Donkeljohn Blog
by Donkeljohn on Comments
I'm not sure I really want TimeSplitters.
I liked Timesplitters because it was goofy, random and was NOT an M-rated game. Now, it is M-rated but still goofy. The competition for shooters is too intense to justify the purchase, no matter how much I enjoyed TS2.
Back Online
by Donkeljohn on Comments
. . . and then there was GPlay
by Donkeljohn on Comments
Have you heard of GPlay?
Neither had I, until tonight. It is the Netflix of Video Games Rentals. And wouldn't you know it, they are based out of the Bay Area. Booyah.
I had a good time talking with someone from Sega of America today. That guy rocked, he also offered to give me a tour when I am in the area. I'll have to be sure and be in the area. . .
Harmony of Dissonance
by Donkeljohn on Comments
Castlevania: harmony of Dissonance is fun, but notoriously unstable. It actually crashes, and freezes while I play, forcing me to resume from my last save location.
How disappointing. Circle of the Moon never did that. . .
Late breaking controllers
by Donkeljohn on Comments
When katamari date night failed due to our broken, 2nd PS2 controller, I vowed to rectify the problem.
Saturday, after the hair cut session, I stopped by a used game store and left not only with a new controller, but also an over-priced copy of Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance and my very own copy of Mario Party 4.
MP4 is a fun game, I look forward to playing with my wife and brothers-in-law. I shall crush them under my WaLuigi heel! Bwa ha ha ha ha *sparkle fingers!*
Sweet Katamari
by Donkeljohn on Comments
I was able to roll again last night, and it was wonderful.
In the weeks my brother-in-law and I were ratcheting down the gameplay, a lot of positive differences offurred; not the least of which was more quality time with my wife. However, last night. . . I rediscovered Katamari Damacy after going without for so long.
We are the Champions
by Donkeljohn on Comments
It is true, I have prevailed. My brother-in-law has failed the test of wills and now must forever be my indentured filmaking servant.
Good thing he failed, because I almost played two hours of Circle of the Moon this weekend when I was home sick. Being sick stinks.
Level 12
by Donkeljohn on Comments
I always wanted to be a. . . Magician Lord?
Well, at least I'm not Toobin' any longer.
by Donkeljohn on Comments
Let me just say, Toobin' is the lamest name for a game and for a level of gaming devotion.
I remember the original game by the name of Toobin'. Negotiating waterfalls and rapids in an innertube was not my favorite kind o fgameplay mechanic, neither was the pugly early 90's motife the game had.
The only salvation toobing has is the fact there exists a game called Rad Racer, which was a good game in its time. . .
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