@leviathan_wing @FadeToBlack90 Just because it does have shooters (of course it does, since they are most best selling games in the industry) doesn't mean the ps3 is focused on shooters. That was my point. Remember ps3 is Japanese and 360 American. I think that says enough.
Changing the controller, srsly? What makes the ps3 good is that it's not necessarily shooter-oriented, but for a much broader audience who is mainly attracted by the more creative and refreshing games the ps3 has to offer. I think much of the exlusives is proof of that, and I think it's probable to say that a lot of people bought the ps3 for that very reason, or it is at least a big factor. So changing the ps3 controller to make it 'shooter friendly' is like denying what it stands for. There need to be differences so multiple groups can find what they like. If you want everything the same, just stop making handhelds and multiple consoles to encourage healthy competition. After all, doesn't everything need to be the same? Away with innovation, creativity and challenges! Get a Playstation720U and just play COD forever I say!
I agree that most games these days are uninspired and money milking franchises *coughcodcough*. I am hoping for a more grown up and creative gaming industry with truly evoking games.
I doubt so many people have watched a single video at the same time here at gamespot. Get ready for a server overload when people comment in about 4 mins.
It's nice to see everyone so excited for a short trailer. The comment section will get flooded once we can finally see it. I feel the unique unity we fellow gamers have once again!
DiamondSlicer's comments