Stupid comments and the idiotic idea of "elitism" from a core of PC gamers aside, the cast was right in saying that PC gamers SHOULD require non-parity across all platforms, since we KNOW that consoles will always be limited in comparison to the latest high-end PCs. And unrealized potential (especially if you pay more for that potential) from certain developers really hurts PC gaming.
So, i'm mostly glad whenever a company decides to delay the PC releases of their games sometimes, instead of creating a shitty port.
Please, CD Projekt Red, take your time with both games (this and Cyberpunk) and give us some amazing experiences!!! Don't fall to the trap EA and so many other big sharks have, and rush anything...
Politicians: Never mind the violence we create in real life by destroying and killing in several countries for OUR agenda. What the real problem is, is the poor zombie YOU are shooting in the screen in front of you! Therefore YOU are the agenda-driven addict!
Oh, please DO shut up American Senators and NRA... Games imitate life. Real life. You know, the thing where almost anyone in America can carry guns! Also, the thing where your own government keeps sending hundreds of thousands of young men and women to play with those guns there in the middle east! These are the situations that movies, video games and TV series imitate. The reality YOU have created!
Yeah right, banning toys and video games and letting them play with the real ones when they get a bit older, is the answer... How more pretentious can you get?!
Disturbed_88's comments