@bdrtfm: From what I read, she was not comparing herself to holocaust victims, but (albeit written badly) pointing out that such genocides happen in stages, by first making the general public numb to the plight of those the instigators hate. That way, when the actual crimes happen, no one stops or objects to the instigators. She used the holocaust as an example because that’s exactly what happened, but worded it badly and made it look like she was directly comparing political views to those who became victims of the holocaust.
I still see her statement as ridiculous (I highly doubt anyone in power intended to turn the public against right wingers to the point where they’d allow for slaughtering), but it definitely was misinterpreted.
@guavington: Hey if you want to give me $60 dollars to risk buying a game I may not like, go ahead. Otherwise, "ignore everyone else and just buy the game because you MIGHT like it" is horrible advice.
@mogan: Well I've never been as much for shooters and the like and only now have been experimenting with them (I've been more of an rpg/jrpg/monster-hunter person but there's nothing currently that's been clicking with me for some reason). I just tried out Halo seriously for the first time and really liked it. Do you suggest I give Gears a try as a shooter newbie?
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