AFK? Already F***ing Know?"

The Minor Inconvenience / 6/6/06

Alright, to start I'd like to say that all of this **** I hear about the date 6/6/06 is ****ing meaningless. That date happens once a century. Also, think about it, what if our dating system was different? What if those numbers were different? Would this strike the same fear into the heart of the millions of frightened Christians? No! It woul dbe the same as any other day. So... stop... now.

As before I said I would make a blog post of the Minor Inconvenience, the extremely lame, extremely awesome super villian I created. Well, there really isn't much to say. Have you ever had someone constantly pestering you? Have you ever had some do extremely stupid **** near you, purposely? Well, this is the very essence of the Minor Inconvenience. He also has a side kick, Major Annoyance.

Really, the Minor Inconvenience is just a guy that will well... minorly inconvenience you until you can't take it anymore. That's how he wins. He has no weapons, or actual powers, nor is he extremely intelligent. He is just a minor inconvenience to be around. Sometimes the best villain, is the most simplistic one.

There's another villain I recently came up with, an even dumber, more obscene one. His name, the Anal Defiler. He is a proctologist gone mad. He was a fine man, until a kid named Forest came into his office. Now everytime he sees someones ass, he's reminded of Forest, and must destroy, or defile. Again, no special powers, no weapons, no extreme intelligence, just a proctologist. However, you must note, that he is not gay. He simply went insane.

There's really not much more to say... oh yeah! My mom called me today from Vegas, where she and my dad are currently for a diamond show, and before she left, she asked, "Where do you want a t-shirt from this year?" And being the wise-ass I am, I said, "A strip club." Well, I can see where I get my whit, because my mom informed me that she has obtained a shirt from a strip-club, and other "stripper" merchandise (such as cards with naked girls [I don't get them until I'm 18], an entrance card into a strip club, etc.) Yeah, she kinda went out of her way on that one, because she knew I was joking, so she felt the need to continue the joke.

Not much left to say...


The Verdict Is In!

Yes, Peter Moore is officially, without a doubt the biggest douche on the entire universe! There's absolutely no competition that comes close to him when it comes to being a douche! He truly is the biggrest douche, and I don't know how many times I can say it!

Microsoft has officially abandoned the Xbox. Peter Moore, being the douche he is, said that no one cares about backward compatiblility. Just come out and say, "Yeah, we ****ed and can't do it..." Don't tell people what they think. Personally, BC was a big factor in my decision for this generations consoles. I don't think I'll get a 360 at all now knowing I won't be able to enjoy some of the old Xbox games. Yeah, there are some good games for the 360 and some good games for the Xbox, but alone each console has close to nothing that interests me.

With the Wii having complete BC I am definately buying this console. I actually really like the new controller now, and can't wait to play some Nintendo classics. The PS3 on the other hand will be capable of playing my entire PS library which consists of about 100 games now, and is ever growing. Not only that, there's some awesome titles coming out for the PS3, mostly sequels to games I love. Final Fantasy (Versus) XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 5 and so many others.

Peter Moore is, without a doubt the biggest douche in the universe. The hacker that was in the news yesterday is just more proof that MS knows how to piss people off. He himself said he only wanted to hack the 360 because MS said it was "near impossible." Now you're saying that backwards compatability is unimportant? Well... screw you guys, I'm goin' home!

Such a douche... if he comes to westeren New York I'm gonna go Minor Inconvenience on his ass. The Minor Inconvenience is a lame super villain I made up, maybe my next blog post will be about him... he's really awesome. Hahaha...

Where has my mind gone?


Metal Gear Cutscene (MGS2 **SPOLIERS**)

After long hours of playing the game, I finally beat it today. For the 5 hours I played, I'd say there was about 2 1/2 hours of actual game play. The ending was the worst. For the hour and a half it took, I'd say I actually played for about 15-20 minutes tops.

Sons of Liberty is a good game. For what game play there is, it's great. The story is also really good. Confusing, but good. However it's downfall is not the infamous Raiden, but the fact that it had too many, too long cutscenes. Playing the game felt like watching a movie.

