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Donkeljohn Blog

Thanksgivings and Opportunities

I suppose community members outside of the United States are continually baffled as to why GameSpot's features and coverage diminishes the week of the fourth Thursday of every November (follow that?). Yes, Thanksgiving is here once more. We celebrate the European pilgrims who came to the new world to escape religious persecution.

For generations the North and South American continents have been a gathering place for those who would find freedom from oppression. Where a blessed people live, there riches will flow. Where riches flow, greedy men will seek control. Unfortunately when a people are blessed in their freedom, a larger, greedier majority will eventually form. This may seem a bit macabre, but the cycle frequently repeats itself.

With the rich supplies of tobacco (don't smoke), gold, silver, and various resources, these continents became a chessboard on which the rest of the global empires played. Spain, Portugal, and Britain all raced to colonize and control the Western Hemisphere. The native peoples of the region were first welcoming and then exploited until near eradication set in. Today it seems many of the peoples within South America are as much a blend of those existing peoples as North American peoples are a mixture of those brave individuals who have come seeking freedom.

This Thanksgiving I have been reflecting on the blessing of my family. I have been blessed with a greatt wife, a beautiful child, and an opportunity to contribute to society and various communities. The entirety of the human family has reason to rejoice, but some individuals and groups are passing through their own times of trials and afflictions. When I sit in comfort with my family to enjoy a warm meal, many around the world go hungry or many wonder if this will be their last day of life.

If you are reading this, the chances are good you not only live in a developed nation but also represent the richest nations in the world. Hopefully, many more of us within our communities will think less of our selves and remember the poor, the oppressed, and those who may need us more than we need our next deathmatch on Xbox Live.

Regardless of religion, politics, or preferences, the counsels of King Solomon are as applicable today as they were in his day:
"Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.
Say not unto thy neighbor, Go, and come again, and to morrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee."
Proverbs 3:27

We each have resources (time, talents, finances, and energies) we can give to help others. In reflecting upon my life, I can see where I can be better. Hopefully each of us will do that more than once in our lives and act accordingly to provide kindness, compassion, and support to those who need it most.

Just the Highlights

This week gaming has brought me two very funny moments.
Giant burning basketballs flying through urban settings and burning wolves falling from the sky. They are not related events.

The giant basketballs are courtesy of 2K Sports. NBA 2K7 opens with a sequence I find to be comedic. It really isn't the overlay of music reminiscent of the Pet Shop Boys that gives the sequence its comedic value. It is the fact that the people below aren't running in fear of a giant burning orb rocketing through the urban jungle. I know it is supposed to be exciting and cool, but it just comes across as odd.

The burning wolves were brought to me by Bethesda Softworks in Oblivion (another Take-Two published game). As I have been saving, sacking, and searching the land of Cyrodiil lately I have completely a goodly number of quests. One ends with burning wolves falling from the sky into a rural hamlet. Classic.

Those two moments, combined with the comedy of Amped 3 have made me rethink my thoughts on Take Two. They have some good comedy moments in their games. . . even the dark ones like Oblivion.

I was expecting more from Need for Speed Carbon. The cutscenes in Most Wanted seemed unintentionally funny, but the scenes in Carbon have lost that feeling. The end of the single-player, though full of all manner of races, left me wanting. The final cutscene was a disappointment. Despite story disappointments, I have been enjoying the multiplayer.

Out of it for a Little While

Was it not Han Solo who once sardonically observed, "I'm out of it for a little while and everyone gets delusions of grandeur!"

As of right now my new router has been successfully set up. Since my wife is watching a movie, I have yet to determine whether the 360 works with our new wireless routing wonder. If so, that means Monday will be a return to the Carbon-rolling days of yore.

Thursday I was able to watch both On the Spot and the PS3 debut broadcast. Don't ask me why I didn't get my emblem; other things are more important anyway. As I have mentioned in other areas, the highlight was definitely watching Tim and the lara model chat it up like they were at a singles' mixer.

The big downer came when she confessed for having a thing for cowboys. . . Don't get me wrong, I spent some time in a cowboy-populated town of rural Idaho; arguably the best time of my single adulthood. It was just sad to see a perfectly pleasant, and generally affable metrosexual see his chances with a decent-looking gal get put out to pasture.

Tim, my condolances.

