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Another week of no gaming.

Wait. I did turn on my GBA to play a little Circle of the Moon.

Mmmmm. . .Castlevania. My weakness.

Pitching the PSP

Ever since Castlevania DS was announced, I've been hankering for, nay, salivating for a DS! But when we pragmatically reflect upon when said game will be coming to stores. . .might as well wait.

So, last night I pitched the PSP to my wife. It was a vain attempt at justifying what I want versus what we really need.


So far I have remained true to my test. . .I went so far as to play 0 hours of games last week!

Who knew?!?

Test of Wills

I have challenged my brother in law to a test of wills.

He spends a lot of time playing video games while neglecting the important things that will truly make him a superiior individual.

I have been spending ever increasing amounts of time on video games--namely Katamari Damacy--to the neglect of my important responsibilities, such as work, grad school, and exercise. I used to be diligent in all of the above, but have been found wanting as of late.

Thus, I challenged him to a self-improving test of restraint and reprioritization. The challenge is on, and the games are off. Soon I will return and report.


So, it turns out my birthday is next week.

Thank you.

When I decided to purchase Katamari Damacy with my discretionary income (which my wife and I both agreed to allocate) she confiscated the game before I could play it. When I asked where the game was she replied, "I hid it until your birthday."

Needless to say, I was not pleased with my own purchase being requisitioned as a substitute for her inability to procure a gift for me.



It is something you that determines your time more than merely the decisions you make. Seems I am rather behind in my applications for grad school. Nevertheless I believe I can still make it up. I should be able to submit for multiple locales.

Unfortunately that means my distractions with games as of late will be neutralized. Also, I have been omitted from the H2 circle by my consistent business with other activities on their regular days to the point that they are no longer inviting me, even when I am available.

I suppose that is okay since they have all moved on to Ghost Recon 2.

I really need to escape this M-rated game slippery slope.


Wooing is but a road which leads to captivity; if it were not so, we would not use captivating stares, catching eyes, or even fall into love.

Romance is a trap from whence no suspecting person may escape unscathed. While seduction is a daily affair, the suction generated is truly awesome, and definitely devastating at a personal level.