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Dinghy_Dog Blog

F.E.A.R. Combat: Free vs. MS Points (Now With Review!!)

I'm sorry. My last blog, for some reason, was fueling people's fires. I wasn't calling anyone out as being a moron. It's just not wise to pay to watch videos of people playing games that aren't even that great.

But this new thing, F.E.A.R. Combat, which is basically a free version of F.E.A.R.'s awesome multiplayer is something that proves my point about Microsoft's Xbox 360. My point being: You can release stuff for free; you don't need a price tag on Live Arcade games. Sure, maybe a $ to keep them up and running, but over, $5-$10 a game is a bit much. I know, I know. Some of you are probably thinking I'm bashing Microsoft because I'm complaining about that. Well, whatever. No I'm not. I'm not a fanboy of anything. I just hate overspending on crap that's not worth it. But I mean, the people that did F.E.A.R. obviously put more time in the game than some Live Arcade games and they end up releasing their awesome multiplayer for free. What's the dealio?

F.E.A.R. Review for those who do not know. Recommend it if you agree. Thanks ahead of time!

How To Waste Your Life Away (GS Edition)

I'm not even going to say much. The blog is for you guys to argue with each other and determine who's right (ultimately, I'm right, but go on). Here's the topic to flame each other:

Watching Madden NFL 07 gameplay live on GameSpot is a complete waste of time and if you pay to watch that, you are, by definition, a complete moron. If you don't believe me, check it out @

Debate now!

I Bet You Didn't Know This

I was *edit* suspended. For what? Well, I actually deserved a day off. It was a news article about Shaq being on the cover of the new NBA 2K7 game. Everyone was saying Kobe, so I replied with me agreeing, but instead of having a basketball, he should have a white girl to poke on. I think I got banned for saying raped. Oh well, I'm back. What's new? Well, nothing really. I'm going to be playing many hours of Age of Empires III and the new Dungeon Siege II expansion tomorrow. As of now, I'm gonna watch a movie, eat, watch another movie, eat some more, and play the best crap game ever: South Park on PC.

Stolen Ideas @ Wurrk

I was in a pretty crappy mood to start with today but man, nothing ticks me off more than a thief. A stolen idea, if you may. For a year now, I've been working and redesigning an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of my performance. It's come a long way and I submitted it to one of the head cheeses around here a few days ago. Rejected. Why? Because it wasn't super pretty. Well, someone took my idea, made it look 'fancy', so he is getting all of this freakin' credit for something I basicaly did.

All in all, I'm just another monkey working for the man, getting raped out of my own work.

Your Super Powers & Their Phlaws

Everyone in their life has dreamed of having at least one super power. The power to fly would be cool. The power to see through buildings would be even cooler. But with every power, there comes a flaw in its prodigious system. This blog isn't a discussion about the weaknesses of the powers chosen, it's about the ultimate super power. Which one of you can think of a super power that is unstoppable by any means? Scientist have studied this for decades and have failed every time when trying to create the best super power. Every power has it's weakness, so for the person who picks one, the next poster should pick a weakness of the above person's power and then name theirs. This will go on forever.

Super Power: Flying
Pros: Cheaper than driving; Go anywhere you want for free; Playing basketball/football.
Cons: Hunters will mistake you for a bird; Terrorist will mistake you for a plane; Superman will be angry that you're stealing his power.

Super Power: *EDITED AGAIN* Telepathic *Grumble!*
Pros: Read people's thoughts; Control people. (*Edit: Apparently, I'm mistaken in super powers about moving objects...)
Cons: You can read people's thoughts; Cost of Tylonol can get expensive; You'll end up like Xavier from X-Men (in a wheelchair).

Super Power: Morphing
Pros: You can be anyone you want; You could do anything you'd like.
Cons: You might morph into a cripple and become incapacitated; You might forget what you originally looked like.

Super Power: Laser Beam Eyes
Pros: Killing people has never been this easy; You get to wear cool shades.
Cons: What's stopping a bullet from crushing your face?; No one could look into your eyes; Most obvious power, which means hard to hide from the fuzz.

Super Power: Instant Healing (like Wolverine)
Pros: You'd almost never die; Could implant cool blades into your hands to dice people's faces up.
Cons: Can't heal broken hearts; More suffering pain.

Can you find the ulimate power?

Xbox 360 Themes

You know what would be a good purchase on Xbox Live Marketplace? An option to import from online your own desktop theme. Sometimes, rarely, I purchase a theme from Marketplace, only to regret it and wish I'd saved my points. I think the worst ones are the Gun and Hitman Tie theme. They had a system sort of like this on the Dreamcast with graffiti in Jet Grind Radio. It would also be pretty nice to be able to load up a DVD full of basic MPEG/AVI/DivX files onto the system and play them direct. I mean, face it. Who has or even wants Media Center Edition?

Anyone else?

'Straight Outta Lynwood' + 'Revelations'

I'm a music nut and a comedy lover. Low and behold, in my inbox over my 2 days off, I found an e-mail from "Weird Al" Yankovic telling me his new CD is coming out in September!! 'Straight Outta Lynwood' (which is a parody of N.W.A.'s album, 'Straight Outta Compton') will parody Green Day, Taylor Hicks, R. Kelly, and Chamillionaire. Oh, and I love the song title to Chamillionaire's 'Ridin' Dirty' song. Al calls his version 'White and Nerdy'.

On the other hand, I heard Audioslave is already releasing a new CD called 'Revelations'. I heard one of the songs from the CD and it was really good. I'm happy to see a band I like releasing a CD quicker than 4 years, like some people.

Anyway, that's all I have. The rest of this day is going to be me selling computers, waiting to go home, and reviewing games. Check below for the new reviews.

