**Beware of t3h 1337 5p01|_4z**
So, yesterday, I was like "whoamagah this game just got beatz0rz!". Wanna know what game it was? I'm not telling...
..>_>...wait whut?
Ok, so I got Kingdom Hearts 2 on November 28th and started Proud Mode straight away. I got by Roxas' stretch in a matter of 4 hours. I then decided to play at least one hour a day, which lasted until a few days ago, when I decided to play it all through Wednesday's and Friday's a few days ago. By that time I had reached the second run through of Beast's Castle. Wednesday came, and I faced off against Xaldin. I was confounded, I faced him in Proud Mode, yet I never found him that hard, and I hear people say he was the hardest boss in the game. So, I continue to play, and I reach the Pride Lands for a second time. Those damn Hyenas were too fast, took me a while to make them cough up that info about Scar's Ghost.
I then reach the huge heartless, the one that looks like a dinosaur. To tell you the truth, I found that battle harder than the Xaldin one, but I guess that's just me.
So, by the time I had done all that, it was around 10 pm, so I decided to call it a day.
Then I got home yesterday, was about to turn my laptop on, but then I said screw it. I resumed playing the game. The next thing I know, it's 6pm and I'm facing off against Luxord (he aggravated me), only for him to fall to my uber skillz. Next came Saix, whom I defeated after putting up with his "Rawwwwwrrrrr i r teh berserk mode!11".
Xemnas was a joke the first time around, his moves could be predicted so easily. So after a few cutscenes, I was facing him again, beat him, whala. But, that wasn't it, Square-Enix decided that I should use a ship to blow up a dragon...such an intense battle and well thought out battle![/sarcasm]. Then, finally, after like 5 consecutive battles, I got to face the final form of Xemnas. Man was it annoying, especially when he spammed those red energy beams. In the end, after watching a kick-ass cutscene reaction command, I dealt the finishing blow, leading me onto the game's amazing ending.
I loved this game, it was definitley a true success and lived up greatly to the expectations Kingdom Hearts 1 had set. The worse thing about the game was how bad the story pacing was, I hated those Disney world's most of the time, they felt like fillers from Naruto (is that even possible?).
In the end, though, it was worth it, because the main story was amazing, especially the whole Riku in Xehanort's Heartless form.
Here are my stats:
Game LV: Proud Mode
Completion of Jiminy's Journal: 78 %
Completion of Gummy Routes: 7%
Healed Party Members: 161 Times
Saved by Mickey: 4 times
Most Used Form: Master Form (14 times)
Used AntiForm: 3 Times
Most Used Summon: Chicken Little (0 Times)
I beat it in 31 hours :D
I'm most likely going to review this game, but of course, I need to get this game document out of the way first...v_v
Peace out people, enjoy Christmas or Hanakuah or whatever you celebrate! :)
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