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Dgalmun Blog

Union Awards must be revived!

Go to this thread

It shall explain everything. The thing is that, it hasn't been updated sicne 2007, so let's try bringing it back. Spread the word, post this in other unions. Make tags and use them, just spread the word. Make blogs about this, leaders in unions, make updates or telegrams about this. We must succeed! It's time for the Union Awards Show Renaissance!

You can check out this union if you want to post about it. And I will soon make a thread about this in my union as well. Also, we still need more officers in our union so if you want to apply for officer, that'd be cool.:)


Read this blog or this kid will shoot me!

He is really pissed, so please help by reading this blog! I only have a couple hours to live! :cry:

Many things have happened since the last blog.. Many things. I've been busy since last month, but at the moment I have winter break so I get a couple weeks off. And for Christmas, I got an electric guitar, and some sweaters. Not a lot. I've played some new games like Heavy Rain and that crap and they're pretty good games. I had to get a new car because mine just broke down recently, oh well.. I've been designing more oftenly now, and my computer is a bit faster now. So I had my up's and down's.

Anyways, I just made a union and it'd be cool if you guys joined it what so ever, this union is legit. amrite? Yes you are right dgalmun so shut the hell up. Nothing much is going to be happening, so umm... yeah. Save me.. .__.

Blog #5890589089985980 BBQWTF

This is a news broadcast and yesterday was 10.10.10 and it was disastrous, many people were killed and many an hero'd. This is such a devastating shock to the whole world. The good news is that we still have some copies of Space Jam.

Interviewer: Is your Dgayman? Or Dgelmen?
Me: Dgalmun...
Interviewer: Has anything happened lately?
Me: Well... I discovered a new invention that cures ca-
Interviewer: Cool story bro. I'll just make up stuff that you didn't say on the newspaper.

Anyways, I've just gotten Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and it's going great. Finished the game, going to finish it on challenge mode. I also got Halo Reach. Oh snappppppppppppp! jsdfkljsdlfsdjklfdjs omg jsfdkjfdskldojfsdkojfo im spazzing out of how awesome it is. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG HORY **** JFKFSDJKLSDFJIOWDJOREKWJJK ITS SO AWESOME OMG SDFJKFSDJKLF.

Yeah.. It's that awesome. It's legendary edition as well. I got it in a box so it means it's that awesome. It had a stupid book from the future and some dolls that look like a rip off of Barbie. The game was in this box so it meant that I should be careful and once I open it, it can hold some dangerous effects. So me getting crazy and spazzing out, I putted the game in the xbox, me shaking, trying to put the game in, but it fell down. Finally, I putted the game in the xbox and I pissed myself and when I turned it on... It had a red ring and I have just cried out of joy. Creepy stufzzz is ****ed up. This is a halo fan's reaction to the game. With that, I'll post some pics later.

My last game that I played was God of War 3 if you didn't know and it was a good game. And you know what? It was a pretty bad ass game. You get to rip heads off and you get to **** chicks because you're that bad ass. I also made a new sig, did some new techniques, otherwise it's almost the same as my last sig. I'm planning onto making another sig soon. I may review some games soon as well.

TL;DR I played R&C: Tools of Destruction, got Halo Reach, played GOW III.

TL;DR Waffles


The Blog of Truth!

Yes... The blog of truth and... Awesomeness.

Well guys, I'll have to tell you all this but... I have AIDS.

Yes... AIDS.

And you know what?

[spoiler] Nah, jus ****in with ya ******! [/spoiler]

So what has happened lately DG?

Well.. On Friday, I've beaten Mirror's Edge on Easy mode, so I'm going to do it on Normal mode now. I may get Halo Reach soon as well! D:

Getting onto the point.. I have to tell you all something. Sora... Is actually a girl. Yes, a girl. He, I mean she was my friend, she hated being annoyed by the boys, so she thought of disguising herself by using a costume. And so far.. It has worked for many years. Until now, sora had gotten tired of him, I mean she being called a girl. So she had to tell the truth. But he, I mean she didn't told you the whole story.

I am actually a hores, yes, a HORES. And you know what, I'm proud of being a hores. SO DEAL WITH IT. Also, Cloud is a boy, k? Sure he says he's a girl, but he ain't! :x Samus is actually a girl, Ash Ketchum's real name is actually Ass Ketchup. Why Ash Ketchum? Well, it is a kid's show and 4kids being scared decided it should be Ash.

The Second Part of Secrets Revealed will be coming soon.. To DVD.


Blog #90210

Hey kids! Wanna hear the story of the ugly barnacle? Well... Once upon a time, there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly, everyone died. The End.

