@controvi: I totally agree with you. My point was more to draw attention to the fact that, although they never had it before (except the Shift games) and one wouldn't expect it, it might be time for them to start offering most of what the competition is and add it (finally).
I don't really get his problem with designer-driven 5 stories-into-1 narrative games. Yes they might seem limiting or linear at points and of course they don't offer much freedom to the player.
But consider this: All games, like most art, are about IMMERSION!
This can be achieved either by a believable open world game (i.e. Fallout, Witcher 3 etc.) that gives you freedom to explore and learn, or with a narrative/story based game (i.e. Telltale games, Uncharted etc.) that captures the player with its interesting character development and decision making that ultimately has significant impact in the future of the narrative.
I don't get why we have to have one OR the other in videogames and why one of them should "get out of his medium" if he doesn't like it. We apologize Mr. Spector, but gamers DEMAND the freedom to choose between these kind of games, and don't want to be limited in options based on your preferences...
Disturbed_88's comments