Speaking of Raiden, I'm not really sure what everyones beef was with him. Yeah I know, Snake is a badass, and he is the star of the MGS series. Honestly though, Raiden isn't that much of a step under Snake. He was a top child soldier, and has been killing his whole life. Sure, the guy looks gay, and holds the pistol like a queer, but he's still cool.

Kojima is a genious when it comes to making games though. The climax with Raiden and Snake fighting off all of the guards was just original. The ending became so innovative. The concept of the virus corrupting Arsenal actually effected you. The random moments where it would tell you "mission failed" was just something only Kojima would think. I thought it was pretty funny when it said "fission mailed." Kojima just knows how to immerse the players.

Overall I thought it was good. The sword mechanic got really annoying when fighting Solidus. I'm eagerlly awating Guns of the Patriots now. After such a cliff hanger ending... it leaves you with so many questions. MGS4 should be awesome though, without a doubt. I can't to see Vamp's role, he was one of, if not my favorite character's in MGS2. My guess is he;s going to try and kill Raiden. After all, Raiden only kills him 4 times in the game...

And Ian pointed out to me that Solidus was on the MGS4 teaser poster. It leaves me with more questions like, did Solidus really die at the end of MGS2? And, how what could be Solidus' role if the Patriots are dead? Lastly, the name of the next installment really has me wondering if what/who the Patriots are, especially if they died 100 years ago? So many questions...

Well, it's too damn hot today...


The person that Ian claims to be Solidus can't him. His eye patch is on the wrong eye. The teaser poster shows "Solidus" with his right eye missing. In MGS2, Solidus lost his left eye. So who is this mysterious figure?

Fates Dark Hand

Well, I've decided my fate. There's alot I must do, so this blog post will just be about how things are being run with the "crew" (I still refuse to reveal my new name.)

Band practice is on hold. Why? Because I'm the only one getting lessons. It took me a lot of thought. The reason we're not coming together is because we're all at different levels so to speak. I'm a good guitarist whose been taking lessons for almost four years. Cory is a bassist learning only from tabs, never had a lesson. Brandon is the same. As for Max, he just needs practice, and he does want voice lessons.

It's quite the problem really. Leading a band that is inexperienced. So it was a hard decision to make. I figure if we're going to get together though, it will be productive, and we haven't been productive at all in the past month. Mainly because it's only Max and I that truly know our parts. Cory does try, and he does practice, but without lessons... it's just difficult. I'm not saying anything bad, he has the potential to be a great bassist, but he just needs lessons to help him realize that potential. Since everyone else in this pathetic town is worthless when it comes to this, I can't replace anyone.

What else... Oh yeah. I started Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. What is should be called is Metal Gear Solid 2: The Cutscene. All it is is one big cutscene after another. It's quite annoying, I won't lie. It doesn't stop it from having a good story, however right now, I'm kind of in the dark.

Lastly I'm going to be very, very bored this summer. Unless I make some new friends (which I doubt, I have problems when it comes to making friends) or manage to get a girlfriend within the next few weeks, I'll be bored as ****. Everyone is either going away, or has a job. I know about 2 people that don't apply to either. However, I can't spend everyday with the same damn person. Even every other day is bad. I need variety...

Well.. not much to say...


"Hope is the first step on a road to disappointment."

You do NOT call me noob

Alright so today was stupid as ever. We had a pep assembly which those are always a waste of time. However, today's was different. Something sparked my interest.

In the heat of trying to entertain myself, I was yelling out, "Nukes! Nukes! Nukes! Nukes!" for no particular reason. So some noob whose name happens to be Mike Lee, said, "Why are you shouting noob, you noob?" Okay stop. No, He did not just call me noob.

Me, "Who are you calling noob, you noob!?"
Mike, "You. You're a noob!"
Me, "Oh yeah!? What's a noob then!?"
Mike, "A noob!"
Me, "Yeah, define noob! Dumbass noob!"
Mike, "It's a noob!"
Me, "You're such a noob, you don't even know what noob means!"
Mike, "Yeah? Let's settle this on the Box!"
Me, "The Box? Hahahaha! You go have fun with your noob box and your noob stick!"
Ryen, "He plays PC games, man."
Me, "Yeah, I play real games!"
Mike, "Whatever, noob sauce."
Me, "Noob sauce! Hahahaha! That's the most noobtastic thing I've ever heard! I'm ****ing 1337 sauce! Like I said, I play real games. I'd like to see you go 50-0 in a CAL server! Oh wait, you can't!"

