Well, I definitely can't believe that my 7-day holiday to Blackpool has ended, already. Can't say that it was the best holiday I've ever had but it did the job in relaxing me, sort of. I'll provide a short-ish run-down of the holiday below.
Friday appeared to have been the busiest pre-holiday day yet as it was mostly spent cleaning the house and taking out a lot of rubbish to make sure I had done everything so I wouldn't get the 'did I do that?' feeling. I everything packed in one suitcase by Thursday night and the car were fully stocked up on petrol for the long tiring journey that was getting ever closer. I went to sleep extremely early that night so I could be up early on the Saturday so I could set off early.
The first day of my holiday arrived, everything was set and ready to go. I got into my car at around 9 AM and began the long 300 or so mile journey to Blackpool. The Journey was somewhat of a smooth one with the occasional jams and the odd pit-stop there and then but I got there 5 hours 30 minutes later. The accommodation was a simple 2 bedroom caravan at one of the best caravan parks I've ever been too. It actually didn't take that long to unpack all of the stuff and go get some shopping (food stuffs etc) for the week a head.
Now, what did I do during the week I was at Blackpool? Well, out of the six days I was down there I went swimming for four of them because I like swimming and Blackpool has a fantastic indoor water park at the south end of the pleasure beach. I did go the a theme park on Tuesday but unfortunately I, a long with the rest of the people there that day got washed out due to heavy rain. On the Wednesday I went to the Trafford Centre in Manchester to do some shopping for clothes and what have you because I had some money to spend. I also went to see 'The Dark Night' that day and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm glad I was indoors was most of that day because when I stepped out of the Trafford Centre I realised that is had poured down while I was in there.
The journey back was a rainy one with heavy rain throughout most of the trip and a 30 or so minute delay due to roadworks near the Stirling area which sort of annoyed me because it destroyed any hopes of me returning by 2 PM. When I did finally arrive back, the first thing I did was struggle getting out of the car because my legs would hardly budge after being stuck in the same driving position for 6 hours. I then proceeded to take everything out of the car, unpack everything and enjoy a nice seat and cold beer (I don't normally drink but this was an exception). I was be looking forward to sleeping tonight.
Well, that was a quick run-down of my holiday to Blackpool. Please forgive me if you find any spelling errors or anything that doesn't make sense because It's been a long day. Lol. I hope the rest of your weekend is fantastic.
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