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Disgaeamad Blog

Miss Me?

Why hello thar everyone! Miss me?

My laptop's fixed, but I lost all of my old stuff. No problem, though, seeing as I've already got nearly everything I used to have back.

So what's been happening in the last week or so? I myself wasn't too bothered about not having access to my laptop, seeing as there was a mixture of going out and re-playing Final Fantasy X.

I'll be making this short, seeing as I have a lot of blogs to catch up on. Hurray!

I've Been Prawned...;_;

I think owned is what best describes me right now.

My laptop is dead, System32 was completely wiped. I have no idea how it happened, seeing as I never downloaded anything in a week or so, and my NOD 32 Antivirus never informed me of anything either.

Currently, I'm at a friends house, and I got a chance to jump on his computer while he's asleep, just so I could update you all on what's happened, meaniong you'll know he reason I'm not commenting on you blogs. As usual, though, I'll catch up on them after I revive my laptop, seeig as it told me I could restore the System32 with a CD that came with my laptop...which I'm having no luck with.

Fortunately, my dad knows someone who might be able to resolve the the situation without me having to get a new laptop, meaning all my work won't belong to the grim reaper.

Speaking of the grim reaper, I'm sure if you read something like "Disc Read Error", then you'll be looking at him. 3 games I wanted to play today gave me it, making me even more bored since it was raining heavily until around 8, meaning I couldn't go out. The games were Disgaea: Hours of Darknes, Phantom Brave and Final Fantasy V (Anthology version), probably because they're CD-Rom's instead of DVD's.

Anyways, I'm off now, I need to catch up on some sleep. Thanks for reading :)

The New Year Brings the End of a Fantasy

First of all, Happy New Years, everyone!

So, what spawned the outrageous title of this blog, hmm? Well, you guys knew I led "The Legend of Fantasy", right? Well, after a proposal from xVxObliVioNxVx, I've joined in on a merger between Final Reunion and Eminent Haven, the Union being named The Farthest Land.

It's not sad that I joined this merger, it's because last night, I gave up The Legend of Fantasy to some banned user after changing it's name, because GameSpot wouldn't let me delete it. Now that I'm taking part in this merger, I'll have less time for blogs, because I've got a massive amount of work to do, plus a secret project that only a few close friends know about, heh heh.

But anyways, enough with the sadness, let me make you guys laugh with a funny picture, and then I'll give you 2 quotes that randomly popped into my head last night:

Picture (don't look if you haven't played KH2)

The idea for this sprung forward during a rather funny MSN talk with kraker2k. Usually, when something happens to someone, I'd say something like "MSNOwned" if MSN crashes on them, for example. kraker, in a wild attempt to copy my...erm...coolness, said "Goofy got rockowned! XD". So, I asked him to make an animated gif with the rock coming down and hitting Goofy, then it saying "Rockowned!". So there you have it.


Who are you?
What is your name?
Who is your commanding officer?
What is your name?
Who do you work for?
Who are you?
You are Jimmy Patterson!
Comanding Officer in MOH
Man, I remember playing that game a few years back and I'd always laugh whenever that guy came along. So many questions that only he himself could answer :P

Tell me one thing I can't do right on GSDeadlyrain92

Lead a Union.


This particular quote happened in The Final Fantasy Experience back in summer time. I can't remember why Deadlyrain said that, but someone had to say it to him and it turns out I was the one.

Well, people, this blog's over and done with, so I'll catch you all sometime or another. :)

Creeping Out of the Shadows

Ok, it's been a good while since I've signed up to Gamespot, yet I've never shown any of you a picture of myself. As darkandroid and natiko have said, I could be a 60 year-old pedo, but obviously that's a lie, as a 60 year-old pedo wouldn't be as cool as me, eh? >_>

So now, without further adeue (sp?), I present myself:

kraker2k, with his amazing Photoshop skills, turned Yoh into me! Ignore that damn moustache, though, he thinks I'm a young Hitler :P

Ok, now I need to wait until he gets on so I can destroy him, this is the second time he's done something like this...:lol:

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Here in UK land, it's been Christmas for 50 minutes (from when I'm typing this)! Merry Christmas to everyone!

The first 50 minutes of Christmas day have been wonderful. A good friend of mine named Alex, whom I haven't been able to speak with since sometime August, managed to get online and we had a good, fun talk. It's good to know that she's keeping well.

Now, onto the bit you all want to know: what did I get?
Well, I asked my mum for a Nintendo Wii, which I won't be recieving until sometime in January. But, my mum, being the generous person she is, decided to buy me some extra presents:

The New Complete Guitarist by Richard Chapman
Now, this was something I didn't expect. I've had my guitar for a month or two now, and this is exactly what I've needed. I'll be giving this a read sometime soon.

