Too busy, too busy to even go to this site. :(
Diehardgames2 Blog
So tired...
by Diehardgames2 on Comments
Current time, 4.35am.
So, for the third time in three days I've been awake past 4am. WHY CAN'T I SLEEP. -_-
WWE Programming...
by Diehardgames2 on Comments
So, after like 5 years of not watching any WWE programming, I decided to watch an episode of Raw on Youtube a couple of months ago. I think that was a horrible decision, as I now can't not watch an episode when it's on TV. Which is funny, because I don't particularly like WWE. :(
I hate fitness tests!
by Diehardgames2 on Comments
So, just remembered that I have a fitness test at the end of July for a rugby refereeing course that I was invited to. What I need to do for the said fitness test is get to level 8 in a beep test. Yeah, that's pretty easy you may say, but I SUCK at beep tests. The last one I did was about 6 years ago, and I wasn't all that great then. Oh well, time to get running, and running, and running. :(
Don't you just hate it...?
by Diehardgames2 on Comments
Don't you just hate it when you're hungry and there is absolutely nothing good to eat in your house? This has happened to me several times and I honestly don't know where all my food goes. I'm sure I don't eat it all. :( I think there are little fairies that come in at night and snatch everything and leave the cheese. Like seriously, that's all there is. Cheese. Urgh. :(
I've rediscovered my love...
by Diehardgames2 on Comments
...for the forums. I used to be quite an active poster in the forums before I disappeared off the face of this site for a few years. Recently, I've began posting on them more, and it's really enjoyable. Now, time to set on my quest to become a moderator, and further contribute to the site. :D
And So It Ends...
by Diehardgames2 on Comments
Well, E3 is over, and I've enjoyed sitting on my computer seat like a potato and watching the E3 coverage here. Apart from a few streaming problems here and there, I think it was really good. Now, should I stay, or go? Hmm, I guess I'll stay a little longer.
And So It Begins...
by Diehardgames2 on Comments
So, I'm no where close to being as active on this site as I once was but I always find myself back on it for the E3 coverage. Guess it's that good, eh? Oh well, no different this year. Unfortunately, I'll miss a couple of the press conferences today (Microsoft being the main one I'll miss). Guess I'll just have to watch them later.
Happy E3 everyone! :D
Since E3 is little over a month away....
by Diehardgames2 on Comments
..I've decided that I would like to come back to GameSpot and follow the pre-show hype and what not. I know I've disappeared several times after saying that "I'm staying" but this time I plan on remaining here through E3 and a little after.
See you around. :)
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