During the broadcast I was also able to join the chat. Haven't darkened the portals of a chatroom in quite some time. All the same, I am eagerly anticipating the Wii launch party tonight. Hopefully I'll get the emblem for showing up though.
That's Wicked Sick!

AFK, brb, lol. . .not

As some may know, my router officially died. It was a LinkSys and is now beyond hope. I have been racking up some points on my 360, but without my router to connect, I may as well not have them.

Hopefully I will have a replacement router within the next couple days. Until then, watch GameSpot, listen to the HotSpot and be good. Now I am back to work.

To tide you over I have made another video. . .


It is not video blog 5, but video review numero uno.

The Friendslist

That's right, everybody seems to be playing the same game(s). Every time a big game is released, that one game is in the now-playing display for just about everybody.
Oblivion? In the list.
Saints Row? Fairly popular around release.
Gears of War? Currently all over the list.
Madden? Nah. I don't roll with that crew.

The thing I always notice when this effect occurs . . . I'm not playing that game.

Caro and I gunned down alien armies in Contra.
Peldon(x2) and I rolled through the mean streets of Need for Speed Carbon.
I've sent invites to others appearing on the list and in the GS communities, but it just hasn't worked out thus far. Maybe I am just a third . . . er, fifth wheel, but other games are out there. When I was racking up mad points in Lego Star Wars II, I didn't see too many people with it in their trays. Perhaps my tastes are just different.

I like the back catalogue and the proven successes. . . with a few exceptions.

When I am not on I am actually on, but playing Oblivion. I haven't used the Appear Offline function at all until this last week. Turning off all of the notifications and appearing offline has ensured a deep, immersive experience for Oblivion. The only drawback has been the fact that I can't play it with anyone else!

. . . and really these days only multiplayer is really of interest to me. That feature gives the game legs.

Corrupted Contra

Since its inception, I have been eagerly awaiting the classic, 3rd-party games from the NES era to be added to Xbox Live Arcade. Contra is the quintessential NES game and arguably the best shooter of its time. It was a pioneer in the genre and packed with entertainment value. When I downloaded the game this morning, I was interested in playing the arcade clone.

Though I only played the arcade cabinet of Contra once, it was different from the NES game. At the end of the vertical, waterfall level (in the NES version), the wall had tentacle arms. In this version, it was just a few gun batteries and soldiers. Significantly less impressive.

The part that really gets me is the lack of downward firing when you jump at the top of the screen.

During the very first level of play this morning, I jumped off the top level and attempted to fire down but nothing happened since I was off the screen. What?!? Why is being off of the screen a factor? The NES game allows you to do it. Surely a console exponentially more powerful should allow you to shoot somebody running below though you are jumping. Seriously.

Until those two problems are corrected, I can't truly recommend Contra as a worthy redux. It is still worth 400 points, especially if you do not own the NES version of Contra.

. . . But the 200 achievement points are good for the game.

EDIT: I originally posted the following in my diatribe . . .
Though I have plenty of experience finishing the game utilizing the apportioned lives, what if I want the classic code? What if I want to play with the safety net? The extra lives code in Contra was as much a part of the NES game as the side, vertical, and over-the-shoulder action. I don't want a paid download to pop up on XBL, but I really was hoping to have that option.

Jeff is right. The code is in there. It works. Crisis averted. Apologies to Konami. I just wasn't fast enough in my button mashing.

Living in Oblivion

With my fondest TV, muzak, and gaming memories imbedded within the 80's, I have truly been waitin for that blog header. Only in 2006 did I really take time to play a first-person RPG.

Since the blog is the generally accepted place for initial impressions of games, I figured I'd drop a few bits on how my ESIV:O experience has been. I can say it is one thing . . . laborious.

After 12 hours of play, I am just starting to scratch the surface and begin to understand how the various functions operate. Alchemy? Combat? Crafting? Level grinding? Spousal annoyance?
Yeah, it's all there.

Another outlet has evidently compared NWN2 to Oblivion, but all I can think about while I play Oblivion is how much it reminds me of NWN (the original). I can't say it is bad, but I am simply left with an empty sense of deja vu. How many more times am I going to be faced with the necromantic enemies loyal to an evil entity from another plane? At this point, the idea has become a frustrating and rather lame contrivance for RPGs. Though I have yet to complete the entire game--but if I did I wouldn't get anything done between now and January--it certainly allows an enormous amount of exploration.