*Let's put a smile on your face with a joke: When I go back to school, I'm going to do all my homework in a restaurant. Why? Because the customer is always right.

Mountain Lightning (or ML)

Walmart. You all have them in your city. You have them on every corner, along with McDonalds. You shop there. You might even be working there. There's one thing I love that Walmart does and that, my friends, is their rip-off sodas. From Mountain Lightning to Dr. Thunder, it really appears that Walmart's store mascot is Thor. My cousin, Randy, and I actually put the sodas to the test. We bought Mountain Lightning and a Mountain Dew (even the names are similar). Here's what we discovered about Walmart's brand. Walmart used the same green, red, and white colors that Mountain Dew uses. The labelling is pretty much the same. The texture and coloring of ML (that's it's new name) is a bit darker than normal Dew. What was very interesting is nutrition facts. ML is actually a tad bit healthier to drink than Dew! There's less sodium in their drink. Now, who really cares about that crap. What we all care about is: will it tricky my friends if I pour them a glass of ice cold ML? We put this to the test. I poured a glass of ML and then a glass of Dew. The testee? My wife. I gave her the glass and asked her to tell me which one tasted better and which one was the real thing. After 10 seconds of testing, our results showed that ML taste better than Dew!! It may not trick the biggest Dew drinker (like myself) but it will trick most anyone else. Go to Walmart and give it a test yourself.

Enjoy that.

L-U-V Spells Disaster & Disaster Spells Haha

Sorry this is long but well worth the read.


Anyone in love? Do you hate it? Let me actually describe love. Love is where you think you're happy, but you're not. You think you've found that person, but you haven't. Love is actually that headache from last night's fight. Love is constantly biting you in the face with it's teeth of hopeless bleak despair. But you know what's worse? Not being in love. Not being in love is having a throbbing heart and wanting nothing more than to fall in love with that special girl/guy. When you're not in love, you end up seeing your best friend (who's been completely asexual up til this point) with the most beautiful girl in the world. Then you're thinking the whole time "Man, even that freak can get a girl/guy. Something must be wrong with me.". It's what I like to call the "Cycle of Death". Why? Because nothing is wrong with you. Nothing at all. Death just isn't knocking at your door. At least, if you're sane. Some of you people will actually kill yourself by way of gun/knife-to-wrist/rope because you want so bad to fall in love. That's what love is all about. Death.

You know what's really good, and what I really enjoy, is when this 'death' (or love) tortures two people. Now, I don't like when it happens to me, but my goodness, it's so grand to be involved in a love fight! I love when my friend calls me up and tells me "Well, apparently I'm an idiot." because his woman is calling him names. Nothing lights my fire more than being told the story of my friends having problems. And I'm sure it's the same for them when I call and say "Well, I'm locked out of the house.". Face it. Everyone loves drama. Everyone loves to have a good old fashion fight. That's why when you punch someone, it feels good. Hopefully, in your love-fights, you're not punching each other but you do get to take jabs. It's called 'Emotional Boxing'. In this corner, you have the sensitive, defensive character and in the other corner, you have the harsh, brutal beast who is thirsty for blood. Neither one plays the role of female or male. It just depends on the situation. For instance, I leave the toilet seat up. I'm now the sensitive, defensive character and my wife is the blood thirsty beast, ready to pounce. Anyway, I don't like to think of myself getting in trouble. Let's go back to your friends getting in an emotional boxing match.

So you're friend... let's call him Doug... is having a fight with his woman... Patty. As I was saying earlier, the greatest thing is when Doug calls you up to give you the details of this amazing fight. Normally I don't pick up my phone. Even my answer machine has a Japanese haiku which goes "The phone rings; We do not pick up our phone; So why call?". But I will always pick up the phone when it's 'Doug' calling around the times of 10am-1pm or around midnight. Why? Because that's when I get the most entertainment out of the conversation. When I hear that phone ring around those times, I will seriously drop whatever I'm doing and dive over any obstacle to get to that phone. I could be in the middle of 'making babies' and I will literally leap up, trip in the dark for the phone, and answer it to hear "Yeah, so apparently I have a peanut brain and Patty hates me." You don't want it to end. It's a crappy, teen soap opera happening right before your eyes. You want to help, but you won't. You want to tell him it will be okay, but you say, "I'd leave that whore.". See, you get the juicy stuff when you say something like that. You will unfold a book of disturbing things about that person's other half that you will hold dear to your heart. Some for ammo, but mainly because it's so great to eat popcorn and watch the fight unfold in the most harsh details. To keep the fire growing, you make up some stories to fit the situation. "Oh, Patty cut your face with a rake?! I know how you feel. This one time, Nikki (my wife) was screamin' at me and I was like 'Now, dear, calm down.' and she picked up a fat rake only to slash my head open. I had stitches and everything.'. What's great is right after you say that, Doug will be like "Yeah, right?". Continuing, you will end up uncovering all of these facts about this fight, when suddenly, 15 minutes into the conversation, you realise "Wait, I've heard this one before.". So you try to end it, not by saying "Hey, I got to run." but by weasling yourself out of the conversation. You'll try to hint by saying "Yeah." and "Uh-huh." after every other word to try and tell him you're not listening but that never works. You try the lawn while you talk. Nothing. This works every time. Be involved in the conversation. Relate to what he's saying, and then in the middle of when he's talking (not while you're talking), tell him to wait and call out a little away from the phone "What?" like someone is calling you from the other room. Then when you wait for about 3 seconds, get back on with him and say "Hey, I got to go. I'm in trouble now. Women.". You're now free to go.

Well, that's my love spill. Take care guys!