So anyways... I gots a PS3, it's good. I have littlebigplanet, and it's fun! It's a fun game. I've played the Mafia II demo, and actually.. It's not that bad. I've been a bit busy lately, so yeah...

So anyways, I'm going exaggerate on a rant. So...Pokemon Black and White, a new pokemon game that is in development. And you know what I have to say?... Well... It sux, this friggen characters suck and the plot is the same freaking thing. Team plasma? What the hell? Sounds like a stupid name in my opinion, look at what they wear. They look like freaking nerds at a star trek convention. Actually, forget that! They look freaking losers that play runescape and friggin WOT all day long. What were they thinking!?!?!?!?!?!!!!11 What the ****?!?!?! A female professor, what the hell has pokemon became?!?!?!?! Never knew Nintendo were sexists, first was a friggin female trainer, then a champion, and now this!??!?! waaatttt is this?!!??! gahhhh!!!!! The anger is killing me!!!11Look at this, the characters look like friggin idiots. Look at the female trainer, she looks like a freaking prostitute that you find in the streets. Look at this video, look at the friggin female trainer.

WTF is this ****?!?!?!?! Why does Nintendo had to do this!?!!? They always make the female hotter and hotter until they look like prostitutes. Why!?! If they didn't make them so hawt, then these freaks wouldn't make this crap!!!!!11 God, I'm so angry I could... Oops. Anyways, the male trainer looks like a rip off of the original loser from pokeymon red, god dayuummm man. And the female rival with the purple scares the hell of me. I still have nightmares. I bet there's a freaking car in her freaking hair, it's huge for **** sake. And the first gym leader... No comment. Why is the game 3D crapp? Why is it called Black and white?!!?!?!?! Why is there more pokemon?!!?!?!? What the hell man?!?! The pokemon look stupid, except for the green thingy pokemon, he looks cool. That smile, those eyes, yeah. You know he's gonna kick your ass. Don't mess with him. You no watttt?!@!?!?! im raging so hard imma exploddeeeeeeeee.
/end of rant
Me: So what do you think?

Yeah, this blog may get reported. But anyways, I don't hate pokemon or nintendo in anyway. So, please. Don't get offended by this.

I'm here and *****

Before, there was the ipod, then there was the ipod touch, then the iphone, and now... The iboard!
Okay, anyways, I'm here and *****. 8)
It's been 2 months since I last made a blawg, so what do I have to say? Bananas, yes, bananas. So, I've been busy lately, and I'm now dogsitting my uncle's dog all the way till Thursday. He's old, he used to jump, but now he can't. He's 12, so I guess it's reasonable. He's going to be 13 soon, let's see if he can get to be 15 years old. So last month, I was playing bully. And it was a great game. This month... I've been playing rainbow six vegas 2, and this game is also great. I don't have xbuax live yet, so I can't play with u guise yet. D:
I may use this as my sig soon:

To wrap things up, I will say this. Oh yeah, I'm mr krab 8) AGGGHHHHHHHH

That is all.

10k posts: HELLZ YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got 10k posts today! :D OMGFDFUDDUDFJSDKLFJKSJFSDLKJDSLKFSDKJLSFJLKSFJLKJFS!!!! :D Wait a minute.... That's bad, I have no life. ****! Well anyways, I've gotten 10,000 posts. And it's been a year, so um... Yeah... There's no party, because it ain't 20k. :o

If you want something, then take this:

Well, thanks for reading this pointless blog. D: I'll be designing as well. So yeah.. This blog sucks. This is the end of the blog.

And remember kids! The higher the post count! the bigger your **** is! Wait.. That doesn't sound right. :| Well bye. :|

And so this crappy account is a year old!

Today is the day, when I've made this crappy account. I can remember if it was just yesterday when I watched family guy on Fox. That show sucked.. So yeah, my account is a year old. And luckily, I'm not banned. I always thought that I will not make it, but I did. For my moderations, I've had 2 point losses (one was just recently), 3 suspensions, and 2 warnings. Wow, I was a good boy. Sorta... Not really. And with that. I'm going to leave this site... Forever. For the main reason is that I don't fit in here, and every hates me. So it's best if I leave forever. And may I never come back. Good bye.

I be trippin on you!