The Brand New Collection
Ah, music, can't live without it, eh? Well, this was another unexpected, yet welcomed gift. The album has 2 CD's, with bands such as The Fratellis, Artic Monkeys, Snow Patrol, Razorlight, etc. I'll be popping this into my laptop in a few minutes.

Last but not least, the must have for Christmas: Chocolate!
Ha ha, sweet sweet chocolate is something that I needed, I was getting hungry! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and ruin my teeth.

Now, time to apologise for missing out on all of your blog's. I've been really busy, but I promise that I'll catch up with all of your blogs tomorrow, as I have a lot of free time on my hands.

Hope you all enjoy your Christmas! :D

The Heart of All Worlds

**Beware of t3h 1337 5p01|_4z**

So, yesterday, I was like "whoamagah this game just got beatz0rz!". Wanna know what game it was? I'm not telling...

..>_>...wait whut?

Ok, so I got Kingdom Hearts 2 on November 28th and started Proud Mode straight away. I got by Roxas' stretch in a matter of 4 hours. I then decided to play at least one hour a day, which lasted until a few days ago, when I decided to play it all through Wednesday's and Friday's a few days ago. By that time I had reached the second run through of Beast's Castle. Wednesday came, and I faced off against Xaldin. I was confounded, I faced him in Proud Mode, yet I never found him that hard, and I hear people say he was the hardest boss in the game. So, I continue to play, and I reach the Pride Lands for a second time. Those damn Hyenas were too fast, took me a while to make them cough up that info about Scar's Ghost.

I then reach the huge heartless, the one that looks like a dinosaur. To tell you the truth, I found that battle harder than the Xaldin one, but I guess that's just me.

So, by the time I had done all that, it was around 10 pm, so I decided to call it a day.

Then I got home yesterday, was about to turn my laptop on, but then I said screw it. I resumed playing the game. The next thing I know, it's 6pm and I'm facing off against Luxord (he aggravated me), only for him to fall to my uber skillz. Next came Saix, whom I defeated after putting up with his "Rawwwwwrrrrr i r teh berserk mode!11".

Xemnas was a joke the first time around, his moves could be predicted so easily. So after a few cutscenes, I was facing him again, beat him, whala. But, that wasn't it, Square-Enix decided that I should use a ship to blow up a dragon...such an intense battle and well thought out battle![/sarcasm]. Then, finally, after like 5 consecutive battles, I got to face the final form of Xemnas. Man was it annoying, especially when he spammed those red energy beams. In the end, after watching a kick-ass cutscene reaction command, I dealt the finishing blow, leading me onto the game's amazing ending.

I loved this game, it was definitley a true success and lived up greatly to the expectations Kingdom Hearts 1 had set. The worse thing about the game was how bad the story pacing was, I hated those Disney world's most of the time, they felt like fillers from Naruto (is that even possible?).

In the end, though, it was worth it, because the main story was amazing, especially the whole Riku in Xehanort's Heartless form.

Here are my stats:

Game LV: Proud Mode
Completion of Jiminy's Journal: 78 %
Completion of Gummy Routes: 7%
Healed Party Members: 161 Times
Saved by Mickey: 4 times
Most Used Form: Master Form (14 times)
Used AntiForm: 3 Times
Most Used Summon: Chicken Little (0 Times)

I beat it in 31 hours :D

I'm most likely going to review this game, but of course, I need to get this game document out of the way first...v_v

Peace out people, enjoy Christmas or Hanakuah or whatever you celebrate! :)

Time Is Evil...Veeeery Evil

Yeah, I suck at making blog titles, don't judge me or I'll induce the wrath of Pangya on all of you! >_>

Lately, I've felt as if I've had not time to do anything. I've been trying to balance out playing Kingdom Hearts 2 and Albatross18, along with spending time on Gamespot and working on my game idea. So, I finally planned something out:

As per usual, I go on Albatross18 for approximately 1 hour a day, unless it's the weekend. I tend to spend a while going around Gamespot as well, whilst I'm working on my game idea. I only play KH2 once every few days. Now, however, I've made myself a nice little routine to follow:

Albatross18: I'll continue playing this for at least an hour a day. When it comes to weekends, I tend to overdo it :P

Kingdom Hearts 2: I'll only be playing this on Wednesday's, Friday's and weekends. Why? On Wednesday's and Friday's, I get out of school at 2:40 pm instead of 3:30 pm (GMT times), meaning I have more time to play it, along with spending a good few hours during the weekend. I expect to be finished with the game before my Christmas holidays start on the 22nd, so I'll be able to replace that routine with another game.

