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Devouring_One Blog

23,000 Posts

I got here pretty fast. This will probablybe the end of my post trend since I'll be going to work next week and then school afterwards so posts will be less common.

And here's a sneak peak of Metal Gear Solid 4 and a trailer

Got some new stuff. Rate my purchases!

I know you guy want to see some picture of my vacation but right now I haven't had time to do that yet since some of my family members stayed over my house after I got back. So yesterday since they were going to leave, I showed my cousin around my university and the stores around it. So we took a look at Toys R' Us and it just so happens that they were going on a clearance sale since all the stores in the mall were going to leave for some reason. They were selling things at 80% off (How often do you see a Toys R' Us clearance sale?) so here are the things I got.

60 GB PlayStation 3 for $100

Guitar Hero II complete set for $16

An extra guitar for $10

And Elite Beat Agents for $6

And all these things I got were all NEW! My cousin got 2 Guitar Hero II sets for himself which we both were tempted to get more. Oh yea, I really didn't get a PS3 for $100....... I was just playing around. All the consoles were sold out before I got there but wouldn't that be nice.

I'm Back

Hey everyone, I'm back from my vacation in Rhode Island. We got together with 13 family members including cousins uncles, etc. to go visit cousins. We had fun there playing in the park, swimming, and sight seeing. They alsofed us food since the own a restaurant there. They over fed us and spoiled us we all their genorosity. As for pictures, we have pictures but I don't have much time except to write the blog post since I got back late and I'm tires from the road trip.

New Emblem, MK is back, and playing a new game

I received the gold E3 emblem for watching 3 days of the E3 show. (Picture below)

Too bad I lost my Turkey emblem. :(

Yesterday I finally got to install Command and Conquer 3 which I've had for 2 months but not have the chance to play it until now. (Picture below)

I've also got to upload my new Mortal Kombat video after a long lay-off. It's the Mortal Kombat II Babailties and Fatalities. Have a look if you want.


Expect more Mortal Kombat videos later in the summer.

Level 41 and 21,000 Posts

Today I've reached level 41 Thunder Force and 21,000 posts. The 21,000 posts I've reached yesterday which I saved a blog for today since it would be a waste of 2 blog posts. This is also my 250th blog post as well.

3 New Emblems!

Today I saw all 3 conferences which gives 1 emblem for each. I might post some game updates from E3 if I like the games. The conferences were great. I enjoyed Nintendo's and Sony's conferences the most.