@themaster22 I don't agree with the review either but your comment is pathetic and immature. Learn to live with other peoples opinions without acting like a two year old.
@DavidStorm You probably haven't even played either game yet you come on here spouting about it being a bad game. People like you plague gamespott and are as pathetic as it gets.
@JOYRIDEME That's just your opinion, there's plenty of people who disagree with you. People always get negative because the game didn't innovate from the previous title, but some people just want more of the same. Why are you here if you have no interest in the game? I don't get people who come on just to be negative.
@StockpileThomas He obviously didn't enjoy the first Dead Island if he thought the combat was tedious and slow. IGN has a review from a guy who actually liked the first game and he gave it a 7.2.
@the_requiem @Doobsac From what I've been reading Dead Island Riptide is exactly the same as Dead Island it's just a new setting with new quests. I find it hard to believe this reviewer enjoyed the first Dead Island, so to all those who did I would advise to take this review with a grain of salt. He complains about all missions being fetch quests and a weak story, which we all know aren't the strong points of Dead Island. He doesn't even like the combat which really shows he didn't like Dead Island. So for those of you that didn't like the first you're not going to get anything to change your opinion, for those that did this review means nothing.
@Kryptonbornson @Grenadeh If you never played it then shut your mouth. You can't form an opinion without experience something. The fact that you're calling something trash just because of something you watched shows what an imbecile you are.
Doobsac's comments