Seriously, noobs don't call me noob. That's unreal. I should've kicked his ass. Noobs man... ****ing noobs. Go play your Halo. That game not only sucks, but it requires no skill. I can kick anyones ass after 10 minutes of getting use to controls. I don't even have knowledge of maps. They do, and I can still pwn there asses.

They probably don't even say "pwn" right. They probably say "pone." ****ing Halo ****er noobs.


I forgot to add this:

It is pathetic how people nowadays think that Halo is gaming. It's not. Yes, Halo is a game, a bad one at that, but it is a game none the less. Halo didn't do anything to revolutionize online gaming but make a bunch of noobs think they're bad ass. So for all of you "bad ass" Halo players out there, shut the hell up. You  don't know the first thing about gaming. You just know that it involves games and the internet. No. The day CAL and CPL extend into Halo, is the day I will lose my mind. Halo sucks. It's ruined gaming. And it has dumb ****s calling me, a noob. Like I said, when you're 50-0, in a CAL server, give me a screenshot. And at least 5 credible witnesses. You're all noobs, you'll never be 1337. You're a plague to the true gaming realm.

Flying Spaghetti Monsters

Last night I said I already had another post planned. I would've posted it last night, in the prime of my anger, however I did not want to make two blog posts in one day. So on to the latest news, Pastafarians.

Pastafarians are people who worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster who they claim to be the Earth's creator. These people are either ****ing stupid, or ****ing insane. They're notions of "Intelligent Design" are completely obscure. I mean, how do you say the world was created with a mountain, trees and a midget? Already on top of saying that it a spaghetti monster who flies is God?

Now if you think I'm lying I will provide proof:

This is their website. They have 10 MILLION followers, all of which, deserve to to live in an insane asylum. These people have truly lost their minds. They are sending letters to schools, where children and teenagers learn about facts, telling them to teach "intelligent design," otherwise they will take legal action. You people have taken things too far. They try to say that science is "rigged" because the speghetti monster can change science, even as scientists are working.

Now I'm not one to disrespect culture or beliefs, but this is neither. It is complete insanity. They're saying they can debunk proven facts because of spaghetti.

To make themselves even less plausible, they're trying to tell us that global warming, eathquakes, hurricanes and such are caused by the lack of pirates. Yes, because there are less pirates nowadays, the world is coming to an end. Need I say more? This religion, is insanity.

These are people that need help. In fact, the world could do without these 10 million dumbasses. Even someone in my gym class said that they needed to be shot. I didn't even have to say it first! She did! Thank you for sharing my sanity. Others just laughed and thought I was a liar.

I **** you not, these people are real. Go to their website. They are insane. Not criminally of course, but they are mentally disturbed.

I even tried to make a religion more stupid than this one, and I failed. Here it is:

The universe and everything in it was created by the Great Sandwich. The Sandwich came from the Almighty Wal-Mart, and was later reincarnated as Arnold Schwazenagger. I am the Prophet Tom, sent here to spread the word of Arnold. The devil is the Heretic Sub. He was born during a time when Quizno's and Subway were one. This results in New York City being the Unholy City of Death. Once in your lifetime, if you're physically able, you must make a pilgrimmage to Wal-Mart in the Holy City of Sacramento. The main goal of this religion is to stop the Moonites, the armies of the Moon from destroying Earth.

Now, go to the pastafarian website, and tell me which is more stupid. It's not possible to come up with a religion as dumb as pastafarianism. And to have 10 MILLION followers... it's just absurd!


Some People Need To Be Shot

Let me start out by saying this blog post is about the types of people in my school. The people I see every day, they people who you just say, "damn they need to be shot!" I'll do this in a "Top 5" sort of way:

5.) The Human Barricade:
These are the people who stand in the hallways and prevent you from getting to your next class on time. It's their sole purpose to make you late for class. It starts out with a group of 3-5 people who converse at a locker. Slowly, more "meat" adds to the pile. Eventually this barricade spans the entire width of the hallway as peole stop by to just have a quick chat. This barrier sometimes moves, and it moves in perfect form, at very slow speeds. You may even run into 3 or 4 on your way to class! By the time you get to the third one you're already fed up with the first to to the point where you want to mow them down in a hail of gunfire!