Anyways... I've met many friends on this site such as Cloud_765, who actually was my first friend on this site.Another person I've also met was cronomagus36. He is one cool guy. Papermariofan57 is the nicest user that I've met yet. He owns his own union, has over 80k posts, and is a very nice guy. You should try going to his union sometime. It's a nice union, but it's a shame that it's not active as it used to be. Another cool user is Forte224, he's a nice user that was in a couple unions that I was in. I do see him sometimes, but at one point. He left for a long time, it was a long time until I saw him again. But then he left, and then he came back again. And is still here to this day, he's a very nice person and can be anyone's friend. Mariogirl64, one crazy girl. I mean really, she's a crazy mario fan. Overall, I've had fun being in gamespot. Especially when I've made my own crappy union. D: And from what I did, I've met a new friend and his name is TriniPlayer. He's a cool guy, and seems nice to people. N-re, is good. She's very nice if you get to know her, she's great to talk with. the-silent-hero, moar leik the-loud-hero. He's probably the most random persom I've seen on this site. Munchyis pretty random, but only on his blogs.. :|

Soniczero1993, one bad ass dude.Never **** with him, if you do. Then start praying, because you'llnever be spared. He will destroy you instantly with the powah of duke nukem. Never4get that game, duke nukem forever will be released I tell you!Double_decker, is probably one of my favorite users on this site. He's a very friendly guy, and he can be friends with anybody. Sadly, he left. But he may come back. Nevah 4get! DarkDiminionX, is decent. He's a cool guy, and that's all I have to say.

I guess that is it. If I didn't mention you, then my response will be his: *dr hibbert laugh* If you don't know that, then type that in youtube, and then you'll know what I mean. Anyways, that's all. Hope you enjoyed this... Blog.. I suppose. :|

And so it's Mother's day.

Mother's day, a day to love your mother. And you know what? You should always love your mother. She gave birth to you, she gaved you hugs and kisses, she cleaned over your crap when you were a baby, she fed you. And you should respect her for that. And if you don't love your mother, then you have an issue. So yeah it mother's day. I went to see her. I ate lunch with my parents. So yeah. It was great. I ate some good food that I made. :3 Ive been bored with Gs lately, so I just hanged out. And if you noticed, I have a new avy. It's obviously garfield saying derp. Derp. Derp. Derp. Derp. Derp. Derp! Okay, that got boring...

What did I gave my mom? A perfume, an expensive as well. I kinda forgot the name of it, but it was like $50. She liked it. So yup. I also got photoshop cs4. It's alright. I haven't been using it for years. I did used it at middle school, so it's been a while...

And also, don't forget to go to the SCU, it's getting revived now that the leader is back. Don't forget to visit there, it's a nice and active union. Anyways that's it.

The post count.... It's Over 9000!

The post count... i-i-i- *dramatic movement*

And I yet get this audience.

Well anyways.... I've gotten 9k posts. And it's over 9000!!!!!!!! So whateva! Let's see if I can get to 10k posts. But it wouldn't mean I will make a party thread over this crap. Right? :P So what have I been up to for this month? Nothing much really. I was designing horribly with gimp. And a perfect example is my sig. Just look at it! It-It-It-It looks awesome. 8) That's all I can say. Awesome. Some of my designs:

That's all my designs, I think. If I post more designs, it'll be too much for you to handle! :o Starting to get sick of this internet. It always crashes, never for a day that it will crash. Like every 1-3 hours, it crashes. Crap internet. And you know what. I missed having comcast. Oh the memories! On Wednesday, my internet was unprovisioned. Well **** that. It only take me a whole day till I got this fixed. What a pain in the ass. Really... My internet sucks. :( On Friday, I went to a party. It was pretty fun, until it started raining with thunderstorms, that's when it started to suck a bit. But me and my friends just played Modern warfare 2 on his PS3. It was... Alright.

Saturday.. Well... Um... Er.... Ermm..... durr..... I went to the movies. :| With my friends. :| I watched the losers. It was a pretty good movie. Had some funny parts, but it was great action movie. And if you watched it, then you may or not feel the same way. :P Been bored out of mind today. Really bored I tell you! Except... Today is my mother's birthday. So for the morning, I went to see my parents to eat some breakfast. I ate pancakes with a side of onion rings. Yes, I can be weird with meals. Breakfast with a side that's intended for lunch??! MADNESS! My computer is sorta faster I think. I blame gimp! Gimp slowed my computer like agirl carrying a fat boy to Burger King. Probably took 2 hours for to get there and back. I had to do some stuff with it. So I now have nothing to design with, whooo! I mean waahh! :cry:

I had to clean the computer a bit. Especially when I had to use the duster in the hardware. And holy **** was it dusty. It took me a while to clean the dust off. It's a bit better to have no dust in the hardware. If my computer makes a weird noise while using the fan, it means it gets too hot and I should stop using it. I just can't remember the noise anymore. It's been a while. I did watched halo legends 2 weeks. It was alright.. Pretty dumb to be exact.. The last episode I saw in this crap was actually good. It was 3D, and it was better. God I'm such a lazy ass. :P Why am I making blogs every month?! Because I ****ing can! :x And I really don't have anything interesting to blog about..

Well I guess this is it for now. I'll try to blog a little more often, when I feel like it. Anyways, crappy blog done.