Absolutely. Were those 2 "unannounced" games for PS3 just WKC2 and Yakuza 4? I was expecting something along the lines of Persona 5 and some other awesome game. Not two sequels to games NOT EVEN OUT HERE YET! *foams at mouth*
aznpickle, is it still working for you, cause if it is, can you please PM me a code if you dont mind, cause i saw you giving away codes eralier, so i thought youu would be nice enough to give me one? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You
Might I be able to get one as well, oh mighty aznpickle?
Versus is made by the KH team (Go Nomura!) and is an action rpg similair to KH. While XIII is the typical save the world with a gang of heroes type of thing Versus is apparently a more mature storyline. Oh and Versus is PS3 exclusive, but not like that matters to anyone but a fanboy.
I'm looking forward to Versus more than anything coming out cause I love KH more than FF. I also love mature storylines and Noctis is a badass. Haha I remember when FFXIII was announced for 360 I was just like VERSUS TOO PLZ! I only had a 360 at the time and to be honest, I did not care for XIII at all. It's only when I got my ps3 a few months back that my interest in XIII is getting higher.
I'm stuck at the store select. Can anyone help or give me a free code out of the kindness of your heart? :oops:
Those don't matter. I BS'd everything except my PSN info.
I know but like I entered my psn and then it took me to the store select. I checked everything, put fake phone number, chose a random store, and when I click submit it just resets me back to there ;_;
True that. Tools of Destruction is phenomenal. I only got it like 2 weeks ago but it's one of the funnest experiences I've had while playing a game in years! I still don't understand how someone can give that game a 7.5 unless they knock it off as a kids game (it is but anyone can enjoy it)!
Actually... the main reason there hasn't been much hype for it is because the ToD got 7.5 so everyone must expect some bad sequel or something.
That's absurd. The game has a 89 average on Metacritic - it was very well-received, and everyone knows it. The world doesn't revolve around Gamespot. Anyway, I'm very hyped for this. The R&C series is one of my favorites. Day one buy.
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