4.) Gangstas
These are the people who think they're "ghetto." Now if you live in a small city like me, you know that there is no such thing as "the ghetto," but yet that's from which they hail. Either that or "the streets." These people are very loud and obnoxious, even when there's no reason. It is also guaranteed that at least 80% of these people are indeed white! Now, I could care less about you're culture, but don't deny your heritage. All you "gangstas" out there, you are indeed very much white. I know, it's hard to tell you that you're not black, but you aren't. I'd like to point out that I am not by any means making fun of or trying to insult African-Americans, I could care less the color of your skin. Not even their heritage includes "shootin' *****es" and "bangin' hos"! The gangsta "culture" (if that's what you call it) is not culture by any means. Give it up.

3.) Elitists
O hail to thee, for ye is thine human of wax! No, you're not. These are the people who's parents have told them that they are better than everyone else. These are the people who think so highly of themselves, they feel that their "standpoint" is an exvcuse to walk all over everyone else. They are, in their own mind the very pinacle of creation. No man or woman alike is better than them, for they are the best! These people are the ones that potentially annoy me the most. With their snotty tone with the "inferior" and the way they prance and smile about while bad mouthing others. Now may I ask, how are you better?

2.) Flaming
Because of Gamespot's language filters, I can not use the appropriate title. Now mind you that I do not have anything against homosexuals. I even have a friend that's gay. However, there's at least one of this certain type of homosexual that is in every school. In my case, his name is Forest. Completely oblvious to anything, they prance about parading their homosexuality around like it's something to be fascinated about. The people that give everyone "fashion" tips and such. The ones that shave their legs, talk in a high pitched voice, and tell you about their lifestyle, that ou couldn't possible care less about. By the time their done, you feel sick to your stomach, and throughly pissed off...

1.) Emo
We've reached the number one spot of all time. The Emo, or "emotional." These people act depressed, even though everyone knows their not. You see them happy almost all the time, except when they're not with their "friends." You may even try to talk to them, and they just give you dirty looks. They claim to be alone, yet you see them happy and joyous with other people all the time. They claim to be different, and say they hate everyone, but when you ask why they hate everyone, they tell you, "You wouldn't understand! I'm different!" You ask, "How so?" And they tell you again that you wouldn't understand. These people that "hate" you, and put words in your mouth, that are always depressed, are the people I could do without the most. I could say more, but I choose not to.

I'd like to say again, that this list is not about race or sexual orientation. To me, there's no such thing as other "races" of humans. After all, we're all humans. It's the people who have to draw everything out and make it seem like life is much worse. From telling you that they're from the streets, to telling you of how they're going to kill themselves, this list is a compilation of those who need to be "shot," as I say.

In reality they don't need to be shot, they just need to try thinking. I've asked "gangstas" why they think they're oppressed, and was told I wouldn't understand because I'm white. I have several black friends, and they seem to be treated the same as I. I ask the flamers why they have to parade their homosexuality around, and again am told I wouldn't understand because I'm not gay. Again, I have a friend whose gay, and he doesn't parade it around, he acts normal. In fact, I didn't know he was gay until recently. I've asked Emos why they hate everyone, and I was told that I wouldn't understand because they're different. I'm different to, I don't fit in anywhere perfectly because I'm a diverse person. So I ask them why I wouldn't understand, knowing I'm different as well. I am again told I wouldn't understand. So I ask why, and I get a "you're not me!" Trust me, I've known and hung out with many a emo, and their lives are not bad.

With that said, I hope you enjoyed my newest rant.


"Change is a good thing because it allows us to see what's different."

Mobile Gaming

Alright, mobile gaming is the worst idea ever imagined. As a true gamer, I play and accept just about everything. The gaming industry as grown, and it has grown very fast. Faster than any industry of which I know. Like a great empire, as gaming has grown it has sought to expand. However, we must ask ourselves, do we really need games on our phones? The answer is no. We don't, they're completely unnecessary and are just a marketing ploy to put a bigger hole in your pocket.

