Blazblue, Uncharted, Killzone2, inFAMOUs, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm, and Socom. Also the blazblue soundtrack and FFVII advent children bluray (came with ps3.) If you're wondering what ps2 games those are, it's: FFX, FFVII:DOC, FFXII, KH, KHRE:COM, KH2, DMC, and Shadow of the collosus.
Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Before anyone says "THAT'S JUST CUZ 13 SWITCHED TO XBOT!!1!!" I've been way more interested in this game since it was announced.
That game gets less information than Versus XIII, and I didn't think that was possible. I need to buy a psp again.. I had an original one but it got stolen...
[QUOTE="DevilDude3232"]If it's true I'm sure it's coming along with that fugly ps3 slim.Amster_G
Haha, yeah. Well, I have a feeling those pictures were fake. Apparently they've been floating around the web for months, so... let's not worry. Sony is smart enough not to release a system that looks like a dust pan.
On topic: If they would ever release PS2 titles on the PSN, the downloads would take forever! Imagine download sizes being at least 3GB?
I was just wondering about the PS2 titles on PSN. Like you said, it would take ages. Especially since it takes me about 10 minutes to download a demo. 30 if they're over 1000 mb. Dunno how bad my connection is (I'm using wireless though I could use wired from my dads room) but I never lag online at least ;D
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