@BelaidKL Many similarities to Splinter Cell, yes. But, I think this one has more options than Conviction, and may be more fun (haven't played it yet). Plus he said the storyline will keep you invested, something that Conviction lacked (in my opinion). Based on the actual review, the score should be higher i think, but Conviction is a 2 year-old game, so it might be accurate (let's not nitpick too much).
And still, people try to find a better alternative to keyboard and mouse... And still they fail."When you have realized the depth of your failure, you have my permission to rage quit..."
Danny, for me, AC's conspiracy theory and Desmond's storyline, that which you call "useless" and surplus, is one of the reasons i LOVE this franchise... It is so well presented that i can't think of ANY other game that did this better.And, as you said, i think the majority agrees.
Disturbed_88's comments