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Dgalmun Blog

Been a while since I've made a blog....

Yeah, haven't made a blog for about a month or so.... So yeah.

What have I been doing?


What have you been playing?

Games, pokemon heartgold and sousilver.

Next game you're going to play?

Probably conker's bad fur day again, been a while since I've haven't played it. Haven't played it since I went to Mexico for vacation.

Well I've made 2 new reviews

Pokemon heartgold

Pokemon sousilver

I hope you like the reviews, they're good games. It's a bit long, but read them. I think it's probably a very detailed review, other people's review are like this "OMG ITS SO GOOD! This is a good game, buy it!" And right away, they give the game a 10. WTF? They don't have enough support for it to get a 10. Dang gamespotters these days.... They don't know how to review well, they need details for a review to be good. And I'm not be ignorant here, there was some good reviews. But most of them are crappy. They're very short.

And for some reason, everytime it's a short review, they'll read it. They'll like it, but everytime it's a review like mine. They just don't care, and go read something else. Wow.... I just hope I can get some positives over my review, and I don't care if you say "Come on, you should've give a 10" **** no, I'm not going to be a nice person that'll give a game a perfect 10. No game is perfect, if it is. Then god save us. You'll never know the effects on a game that gets a 10.

Well anyways, something cool happened yesterday. I got promoted at the AONU. I'm a officer, it took a long while. I joined in May. I only left because there was annoying people. Apparently, that's mmp. A very, weird but annoying banana. But due to him causing trouble, he was kicked.

Go to this union- ****ing awesome union

As I said before on the last blog, I'll try reviewing saint's row II. But the thing is, I'm lazy as ****. I'll try reviewing the game when I feel like it.

Well, that's probably the blog for this month. I'll make another blog when I feel like it. B


My new review!

It's been a while since I had a review, and it's time to put it up. And it's Wolfenstein *claps*. So try look at it, and give it a thumbs up. Because it means how cool I am. It's pretty long for most people though. And I think this maybe my longest review that I've reviewed so far.. I can go on forever, but it depends on the game I'm reviewing if you know what I mean.

Here's the link: Review

And after that, I'm planning to have a review of Saints row II soon. Just don't know when, maybe when I'm not lazy. Well I'm off to bed.

The Super Surprising Blog of this week

Ugh..... Another boring blog, why do I blog so much? Why do people blog so much on facebook and twitter so much? Why? WHY?!?!?!?!?! Now that's over..... So anyways, some stuff happened this week. Such as..... Seeing people doin illegal stuff, and I just did nothing but watched. Where was I? Well.... I sometimes help my dad with his work, and unfortunately... His job is in a ghetto in Chicago. Usually hear gun shots, people stealing from stores, and illegal stuff. Well, a user has been banned. And his name was Zamzamv. He apparently deleted topics on my union forum, I'm not sure if he will be missed, or if he deserved it. I just don't know what to say... I'm pretty speechless on this.

And today... I did nothing, was with my family. And I was sleeping most of the day as well... And I'm starting to get bored of video games... I don't know, MA games are not enlightening me as much as they used to. But I think I'll still try playing them if I want to...

This blog is over due to it's epic failness, and it sucks as well..

BTW, I'm not depressed.

A new crappy blog by the loser, Dgelman

uhhhh....... Hi. Well, I think today is called stupid heart day. Well, I'm bored.... I've finally beaten wolfenstein, it's good. I think I may post a review of it soon.... When I feel like it. The final boss was pretty frustrating, but yet epic. I still have saints row 1, and 2 to finish. And then maybe, maybe, I'll get bioshock 2. So yesh... That's it, I guess. This blog sucks anyways, and I suck hard too.....

Something messed up happened today!

Well..... This is what happened.. Apparently some idiot was trying to get an account on gamespot so he tried to use my email account to do it. So when I got on my msn, I had about a couple emails of the membership for gamespot. So I was like "WTF happened here?!?!" So I regisitered and found out that the account name is virtual_price, so what I did? I had to contact a mod for this situation, so I've asked him to ban/delete the account, and it's good. This idiot won't use my account too! Hahaha! This loser.... Has lost and failed horribly. And if it's one of my friends (which is probably not), then I will take that back...

Oh yeah! I'm level 21 now!

Yes! I'm finally at freaking level 21, and guess how long it took? A ****ing month, a ****ing month. And why a month? Because I got suspended and modded on gamespot. So it was BS! Suspension for stuff, then some whiney person reported a mod so I got a point loss. Then I got suspended again from some stupid little kid for offensive content.

