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Devouring_One Blog


Level 43 today. Thanks for continuing to read my blog even though i haven't had time to read yours. I don;t know when I'll be back with enough time until December.

80,000 Profile Views

Got to 80,000 as expected. I wonder what place I'm in now?

Here's some videos of the Orange Box to celebrate.





25,000 Posts

Today I reached 25,000 posts. Took me longer to reach this than 24,000. Thanks for reading todays blog and I hope you come back in a week when I get my 80,000 profile views.

Level 42, Super Blog 264 - 300th Edition and FATALITY MIX

First off, thank you for reading my blog even though I haven't checked any of yours in a while.

I have reached level 42 - Karnov for the second time since I finally recover my level demotion from a few months ago.

You may be wondering why I called this a super blog the 300th edition even though it's my 264th blog. Well the reason is that I have reach milestone byuploading 300 videos and 300 Images at the same time. So for my 300th video, I uploaded my long awaited Mortal Kombat Fatality Mix that people love to watch. Since people liked my other Mortal Kombat videos,I decided to do another fatality video for them. So here it is:


Here are other vidoes I uploaded about TGS 2007 in the past few days to to get to 300 videos and to celebrate my promotion.








24,000 Posts

I have achieved 24,000 posts. Probably the last thousand in a long time. So my first week of school went well. Time managment is going to be complicated since Tuesdays and Thursday I'll get home late like at 8:00 p m earliest so I have to spend the other days doing HW. Again, sorry I can't read all your blogs since I'm not at home much.

Oh yea, regarding my level demotion. I e-mailed a complaint like 3 weeks ago and they still haven't responded to me. I guess they had no reason to do anything to me and they just hate other video game sites and whenever other people advertise them.

70,000 profile views and first day at school

I achieve 70,000 profile views. Anyway today at my first day, it went pretty well. I like my psychology class and my accounting class. The big thing was me teaching my first class which went pretty well. I didn't get home till 9:00pm so that was a long day. Hopefully the next time, it would be as long (Sarcastically).

Busy time; Getting ready to go back to college.

Ok, so this is my last days off before I start school again at my university on Tuesday. I also got a job there as a teaching assistant for the engineering departmentwhuch gives methe responsibilty of teaching labs to students. Since I'm new, I'm not sure howwell I'll do itand my first class is on the first day so thats going to be scary.

Anyway, this is going to keep my fall semester busy so sorry if I can't read your blogs or answer your questions. Oh yea, this means I wil be uploading videos less frequently or in long periods of time. However I have one more fatailty video I will upload for my fatality fans so look out.

Any questions, leave them in the comments and check back for answers here.

I'm level 41 Again!

Nooo... Gamespot deleted my video and lower my level from 42 to 41 because I uploaded a video with IGN watermark on it. This time Gamespot gave me an ultimatum to not upload anymore watermarked things otherwise I could be banned or suspended. So if I was banned for any reason, here's the reason in advance. I thought gamespot made user videosso people could upload videos which makes the site more popular and now I paying for it. This is the thanks I get for doing a favor for Gamespot. Thanks alot!

Here's the compalint I file with gamespot and how they replied