@TommyT456 Yes, our own opinions are ultimately the most important, but the opinions of people who do this for a living are not to be discredited. Some games are obviously great and others are obviously crap, but some need to be reviewed to determine which side of the fence they are on. I don't want to waste money on something I thought I'd like only to find out it sucked.
@Drazinc @Dissentioncc @Jamoid @Korvus85 Right, I agree with that too. That's why I always check Metacritic to see what all the reviewers think. If one person gives something a 10, but the rest give it closer to...a 7 or so. It would be safe to bet that the 10 is probably just a huge biased fan.
@Korvus85 @Dissentioncc I think it's more of a projected praise. They see that most reviewers gave this game 9.0 or higher and feel like the low reviews must be wrong because of it. I'll hold judgment until I actually play it for myself, but like I said before I'll probably lean toward the majority because they are professionals.
@Jamoid @Dissentioncc @Korvus85 Also, I just want to add that I don't think 10's should be thrown around to just any good game. It has to be those upper echelon quality games. I mean, us gamers know the difference between a game like TLOU and Walking Dead Survival Instinct. I'm talking about when you sit back and just look at the work put into these games. That's where I think people are becoming jaded a bit. We seem to take really great games for granted, looking for any little flaws to discredit it.
@Jamoid @Dissentioncc @Korvus85 Gamespot has given games perfect 10's before. Do you agree that GTAIV is perfect and has no flaws at all? I sure as hell don't, but I think the score is warranted because it's such a great game. I honestly just think Gamespot is a little too rough on games imo.
@Korvus85 It's like I said below, a 10 out of 10 is a perfect score, but it doesn't necessarily mean the game is perfect. Someone will always be able to find a flaw in every game. I think it would be impossible to have a review of a game that didn't have at least one "but" in there. In my opinion, a 10 just means the game is so good, that the flaws can be easily overlooked. What's the point of having 10 on the scale if it hypothetically were never used?
@Korvus85 @Dissentioncc I'll fully admit I don't come here for the reviews. I come to this site for gaming news and the shows (like this one lol). So while I usually disagree with the scores they give games (i.e. Dead Island Riptide), I always just look to Metacritic because it paints a broader picture.
@Stinger78 See, I disagree with your first part. I like when games get 10 out of 10. I don't ever think that means it is perfect though. I just think it means the person (or people) who reviewed the game had so much fun that any little flaws were easy to overlook. When you aren't enjoying something as much, the flaws stick out even more.
@Korvus85 @Dissentioncc That's true. Everyone has different ideas of what makes a great game. I'm just of the opinion that when you are a professional reviewer you have to step outside your own personal bias a bit when reviewing something for a large group of people because of the aforementioned.
Dissentioncc's comments