While NWN had loading screens between every tile set, Oblivion has been kind enough to provide more persistent gameplay in the wilderness despite some sometimes hefty loading screens between the interior locations. The time-specific activities are even oddly reminiscent of Animal Crossing . . . assuming the delightful neighborhood of Animal Crossing was not some vast empire perched in a position of impending destruction from an outside force.


For all of the hype, all of the gushing, I don't find the rendering of people to be particularly impressive. I see a lot of popping and seams and artificiality in the models. The plasticity of skin, walls, and other surfaces is reminiscent of the Doom 3 visuals. Personally, I don't really find that visual style altogether attractive. I suppose we need to pass through the plastic to get to the increased realism.

So far it just feels like Oblivion has a lot of content, but nothing really new. If I wasn't in it for the achievements, I suppose I would move on. But since I got it for almost nothing, I feel like I am getting more than I paid for.

I do have some appreciation for the darkly humorous insertion of the Prisoner classic. . . "Be seeing you!"

The Workload

What happened?

Since I have been concentrating on work and school lately I have found way too much time to be harvesting points. The mission seems to be mutually exclusive to the result.

Today my copy of Oblivion arrived. Truly troubling news. Given how immersive, expansive and otherwise time consuming this title is said to be I am rather apprehensive about opening it.

I have finished X-Men the Official game. I drank that title dry of all 1000 points. A few people have been requesting a video blog about my eperience with the game. As soon as I am reunited with my working microphone I just might make their collective wish come true. For now I am trying to focus all of my mental energies on essays, classes, and jobs. That mental fortitude is of a particular necessity since I know Oblivion awaits.

Need for Speed Carbon is still just around the corner. I think I've missed race week. I'll just have to keep racing to get that achievement later. . . if it ever comes around again. I am also hopeful that the glut of people who are continuing hitting the XBL superhighway will not impair my ability to find and defeat an EA mod. I may have to place a personal call to EA. Maybe Larry Probst III will be online.

The missing:
I still haven't gotten my last Time Pilot achievement.
I still need to go back and complete the RotJ time trial in Lego Star Wars II.
While I don't anticipate earning the S and SS rankings in DoA4, I have a couple other achievements I want to unlock online before I limit my play to a select-few opponents.
I have probably a handful of XBLA titles I just need to close the book on: Gauntlet, Scramble, Pac-Man, Frogger, and more.

Since my father loaded up Moto GP on my box and we tested out Chrome Hounds, I have those titles bringing my completion averages way down; I'm at 68.75% of non-demo titles. While I doubt Moto GP will ever hold my attention over Oblivion or Carbon, I need to at least make an effort to gather some points. Really, I am not a fan of racing games. You'd never know by the way I gush about Most Wanted.

I also did a bad thing tonight: I put in a request for Gears of War. Why did I do that? Don't I have enough violent, M-rated shooters I can be playing? Peer pressure can be such a pain. I have gone on and on about too much already. I had better save something for that video blog.

Good night everyone. I'm going to go play some Castlevania.

. . . What a horrible night to have a curse.

Making Deposits

Yesterday I dressed up as lazy man. Didn't shave, sat around and played XBL most of the day. That usually precipitates discussions with my family.
Here is my report.

Old Fashioned Psych-Out


I was online again today. I played some games. You may have gotten some XBL invites from me to join an online party.

The point? I think my 360 is pulling a psych on me. Just when it led me to believe it was dying it said, "I'm getting better." I think I even caught it calling me "Dude."

It is a California 'box. That makes me wonder what inhale it resembles. I wanted to dress it up like an SNL skit character in honor of Halloween, but that would have been too Homestaresque.

My wife and I watched Ocean's Twelve last night and tonight. Unfortunately it was a replacement for a game rental this (meaning last) month. Happy birthday honey.
While I rarely find anything with George Clooney or Brad Pitt worthy of watching, I admit I enjoyed 12. Some months ago we endured the original Ocean's 11. It was . . . good for its time. Since I missed the updated Ocean's 11, 12 was a bit off putting. the oddity was awesome though. It added to the experience. The soundtrack made the experience. Capoeira dancing through lazer beams is going to be my hobby when I get to be independently wealthy.

Who would have thought?

I struck back at my 360 though. It thought it was getting Carbon today, I proved it wrong.
