With all the technology these days, broadband companies still have you by the balls. Here in oz, most of the main players in broadband say you get an unlimited account BUT actually when you get to a certain download capacity you get 'Shaped' which means your connection is slowed to 64K generally. I'm usually on 1.5Mb with 16Gb download a month and you wonder where it all goes, sure using torrents can get nasty but you can keep an eye on the up/down loads.
Please if other people fromaround the world comment, I would love to know how it is in other countries?
Devvy01 Blog
Daffodil Day
by Devvy01 on Comments
Today is Daffodil Day in Australia
Its all about research for cancer.
Please read about it here as
its a very important topic for
me personally
In 2000 I was diagnosed with testicular cancer, it was a bit of a shock but fortunately it was not agressive and was kept fairly local. After surgeory I had 6 weeks of radiotherapy to make sure nothing was left. After 5 years of clean bill of health, another one formed, unfortunately taking my right one. This is no laughing matter and is previlant that you take action as soon as something (a lump) is noticed anywhere.
You can always fight.
500 Posts
by Devvy01 on Comments
This is probably not a great deal for most but its a great achievement for me and a rapidly increasing total since I'm involved with a couple of groovey unions now. Lookout, 1000 is just around the corner.
Who knows what's next 10000 then
Check out the unions below ;
Swing over to the
to chat about everything Star Wars.
Go and check out
and chat about the good ole amiga when computers
were really just starting out.
Always remember, Live Long and Prosper
Lego Union Starts
by Devvy01 on Comments
Reached Level 14!!
by Devvy01 on Comments
Reached level 14 today, thanks to all those you've check
my stats, pictures and videos.
Please visit my lego union (if I ever get it started, couple
of invites still outstanding).
Make sure that if you've got a doggy, you give him/her a
pat and just don't leave them out in the cold.
Swing over to the
to chat about everything Star Wars.
Go and check out
and chat about the good ole amiga when computers
were really just starting out.
Always remember, Live Long and Prosper
Week ending 10/8/2007
by Devvy01 on Comments
Whew, another week gone and lots happening in and around the world.
Have tried to start up my own union called 'The Lego Union' for us Lego fanatics to get into about these little plastic blocks, but so far have had only 2 officers sign up and still awaiting another two which I'm hoping will help out.
Have been playing Star Wars Lego 2, only wish that they'll release the complete saga on PC shortly after the PS3 version comes out. Don't think writing games for specific platforms is going to win anyone friends. These consoles don't have a very long life these days so they'll need to look past Nintendo and Sony trying to hold onto the game rights.
Don't forget to drop in on the Star Wars Gaming union to catch up with all that's Star Wars games related and chat along with us and our Jedi order.
and last but not least, my stats for this week
Profile views: 932 (+ 21 new)
Friends: 55
People Tracking Me: 56
Games in Collection: 384
Forum Posts:384
My Blog Posts:13
Union Blog Posts:12
Written Reviews:8
Rated Games:331
Videos Uploaded:11
Images Uploaded:127
Digg Referrals:5
Week ending 5/8/7
by Devvy01 on Comments
Has been a pretty quiet week just gone, working as usual, rained pretty well most of the week but nothing like what they've had in the UK. Maybe we can start drinking water again and maybe be able to water the garden even in summer!!.
Tragic accident in the US with that bridge collapse, hopefully they get more survivors out soon.
Avon descent this weekend where hundreds of rafters and speed boats attempt to go down the Avon river from Northam to Perth, should be rather quick this year with all the rain.
Wife and I decided to paint some rooms and do some renovations on the Laundry, make some more room for the kids clothes.
Bought a bargin off ebay, some Dream speakers that look pretty groovey, loud as well.
Anyway enough of my ranting, here's my stats for this week;
My Stats
Profile views: 775 (+ 22 new)
Friends: 50
People Tracking Me: 51
Games in Collection: 384
Forum Posts: 344
Comments: 0
My Blog Posts: 12
Union Blog Posts: 12
Written Reviews: 8
Rated Games: 331
Videos Uploaded: 9
Images Uploaded: 93
Digg Referrals: 5
Tags: 3128
Until next time, Live Long and Prosper
P.S. Don't forget if your interested in Star Wars anything, come on over to ;
This week in my world.
by Devvy01 on Comments
:) Things that happened this week :(
Tuesday 24th was the 1st anniversary of my father's death, may he rest in peace. You are sorely missed
All the family.
5th week of my new job and luvin it. Its what I sell, lugs.
Wife got her new funky mobile
Samsung SGH-E530
General waffling including preparing for our little family holiday to ireland,england and europe. Strange how alot of the travel companies won't allow children aboard their cruises or coaches??
DVD collection grew again and fast running out of room on the racks. Some ****cs like Gremlins, Never ending story, the day after, the gate, just some cheapies.
Having a tiff with the company bringing The Cure to Perth as they've stuffed up our tickets and they play next weekend!! with nowhere to sit.. perhaps should just go and sit in the seats we should've got.
Anyway until next time....
Lego Star Destroyer
by Devvy01 on Comments
One of the forums I'm a member of
has started a thread to show off your lego models, and here's my little spacecraft with blockade runner to scale.
The lego kit number is 10030.
To join the Star Wars Gaming Union, please click below
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