I played and beated on easy Devil May Cry 4, and that's all I've seen about the franchise, it has a spectacular stage, but I guess it would be more dynamic if the enviroments were less bland, Sparda is a demon father of dante right? if so why not? doubalfa
Devil May Cry 3 is the epitome of the franchise. Pick it up for PS2 if you can. Oh and it's a prequel to the first so you should understan. ^.^
Personally, I hope there is a DMC5. DMC, along with KH and Uncharted, is one of my favorite franchises. I'm sure the next one will be great. I mean the first and third were amazing and the second and fourth sucked. See a pattern? EVEN NUMBER DMC GAMES SUCK! So if we go by that then the next one shall be best (considering DMC3 topped 1).
You forgot Versus XIII. VERSUS XIII. I would buy another PS3 to play that game right now.
Nomura just give me what I need. A mature kingdom hearts, minus the disney characters, that is focused on the story. Hell, throw in some romance between Noctis and Stella. In Nomura I trust!
I already have the limited edition that came with the dvd showing combos (it came out in the US a while ago) and it's great. I don't play it at all anymore cause I got kind of bored with it but it still is a great game.
Very nice review. I never expected anything below 9.0 on any site. Gamespot review will be like 9.0-9.5.
I'm hyping it as AAAA GOTY. Multiplayer alone is 9.0 (I played it). Then again... I'm an Uncharted Fanboy :D (There's a difference between a game fanboy and a console fanboy people)
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