Sly Cooper and Final Fantasy.
DevilDude3232's forum posts
The Dark Knight and all 4 seasons of Lost (5th is out december).
Well those are what I have and they look amazing.
The only platinum I have is from LittleBigPlanet. I worked so hard to get it!
Haze needs trophy support, mirite?
[QUOTE="Letmekilluplz"]If you want to put pants on and go to the store buy it. If you don't want to wear pants and stay home download itShould I buy games or download them off PSN? What are the advantages and disadvantages in your opinions?
Who says I can't go to the store and not wear pants. ;D
Omg, go to gamestop/eb games. They are having a summer sale, and each week they get a really cheap game, for example GTA IV(Don't get it) for like 20$ But get bad company orange box, and you can get Resistance for cheaper.
Yeah, I went yesterday and the deal was Metroid Prime 3 for $19. I would have bought it if I wasn't waiting for the collection, but this isn't nintendo forum..
Anyway, Ninja Gaiden Sigma is like 20 dollars and I got MGS4 yesteday for 30. Both are great games to get. Hell, I think LBP used is 15 dollars off at Gamestop too.
I hit/smack anything next to me. If it's a person, BAM! Right on their head. If it's a pillow, I throw across the room. I only do that stuff if I died/lost in a really cheap way. Or in an annoying boss battle..
How are Final Fantasy games being long a bad thing? Do you have an attention span about 6 hours long at most? Aren't people always **** about how games are too short? Jesus. Make up your mind people.
Fei Long. I swear I've played at least 100 games and have never been up against one. Makes me feel special that I use him. :3
This forum really needs a reboot in threads. The only thing it really offers is three kinds: ylod, what's your favorite this or that and complaining about things we have no control over. there are like 5 of these a day. GOSH... it needs originality. Man... i want something new. there's gotta be a protest for difference... sigh, i really want something new...:(
Oh yeah, try reading a book or something.
Don't forget the "___ Game vs. Completely unrelated ___ Game" threads.
Besides, the PS3 really only lacks in the RPG department. There are plenty of other games on it of all types.
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