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Exodus - Stick a fork in it..'cause it's done.

It's sad to see a good board slowly die and crumble. It's worse to see the reason is poor board mods. However, it drives the point home to anyone hosing their own UCB. Choose your mods wisely, it may come back to bite you in the ass. I'm lucky, I have a small board with a good bunch of people who frequent it. I have only ever needed one mod besides myself and I feel I made a good choice. Larger boards require more mods, it's just the nature of the beast. Too many mods though, and you have a problem. Mods, to me, are there to set an example for the board. The rules must be enforced, but, each board has it's own level of tolerance. If you look at my board, Final Fantasy Universe, off topic posting is, for the most part, quite acceptable. Obviously there are limits and those are dealt with when they happen.

A board like kitties & rainbows has only it's admin to take care of it, but with the amount of GS mods there, it's never been an issue. It has it's own level of tolerance as well, and for the most part succeeds largely due to the discretion of it's posters.

Take a board like Exodus, which has many mods, but a strangely absent admin and look what happens. Poor mod choice broke the board, and the lack of direction killed it. Mods are free to post about "pimp dem ho's" but post a roll call, and it's locked. The problem is, not a single mod there is responsible enough to do anything about it, and the boards delcine ensued. I'm all for rules, but I prefer them to make sense. Seeing how fewer and fewer people post there, I don't think the board can afford to lose it's regular users. This isn't how one mod sees it though. Offending regular posters is apparently a way to encourage more "productive posting". I see one mod on a power trip who doesn't even post on the board anymore.

That's the way things go...and I have taken the board off my list. It's demise is evident.

Dethbunny = Single.

Yup. what? Do I start with hookers, or wait until the bad times?

It's not as bad as it seems, it's been awhile coming...and neither of us are really angry at the other. It just wasn't working. I have my doggy still, and the stuff that is most important (Home theater, bed) are still here. I have no kitchen table though....but I rarely eat at it anyways.

So what's a bunny to do? Well, this one isn't going on the market for awhile. It's been a long time (almost 7 years...actually probably longer) since last I was single. I kinda went from one girlfriend to another...then this last one was a 6 year relationship. I think it's time to focus my energy and bettering myself, buying a house, and catching up on a lot of lost game time.

Now if only I can stop myself from buying a new 60" Grand Wega....

Resident Evil.....4!

I hope they have the voice say that, like in all the other RE games... :D

Yeah, I'm excited. Very excited. It's a rare thing now, me getting all giddy for a game, but when it happens, it's great! As soon as I am off work, it's race (and I do mean RACE!) to EB and get it. Then it's lock myself in the bedroom (that's where the GC is) and play RE4 for as long as I can. I'll be a wreck at work tomorrow but that's the name of the game. I read the review on RE4, and while it says a lot of the right things, it does worry me a bit. What worries me is the story content. Greg Kassavin, (which many of you know I don't particularily praise when it comes to reviews) commented that "There is enough of a story to keep the game moving." This worries me, as the RE series has a great story. I wonder if the hardcore RE fans will enjoy this? I wonder if there will be any closure regarding Umbrella, Wesker and the many other characters in the main RE story? I will say this, if the story only drives the game forward, and offers little in the way of a final resolution to the RE fans that have been with the series for years, I will be sorely disappointed.

For this reason, I have actually decided to write a review on the game, with my impressions and what I think is the view of the typical RE fan. It won't be the easiest thing in the world to do, as my schedule will no doubt interfere with my plans, however, I will try my best.

Not much else to offer at this point. The usual drudgery of work, pay bills, work, pay bills continues. I should have some new pics of my puppy to post. As well, I took a great picture of my car a while ago when I went to visit my mom. I'll post that as well soon.

I need help...buying a guitar.

I'm throwing this out to all the people that play guitar here. I am looking to buy a new electric/acoustic for live shows. I have a few in mind but have yet to try them all. If any of you HAVE played any of these, please let me know what you think of them. Any and all help is appreciated!

This is the goal. It's a bit more expensive than I really want to pay but that doesn't mean much:

It's Steve Vai's signature series acoustic. Looks pretty, sounds prettier. However, I am only really looking to spend a grand to 1500 on the guitar. So this one goes on the back shelf until maybe AFTER the house.

Next up, and front runner is the Ovation Elite. Good for live shows, decent pickup and the price is right.

It looks sexy on stage with all the lights...versatile as far as live acoustics go.

Next is a Washburn E-10. Price is right, again, looks nice but a couple less features than the Ovation. Probably more prone to feedback than the Ovation as well.