Wow.... This site doesn't kid with you, it tries to kill you with knifes as if they're going to eat you alive like cannibals on drugs. Yeah that's what it's like in my opinion. So yeah, what a long it took to get up a level. I should be lvl 23 by now.

So yeah... I was gone for a while because I was mostly busy, and also I was playing saints row II. I'm getting a lot of done. I have to destroy the ultor corp. I guess that's it.

The 70th blog: My computer is starting to work now+ Recent stuff on GT

Yay! My crappy XP is starting to work now, had to delete a lot of files, and other stuff. I had to use Crap cleaner to take out a lot of files and useless crap and I had to burn some disck so I can use it as a backup when my computer dies. And I had to delte a lot of them. Even my gimp, well this means I'll have to download it again.

After that, I had to disk defragement, and if you don't know what it does then prepare for some nerd power. Disk defragement is when the defragement software tries to have all the scattered files into order. Suppose this, you have a big mess of files of paperwork everywhere, so what you do? You try cleaning the mess up and you try putting everything into nice pile of paper, and it'll be in a nice order. But however, some files cannot be moved. It pretty much cleans up your hard drive.

And then I downloaded ad-adware 2007, and it's decent in my opinion. and now my computer is a little faster. And I had to delete a lot of processes on my RAM. Because mainly, my RAM was very messed up. And if you don't know what RAM is, it's Random access memory.

So most of the time, I was on GT and it's good. And I find it funny on some threads. But you may hate their punishments on you. And today was the most disturbing ever I've seen on this site. And please I don't want to talk about it, because.... It may KILL U!

Wow...... Been off for a couple of days

Hey I'm back, if you didn't know, my XP is dying is starting to crash, it's dying so that means I may not be on a lot. I am on GT a lot, mostly because my friend supergamer, is there. I'm using Vista, and it's good to have one. But it sucks that my XP is dying. My RAM is messed up already. I'll shall share you the memories of my computer.

2003- The day my parents got the XP. I never knew what to do with it, and it took a while for me to get used to it, because I used a windows 95. But then my windows chicago died (95).

2004- The computer has crashed, we got another hard drive

2004- It happened again.

2004- Samething

2006- My computer is handed to me.

2007- All the photos from the past are on the PC

2009- The computer nearly crashed from a very, very nasty trojan.

Behaviors: The speed had slowed down by a lot, avast keeps alerting me of the virus. Rogue software entering my computer, a screen of spyware alert.

2009- My computer deleted most of the viruses, but was stopped when avast found a rootkit.

Feb 2009- Avast is finally updated with avast professional, and it deleted everything there was that was bad.

2010- The adware is killing the computer and avast can't destroy it.

It's possible that I can fix it, but now I will need a back up drive for this, so I won't lose any files. I was also gone because I thought of playing saint's row 2, and I was trying to finish and I forgot of going to gamespot. So yeah..... That explains it all, and BTW, I'm not leaving gamespot. But I'm not going to be on as much as I used to.

Well, it's been fun but it's almost over

Hello, it's a me DG and you probably never seen me for a while, main reason is because I got suspended because it was offensive when first of all I was making a point. And second of all, it's my freaking opinion, you (anybody who reported me) don't whine over a mod over someone's opinion. It ain't right. And reason why is I'm at gametrailers, and I'm actually liking it.

I find it funny with the drama, if you go there, you'll see what I mean. But it's fun, even my friend supergamer is on the site since he got banned on this site. But my problem is.. Should I leave Gamespot or not? I'm disliking this site more and more, and I'm sick of the rules, people here just too sensative making them immature people that sometimes needs to understand why people say. GT is better than Gamespot in many ways, and I respect GT for that. A lot of Gamespotters left to GT, and probably a lot of users at GT are from GS. But this site, this site started me to review and make friends, and even my own union. I don't want to leave to die, if the union ever gets better, then maybe I resign as leader and pass it down. But that will have to be unfinished business.

And pretty much, my computer is starting to get messed up, so that's not good. Please go to the GT gaming forum section and you will laugh so hard that you will crap your pants. It's always full of fanboys and trolls, you will laugh, I'm serious. Apparently, sometimes, you will see pics of woman on user's page. Go to one of them, and you'll see what I mean.

Well it's been fun, and it's almost over for me, I think the next time will be a ban. And this maybe the last time that you'll see me in OT forum as well. This will not be my final good bye, that will be have to done when everything is done with my list.

Edit: My GT profile:http://www.gametrailers.com/users/darkkoolaidman/gamepad/