It honestly looks like they don't realize that the reason why F4 and Skyrim have lasted as long as they have was because of modding, not because of things they did on their end (outside of releasing the toolkit). Given that this is always online, unless they take the same route as Ark and allow for private servers, there's no way that this will last anywhere near as long as the aforementioned games simply because there'd be no way to add any significant mods.
@datriax: Funny how you just assume I support this entire thing just because I point out that this is a remaster (which this IS, as a remaster can be as basic as a resolution upgrade, and this is an engine upgrade). I think it was a dick move that Square delisted the game for Steam just to give people incentive to buy it on PS4, not to mention surprised that it's being rereleased at all because the game didn't do that great and was at best a cult classic.
Try actually considering the other person's post before immediately going for the white knight crap.
I wouldn't mind a multicultural group of actors if it was designed either to use local actors or appeal to a new audience while keeping as much to the source as possible - Peter Brook's version of the Mahabharata did just that, with only one Indian actor despite it being an Indian epic, but doing an excellent job portraying the epic in an accurate way - but when all of the cast is portrayed (relatively) visually close to the book counterparts, but one the most significant characters is distinctly different ethnically, then it just comes off as odd.
That being said, at the end of the day, for me it all boils down to if they keep Ciri's characterization consistent with how she is in the books and games. If the actress does an excellent job with the role, then I can treat her the same way I treated the multinational cast from the Peter Brooks play above: I'll be willing to suspend my disbelief and imagine them as the ethnicity they portray, as their acting more than makes up for it.
@datriax: That's because it IS from the 2000s, and it's a remaster, not a remake. Given that it's not Final Fantasy, they're probably not going to put as much effort into modernizing as they did the FFX/XII remasters.
@supamastergamer: the “beat em up” genre is simply about beating enemies up (albeit sometimes with special moves, but they’re still additions, not the main focus) and moving on. Fans of it enjoy the relative simplicity, and adding complex things like ninja gaiden’s system makes it stop being a beat-em-up. It simply sounds like the genre isn’t for you.
@V-Nine: Double dragon neon however was amazing. It depends on if the devs understand why people love the games. Your examples show tone deaf devs, but this looks like the dev understands its audience.
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