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Gone for awhile..

Moving and vacation time... so for the next month or so I won't really be around... not that I was before.

Just thought you might want to know.


No more games! (Kinda)

By (kinda) I mean after Subsistence.  It's cheap, can't go wrong with that.  However, as far as new games go I'm pretty much done until I move out West sometime this summer.  There are games I'm looking forward to but all look like rentals to me.

That said, I have GRAW, God of War, Condemned and Kameo to finish right now. 


I have an Xbox 360, it's uber.

I went to Vancouver, it's awesome.

aaaaannnd I don't have much else to say.


"I love this show..."

Dear Microsoft...

I hope you choke.  And by that I mean, I hope whomever is responsible for the "shortage" falls off a cliff and dies. Tactical positioning my ass, all it's done is piss a lot of people off, including myself. 

It S U C K S!

No UCB banners.  The old posts that were supposed to be brought back STILL aren't there.  No navigation at the bottom of the frickin' page.  STILL no "mark all read" button, can't search UCB's.

Great job.  I don't think I've seen a site suck this bad since...well, EVER.

I'll be keeping my money next time.  I would have this time but apparently I would have had to give 10 days notice...

F'ing rip off.

Back when I was a lad...

No longer will young teenagers reminisce about the first Playboy they ever saw in their parents room, or swiped from the corner store when the owner wasn't no, now it will be all about the first time they ever played a Grand Theft Auto game. :roll:


My strange absense from the forums...

If you're noticing that I'm not on all that much anymore, don't worry. It's supposed to be like that.

Due to an increase in job responsibilities my over abundance of free time kinda went out the window. So that means less posting during the day. I will however still be around, just not nearly as much and it will be evening when I'm on. I haven't exactly been into the gaming as much lately anyways so it all kinda suits.

It might be might not. Who knows.


It's the title of an instrumental I'm working on. Apparently, it's Japanese for White/Black/White. I'm re reading a book called Zen Guitar, which teaches a very unique way of approaching music and playing in general. It's now a "how to" book, it's a "why". I'm excited at the prospect of composing a larger scale song again. I've gone through a period of being emotionally drained which really doesn't help the creativity of an individual. It seems like a new beginning, and the title really says it all.

I compose music by envisioning a picture, or, a series of pictures. I then try to make that picture up using sounds, tones and melodies. This song is about a journey, from a white belt, to a black belt and back to the white. The theory, is that everyone starts off a white belt, and through hard work, determination and a strong spirit it becomes black over time. By continuing on the Way the belt eventually becomes frayed, and faded back to white again. I'm going to be utilizing a few asian qualities in the song but not overly so.

Finally, hope.

It consumes my very soul...

Phantom Dust. A horribly addictive video game. The single player portion is...ok, however, it's the online portion that hooks you and reels you in. The game, for those not familiar, (although at this point, there are a total of about 3 of you reading I think), is basically a card battle game. The good part though, is that it doesn't play like a normal card battle game. Decks are called "arsenals" and cards are called "skills". You choose from an assortment of skills to make up your arsenal, then, enter into an arena with up to 3 other people and battle it out. It's set up so that you start off with aura (what powers the skills) and a few skills (hopefully). You then have to utilize those skills the best way possible to eliminate the other players. Politics is a good part of the game. If you have an amazing deck, or an annoying deck you can bet you'll be the first to go. There are other play modes to choose from and a bunch of Live exclusive skills to collect if you win a lot of games. I highly recommend the game.