PS+!!! People are starting to catch on and understand how great it is. It's basically as if Sony said, here you go, we are screwing ourselves over just to make you customers satisfied. They may have some big problems but this pretty much makes up for all of them.
@Spartan_1004 The guy was totally ripping on Nintendo so I wanted to shut him up lol. I played all 3 systems quite allot and they all have their issues but it doesn't keep them from being good. I do have a softspot for Nintendo because its a part of my childhood. I'm not a huge fan of the 360 but if someone has one I won't complain. Personally I don't see the advantages considering the huge PS3 lineup. I do like the Halo series but its only that, dead rising 1 and perfect dark. Beside that I can't think of any more 360 exclusives I really like.
@abHS4L88 Hopefully they do replace it like you say. Actually I have bigger hands than average I don't have trouble reaching the buttons except for the l2-r2 which is basically why I keep almost dropping the controller.
Well I'm happy. Don't know if its much different here in Canada but I got some great deals. I bought Prince of Persia HD for only 10$ and Max Payne 3 for 20$ both brand new right at the store.
@snaketus @CreepingDeath73 @Sozcumber ''real gamers'' lol, I wonder why you quoted that. Maybe because you know what you are saying is B.S. I had a Wii for like 6 months and played all the games and they're not all crap like you ''real gamers'' like to think. I abused all 3 gaming systems and played a ton of games on each of them. Let me tell you the wii had many awesome games you ''real gamers'' didn't bother to look at.
What are you talking about? You obviously have no clue what you're saying. I don't think it's fun to pay 50$ a year to Microsoft to get what should be free. I don't think it's fun to play a system which has penetrated everyone who owned one's asses due to its poor marketting and the fact that they ignore their customers. Fun is certainly not buying a system that is known to break within a year, which is still a problem with the newer slim models. Everyone who owned a 360 that I know had theirs break within a year and I wish I was exaggerating. Fun, is certainly not standing in front of a camera and acting like an idiot in hopes to be able to do the same with great games, which don't exist for the kinect.
I could go on for pages on how ''fun'' your system is. If you want to rip on Nintendo, don't tell me you're going to have ''fun'' on your 360 because that makes you an idiot.
The only thing fun about the 360 is when I owned one for less than a full day and sold it for almost 300$. Now that was really fun!
Great games is what truly matters... Yea, right. I used to say that until this very system. Of course Nintendo will be making great games. They also made a controller which I cannot even hold in my hands. I had to stop playing at gamestop because in the 2 mins I tried it I almost dropped the controller a good 5 times. To top it off you have to buy a 2nd Wii U if your controller which is already god awful breaks. The screen is made to break in an instant and I bet if you drop the controller from 2 feet in the air it will still break. 3/4 of new games rely heavily on both analogs but they're so far appart I can't even coordinate my hands. I had a DS and loved it, but the Wii U controller screen is just a confusing mess.
@CreepingDeath73 @Sozcumber Dude... You have no clue what you are talking about. The Wii was very successful and had many great games that you probably did not even bother playing.
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