Gamespot: Heh, what can I say? I've visited this site everyday since I joined (apart from when I've had problems or I was in dire need of a break), and I don't plan on changing that. Now, though, I only post in specific places, such as Welcome Newbies, The Virtual Underground and The Farthest Land. Why am I not posting in The LOF anymore? You'll find out very soon.

Game Idea: As of late, I've fallen behind on this.I need to catch up fast, as the deadline is closing in. I plan on spending 2-4 hours on this a day, excluding weekends.

So there you have it, a nice little schedule. Sure I'm just so cool and neat and stuff? >_>

Unhealthy Addiction, Pangya!

omigosh, Dizzy-kun wasn't on GS the whole weekend? NO WAI!

First of all, sorry for not posting in anyone's blogs during that time (I noticed, Sabot and dalfy, that you guys made 2 or three), and I'll be right on it after I finish this blog :)

Ok, now onto why I wasn't here. You know that game I've been obsessing about? Albatross18? Well, thanks to Dkittels, I played too much of it all weekend, especially on Saturday, when we played from 2 am until around 10 am (GMT times, btw), and then I proceeded to play until 8pm, after which I fell asleep.

Don't ask me why I done that, because even I don't know. But anyways, I'll try and not make it a regular thing, although this time I might convince Dkittles into it...>_>

But, I reccomend you try it out, it's addicting and it's great fun when you play along with your friends.

I think that's all for the now, see you all around :)

Kingdom Hearts 2 + Albatross18 = Less Time On GS

*If you still haven't played KH2, then spoilers are afoot*

Yeah, yeah, I know KH2 is old news for most Americans, but for a UKer who didn't have enough money (like me) to get it sooner, it's like Heaven!

So, I bought Kingdom Hearts 2 yesterday, after being dissapointed by Amazon (I ordered it from there, and it took them weeks to give me a refund because it never arrived). Man, is that box shiny!

So, I started playing it, and since I heard so much about normal mode being easy, I decided to to go straight into Proud Mode. Man, the first two days in Roxas' story were pretty...dull. But, the 3rd day made up for that, I enjoyed the boss battle against that Nobody, especially the use of the Reaction Commands when he launches the huge energy ball (DBZ, anyone? ) at you. But, the Axel battle is amazing, yet too short, and I also find it strange how Roxas pul;ls out the Oathkeeper and Oblivion from absolutely nowhere.

I think I got a bit too used to him, though, because when he said to Sora "You're lucky, Sora...I guess my summer vacation is over", it was rather sad, but I'm kinda emotional when it comes to games anyway.

When you start to play as Sora, things get a lot more button mashony (made up word ftw), but I still enjoy it nontheless.

Currently, I just defeated the first boss at Beast's Castle (the one before you get to the dungeon), without leveling up. Do I just suck at this game, or is Proud Mode actually hard?

I'll keep you guys updated on my progress or something, and just to have fun, here's a random splish of randomness (wow, that was random!) to finish this part off

Also, thanks to the accursed N3MO at The Virtual Underground, I've gotten addicted to Albatross18. I recommend that you guys try it. I've never been a fan of golf, but this has got me hooked and I don't know how it managed it.

Remember that blog where I put some news in and then posted my thoughts about it? Well, I'm deciding to make that weekly, and I'll be naming it "The Dizzy Times". Fun, huh?

dalfy, expect to be making a lot of long replies soon :P

Yes, I know, the blog was rather random and short, but it's 12:41 am and I'm supposed to be in bed already...*hurries up*

See you around, guys :)

Us Unfortunate Europeans...

So, I was recently watching a few videos of Twilight Princess and Final Fantasy III over at Gametrailers, and now, I wish I'd never seen them. Why? Simple: My anticipation for both of them has skyrocketed.

So, I decided to see when Final Fantasy III would be released in Europe, expecting it to be sometime in December...I guess I was wrong, because when I looked at GameSpot's page for it, a big "Q1 2007"was shoved in my face.

Sure, it might get released in January, but there's always that chance it could get released in February or even in March.

That's what gets to me quite a lot, us Europeans always have to wait so much longer for games to come out than North Americans. Look at Kingdom Hearts 2: In North America, it was released in March 28. Joy, eh? Not for us, as we discover that we don't get it until September 29.

What made me get somewhat more angry is when the Americans started complaining about not getting a black DS Lite. Seriously, they get everything before us, yet they complain when one product doesn't arrive there? Let me say 2 things: Final Fantasy Tactics and Xenosaga Episode 1. 2 great RPG's that never made it to Europe, and the only reason I have it is because a friend a friend sold it to me, although I have no idea as to how he got it.

But, if there are people who deserve to complain, it's the Australians, they get it far worse than us.

So, what other great games are we going to miss out on? Will we ever get a game before America? I'm not sure, we'll have to let time tell.

Sorry if this seemed offensive to anyone in anyway, I just had to get that off my chest :)