Last on the list is another Washburn. Not quite the look I am going for but it fits in the price range. I believe it's the D34SCE model.

I have played the Ovation and the Washburn E-10. If any of you have any thoughts on the others please let me know.

I've found my true calling!

In Halo 2 that is. I'm good a sniping and running over Dijita and sw0rdfish! Nothing quite like that satisfying *thud* of those two hitting my ghost. yup yup.

Lest We Forget,

Remember those that fought to keep your country free and safe. Remember those that didn't make it back. God bless their souls.

I will no longer be using the Journal feature....

...due to GS's policy of purging journals. The point of it was to keep track of thoughts and look back on them later. Seeing as how GS likes to screw the paying members I won't be using this feature. Congrats to GS for the poor customer service. I hear IGN has a nice board.

No no no, up YOUR aresenal!!!

It's almost 5 in the morning, and I'm already at work. I should still be in bed sleeping but I'm not. So if this all seems very strange, it probably is.

Waiting (im)patiently for this one to come out. I can't wait to play it online. I am currently playing through the original Halo on Heroic level. I figure I need SOME practice before I get pwned online. I have my preorder in at EB and they are having a midnight madness with the release. I am booking the day off work and picking it up that night. It should be fun, I just hope that Live can handle this kind of abuse from everyone trying it out online at once. I know with some PC games that the initial rush of people can crush the servers, so hopefully Microsoft are fully prepared for what is coming.

I beta tested the online portion of this game a little while ago. It was really really fun to play and I highly recommend this game to anyone even remotely interested. I won't be able to pick it up right away unfortunately as I only have the $$ for Halo this paycheck. Hopefully next pay will be good for it though. I just got my raise, so if it's as much as I think it is (after taxes) I WILL be getting this and GTA: SA.

I became a member of Sony's Gamer Advisory Panel this weekend as well. I think it's pretty neat, and hopefully I have SOME impact, no matter how small, on their games. I am looking forward to more beta testing and freebies are ALWAYS in style.

I am working with a good friend of mine writing a few songs. He's a really good singer and can write some pretty cool lyrics. I haven't been playing my guitar as much as I should. When I first started, I was playing 2-3 hours per day. Of course that was when I was in high school and had that kind of time. Well, reality hits, and you realize that there are other priorities. Unfortunately, gaming starts ranking lower on the list of activities of the day as time goes on. I live with my girlfriend of over 6 years, we live in an apartment right now, and we're saving for a townhouse next year. A lot of money is being directed towards that now, and getting games has become a lot harder to do lately. So now, I find myself focusing on getting the "AAA titles" over any other games.

I can't say I am too happy about this. Some of my greatest gaming moments have come from picking up the oft over-looked titles. I find myself becoming more and more influenced by the hype of a game than I used to. Granted, I used to work as an Assistant Manager in my local EB, so I had more of a "finger on the pulse" of the gaming community but I still payed attention to the smaller names in the business. On one hand, I am really happy that the gaming industry has taken off and become bigger than Hollywood. It allows for a lot of resources to be pooled into making excellent games. On the other hand, it strips away the creativity of the game developers. Look at all the sequels out. Look at all the new installments of older franchises. Where are the new games?

Nintendo is famous for re-releasing the same games over and over again, now other companies are starting to do the same. Or, in the case of Square-Enix, milking a certain (FFVII) franchise to death. How many FFVII games do we really need? The movie, Advent Crisis, seemed like a really cool idea. On its own, I think it is a great new direction for the gaming industry to take. Making CG movies of games seems like a natural progression to me. However, cell phone games, portable games and a new console game, all at the same time roughly, is overkill. I wish SE never made X-2 and never had the idea to make an FF sequel. I think we were better off as gamers without it. Some already thought that the FF series was overkill, so this certainly must make those people cringe.

The PSP made it's impact this week with Sony annoucning a very reasonable price point for the unit. I have been interested since day one in the PSP. You'll see my preorder at the top of the list when it comes out. I am glad that Sony realized that they need to really dig in and compete with Nintendo. While I think that the DS is very gimmicky, Nintendo do know what they are doing when it comes to making cheap, durable portable gaming machines. If Sony can line up a respectable game selection, I think that we may be looking at 1996 all over again. I, for one, hope this is true. Nintendo has really dropped the ball for the last two generations. I can go into great detail of that subject at a later date though.

So, in conclusion, yay Halo 2, yay R&C3, and yay PSP. Boo DS.