@TKDBoy1889: He's acting as the spokesperson here due to his popularity. The whole market analysis thing is more than likely the view of the higher-ups in Namco overall, not necessarily Harada.
I wouldn't doubt this either, as they've shown to be obsessed over market analytics given their most recent habits, like making several of their franchises into MOBA-style games (New Gundam Breaker, Black Clover, Naruto).
It's a pity that Manveer is extremely racist against whites and that the whole "Diverse, Inclusive Studio" bit is bull. I'm Indian myself and I wince at how obnoxious he is. Even if one of the major points wasn't hypocritical, when your studio and game's ADVERTISING/SELLING POINT is being diverse and inclusive rather than trying to sell them as a high-quality studio/game with that factor being a plus, then there's a very good chance that the game will suffer as a result.
While I applaud the thing about how the game is friendly to those with disabilities, I honestly wonder why it is important to include gender-focused/preference banners at all. It just feels to me that this really isn’t a positive step that meaningfully adds to including people of all aspects, and feels more like they are trying to capitalize on inclusiveness as a concept to sell more units. I’d Understand if there had been an issue in these type of games that discriminated against non-heterosexual people or people of the LGBTQ community, but that really wasn’t the case in the sort of games. It wasn’t as if you were able to use a banner that proudly proclaim you were heterosexual all this time or really use any banner that is detrimental to LGBTQ. The question never even came up because it really doesn’t matter what your sexuality or preference is in a game where you shoot and kill things. You are just a player who enjoyed gaming with others. All I see this doing is adding an element of gender politics to a game type that was really gender neutral to begin with.
Yes you get those nasty pieces of work that mock people when people explain about themselves, but realistically that’s not just a problem against gender or preference. That type of immaturity occurs with a lot of other things too. It’s definitely not right, but adding an element of gender and/or preference in a game where such things isn’t the focus won’t solve any problems.
Just to emphasize, I don’t have anything against anyone, just questioning why proclamations of gender or preference have to be in a game where such things aren’t even a question to begin with. I’d be just as baffled if they added flags specifically for heterosexual preferences or honestly any sort of view that doesn’t really make sense in a game like this. If I’m missing something here that gave me a wrongful interpretation of this situation, I’ll be glad to hear it and will be happy to correct myself if there is a point to adding such banners that I’m not seeing.
I’m wondering how they will handle the pocket station games Or if they will dummy it out and add the items as separate in game rewards. The original kept the entire feature which made it impossible for western fans to get the items. However the PC version had it as it’s own little application.
I am honestly curious how they will handle it for the console releases. They could take the mini application approach but unlike the PC version that would require a player to completely exit Final Fantasy 8
@qwidward: This. You got my hopes up for nothing and it's obvious based on the link that you guys get some money each time someone clicks on that link. That's a douchey move GS.
1) It's not been two weeks. It came out officially on the 26th, so two weeks will be this Friday. Going by your logic, Gamespot still failed to forward the "ban".
2) It's one thing for spoilers to be mentioned in casual messageboard topics (and even then most people have the courtesy to mark spoilers), and a completely different thing for a professional game/movie journalism site to carelessly list spoilers in the damn topic title. Even now-majorly-spoiled movies like 6th Sense aren't spoiled in article topic titles the way this was done. It's extremely unprofessional.
@newbpwnr: The problem is that the odds have already been mandatory in mobile games. The problem is that it's ALL devs have done to curb addiction. If they had eased back on the monetization schemes alongside the whole revealing-of-odds thing, publishers would not be in this mess.
Doomerang's comments