Yeah they do look amazing. What's even more amazing is that the game is only 65% done as of TGS...
DevilDude3232's forum posts
[QUOTE="JoKeR_421"][QUOTE="Simmo75"] you must use an amercian account and choose any random store and store numberSimmo75i am using it i live in US try and relog thats what i did and it worked
I'm in the US as well and it does the same thing. I tried logging out and everything ;_;
It's a great multiplayer with awesome features like forge and sharing maps but... Buying every map pack to play a ranked match? That is the biggest rip-off ever. I feel even more ripped-off since I DID buy every pack and now ODST comes waltzing in with everything already there.
oh sorry, I didn't know it was actualled named quantum theory. when I first heard about it I thought it was only called quantum. my bad -_-
I believe it's called Quantum Theory in Japan and just Quantum here. Either way, the game looks like crap. The moving environment idea is kinda neat but that's it. =/
That game is such a ridiculous rip off. I mean, there's "Natal ripped off Eye Toy" rip off and "Quantum Theory ripped off Gears" rip off. However, I do hope it succeeds lol. I just don't see it happening thoughHaha yeah. Btw GREAT SIGNATURE! Muse is awesome. I bought the limited edition of the album at Target. It's so ******* AWESOME!
not many people play it's exclusives online. you can have a game that scores a 100000000, but if no one plays it, whats the point?LeGoofyGoober
Aaaand you play these exclusives online right? Thousands of people are playing Killzone 2 all the time and I've even stayed in one match all night with 32 people in the whole time. =/
I spelled it right...:|[QUOTE="samuraiguns"][QUOTE="Some-Mist"]
it's by tecmo/team ninja.
oh sorry, I didn't know it was actualled named quantum theory. when I first heard about it I thought it was only called quantum. my bad -_-
I believe it's called Quantum Theory in Japan and just Quantum here. Either way, the game looks like crap. The moving environment idea is kinda neat but that's it. =/
[QUOTE="mattbrw08"]Midnight Club LA took place in LA? :?This recently shown concept art might be truth that the city of Pittsburgh makes its way into the modern warfare 2 game! here is the link right here..
And yeah.. WE GET IT YOU LIKE PITTSBURGH! Don't need to spam every forum with it =/
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