Don't let the trailers fool you. This was a great movie but the trailer showed all the bad guys from the best video games while it was the only part like that. So basically the trailer fooled you into thinking it was going to be something else and fully spoiled the best part of the movie. Other than that it was still quite an awesome movie so don't go all butthurt over my comment!
@4-Legged-Shark Do you realise how stupid and ignorant you sound? You don't even know the actual name of the game and you're telling people that it sucks.
I don't know how Kojima thinks he's the Metal gear guy. He is already far more than that. He's the guy who created one of the most perfect games in the industry and has kept it going for almost 30 years and always pushed games beyond normal limits. He's the ultimate gamer of all game creators, the god of awesome games!!
Kojima didn't want to make Metal gear forever now. It's not news, it's just recycled old stuff. He can't keep his nose out of the franchise due to it being near perfect and him not wanting to ruin it and I think most people would feel the same way in his situation.
@guitarist1980 Yea, it's barely a tablet anymore. This is a mini gaming computer, which is awesome btw!
I'm a bit weary about buying anything with Windows 8 written on it, not because it's bad for tablets but because I feel like it might be encouraging Windows to keep destroying the PC OS. Not that I need one anyways, my PC is good enough for me.
@dreamfist11 As a Ps3 owner, I get the choice whether I want to pay 50$ a year or not, and it's not for something that should be free either. If I'd own an Xbox, I would never pay for the live sub. and would actually mod it the sec I put my hands on it.
Dnaisinmybody's comments