Bill Gates at the Microsoft pre-E3 press conference said that "phones today have the power of computers a few years ago." If this is true, then show me a phone that can run FarCry. Show me a phone that can run The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Show me a phone that can even run Half-Life. The fact of the matter is they aren't powerful at all. They can produce what the GameBoy color could years ago, and we are now 2-3 generations past that.

Phones are phones, they're meant for communication. They are not meant for gaming. People's obsession with their cell phones is insane. I have a cell phone, only because my parents felt more secure in my having one. I hate my phone, I never wanted it. However when I do remember to bring it with me I use it for two things. Checking the time if I don't have my watch, and calling home.

The point I'm making here is when I'm out wandering the streets with my friends, I'm not playing games. When I'm home by myself I am, but I would never play games on my cell phone seeing as I have a middle-line computer and a PS2 already at my disposal. Hell I even have a working SNES that can produce better graphics, sound, control and game play better than any phone I know.

Phones are not gaming platforms. They are communication mediums. We have them to send and recieve calls when we are away from our home phones. People are so obsessed with "tricking out" their phone that it makes me sick. People spending an entire dollar on a background? I know a dollar isn't much, but honestly how often are you looking at your phone to enjoy that wall paper? Plus, aren't you already dropping enough money on your phone bills?

What I'm trying to say here is that mobile gaming is not gaming by any means. I can guarantee you that whoever thought of mobile gaming is laughing at all of the buyers on a pile of money. Put your money towards bigger and better things. No wonder you're all complaining over the price of the PS3, you're dropping at least $100 per month on your crappy, little cell phones! It's pathetic...

I can only hope that mobile gaming is a fad. I can tell you one thing if it isn't; if my game developing career kicks off, I will never be apart of a team that makes a game on a phone. Mobile gaming... moron gaming is what it is...


Oh the (in)Sanity

So I just got done watching all of the major Press Conferences. Nintendo in my opinion did the best job, besides the guy that spoke in monotone of course.

The GS boards are flooded with pure stupidity. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only sane one. I feel like watching the Microsoft Press Conference I feel like I wasted about an hour and twenty minutes of my life. For those who didn't get the oppertunity, it was basically Peter Moore babbling on and on. Of course, to keep us interested, and awake, they threw in some trailers that met expectations. Gears of War was the only game that actually stood out to me. A few others too, but that conference was torture.

Of course, hearing the news on Vista was always nice. Maybe the next Windows won't be a steaming **** pile? With gamers in mind, maybe my games won't crash every 30 minutes? Extending the wonderful Live service was pretty pointless. Especially to mobile phones, which to me, will never be a gaming platform, only phones.

 The end of the conference was my favorite though. The good news is: Halo is finally going to be over. Yes after the tragedy that was Halo 2, they're making one last stride. Now don't get me wrong. Halo had the game play down, it was a solid shooter. It was the story that tore it apart. I knew, the second I saw the flood, that the game was destined to suck. See, I'm a story gamer, in my opinion, you can't have a good game, without first having an awesome story to base it around. So to sum this up, if Halo 3 is not a rebound from Halo 2, then the series should be set to rest... for good.

Nintendo however didn't fail to excite me. I used to hate the controller, but after seeing the potential it holds I'm anxiously awaiting the Wii. When they presented Red Steel, that's when I really accepted the Wii Remote. I really hope to see more games with first-person sword combat. It's something I've been invisioning for a while. Nintendo has definitely got something going for them. I can't wait to see what's in store next.

With the way things are developing I'm becoming more and more anxious to go to college. I've been wanting to be in game design for about 3 years now. After seeing what's coming this gen, I'm hoping I can sneek in at the end, and really expand my horizons next generation.

Within the confines of my mind await several new ideas. They're dieing to get out. I write them down when I can. Game design can also help expand my music career. Putting my music into my games (or someong elses) would be a great way to kick off my band as well. It'a hard to decide which fate I'd like to have. Band gets discovered early, I make games later. Or I make games early, band gets discovered later...

I've got plenty of time to decide...
