Three things tonight: gaming ignominy, traveling without moving, and strategy guides for the busy/obsessive.
I make it no secret I have been enjoying Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on my Gamecube. The story is great! The controls take some getting used to when I have been primarily a run-and-gun/RPG junkie for the last 15+ years. The concept of sneaking is not only a preferred ideological gameplay device, but also ingeniously executed in MGS.
Confession: when I first played MGS in 1998 on my then roommate's PS1, I couldn't get out of the first room. Yeah, that was the ignominious part. My best friend tried too with similar results.
That day turned me off to the MGS gameplay. Unfortunately I never got into the politically and tactically charged story. My coworker back in 2000 never ceased raving about the game. I can understand why. I unfortunately hit a brik wall in MGS:TTS this last week. I got bogged down by the Tank boss.
I shared my troubles with another friend. After some friendly ribbing, he reminded me that my busy schedule justified dipping into a strategy guide. Bob Colayco's guide to Twin Snakes was the perfect blend of just enough tactical advice, and discover-for-yourself walking. It could have been a placebo effect, but after downloading the guide I was able to get by the tank impediment. Thanks Bob.
Funny how a little thing could cause big consternation. At no time do I ever think of myself as a professional ineteractive media aficianado. I think my tastes are the only thing really supernal, but I digress. I don't rank in the tops of any online ladders, I don't finish Super Mario 64 in 15 minutes, and I certainly don't have the longest list of finished games. However, it is a great entertainment escape.
School and work have been giving me a run for my money, but gaming is always the emotional release I look for. My wife has noticed what my previous romances have previously picked up on: when times get tough my game consumption goes through the roof. Thankfully my wife has been playing with me the last few days. Her enjoyment of Super Monkey Ball is not only surprising but a large deposit in our emotional bank account!
The dedication of my wife is really something that means a lot to me. She is a great friend, a dear companion, and a lot of fun to play with! Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like had I married some uber gamer chick, but then I remember what great catch I have. My wife takes me places mentally and physically I am not accustomed to going. That is a big asset. A good companion should not only dip into the things you enjoy but also broaden your horizons. My wife does that, and I am grateful. I hope every game-playing adolescent in the gamespot community grows up to find a mature, competent, and diversified companion. It makes games, life and love more rewarding.
Some may speculate I write stuff like this for the sole benefit of my wife, who reads this blog space, but it is part carthisis and part honor to my sassy, sensible, sensitive, and stunning wife.
Just like I told my daughter today, I don't work for others, I work for my wife and daughter. Despite some stunting moments in playing, I still believe I would do well in the game industry. Hard work, dedication, and innovation more than make up for any perceived skill liabilities. Just keep that in mind.
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