Ahh, I remember the good ol' days, before the split down the middle of America (Red vs. Blue, as so many like to call it). Back when I was growing up in the 80's/90's, and everything was still American. Fireworks roared to the heavens, burning in multicolored flames to let us know that our flag is still here. Now, the time of our country's future, we're broken up, waiting for the next civil war and praying for the best.
In previous years, Independence Day was something to really celebrate. My family would sit around in lawn chairs, watching the city shoot off it's fireworks. Us kids would have sparklers, running around like insane soccer moms, having the time of our lives. Then, after the show, we'd host our own show of fireworks spectacular. Starting with blackcats, the snakes, and anything that just made some noise or cool glowing flames, and ending up with sky lighters and stuff like that. Memories, eh? Afterwards, we'd go inside, play some Nintendo or some fun multi player PC game, and play that until it's either too late or we're too tired.
Today, I'm having to go into work to sell computers. Who in the US of A is going to buy a computer on July 4th? And instead of spending 4th of July with family, friends, or even just my wife, I have to talk to idiots about why a $300 computer will not play World of Warcraft. Have fun celebrating. I'm going to load up some Warcraft III and soak away in it for the few hours I have left.
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