@stan_boyd I highly doubt they would really have implemented a system where 10 people have complete access to each others games. I believe the timed demo story more than the people who are now coming out and saying it wasn't because now they aren't implementing it. They can spin it however they want to.
@indiansepoy @Dissentioncc @philMcCrevis @skiggy29 Oh, but now that it is integrated, developers will be more inclined to use it in their games! lol they soon forget that motion gaming was just a fad and nothing more.
@philMcCrevis @skiggy29 It is hilarious, isn't it. They are so brainwashed, that M$ could have done anything and they would have just taken it on the chin in a loving manner. Now they are touting the Kinect like it's some kind of "gaming future now" lol. It's sad really.
@ericswenson @blackbeltjones Nice thinly veiled insults there. I'm using logic just fine. They are injuring me. More specifically they were insulting my intelligence and trying to take away consumer rights. You guys can cream your pants about the Kinect, but it's a joke. A gimmick that they want to force into your living rooms and have you think that it's "the future!". All it is, is another way of tracking information to sell more crap to you. Enjoy. I'll be on the side of the free. The Sony side.
@ooblah Yeah, that's all well and good. I don't care about and/or want MS monitoring anything I do or any aspect about me. Also, again I can bash whatever the hell I want to. My reasons are valid. I can and will speak for the majority because the majority has spoken. The kinect aspect of the xbone was one of the major down sides of the console to most people. You are in the minority on this one. As Adam Orth would say "Deal with it."
@blackbeltjones You're kidding right? Your original reply to @F0110WER was snarky. All he did was state his opinion on which console he thinks is better and why. You then chimed in with "Good for you. Enjoy staying in the past!" basically. Hence why you had people (like me) make snarky comments back to you.
@blackbeltjones @rockerdude1986 Sorry but the complainers had little to do with MS changing their policies. It was related, yes, but they did it because PS4 was outselling Xbox One by a wide margin in pre-order sales. Why? Because we (yes I can speak for the majority in this case) don't care about what they were offering and didn't want all their restrictions.
@blackbeltjones @Dissentioncc Sorry but comparing having a necessary camera to even use a console to the invention of the Internet and flight is just ludicrous. Those are world and life changing inventions ffs.
@blackbeltjones @F0110WER Did I ever mention that I had a problem with people buying what they want to? You act like I've been trying to prevent you from buying the Xbox One lol. All I said was that to most gamers (as evidenced by the backlash, preorder numbers, and eventual 180 by MS) don't care about the "innovations" they were trying to force on people. You are in the minority on this one.
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