I can't sleep. Weird. Normally, I would be up right now on Xbox LIVE, but as you know, my Xbox is dead, though I do believe I will be getting a new one very soon. Or I pray that I will.
Shortbus215 is currently on LIVE playing Halo 3 for Overkill and Two For One (weird we both don't have those).
Since I'm here though, I thought I might enlighten you with my top 3 films of the year so far, I guess:
1: The Dark Knight: This film blew me away on so many levels. Great acting, direction, writing, and over all thrills and chills. This is a must see for ANYONE. This is mindblowing that Christapher Nolan could turn what was once laughed at by many as a stupid series with a man in a Bat suite, nipples and all, (Besides the first Tim Burton film, and most of 'Forever'), into a movie worth a shower of Oscars. Bravo, and see it twice. ****
2: WALL*E: This is one of Pixar's best films, and it does it in such a way that no children's film would: nearly dialogue-less. There is huge chunks in the movie (like the first 40 min.) without dialouge, and their great. Don't give in to Rollig Stone, who say the first 40 min. are perfect, because they aren't, they're jsut a bit artsy (that's the reason for Peter Travers of Rolling Stone to say that). But this is a great film. ****
3: In Bruges: Very funny, black (at times Pitch Black) comedy that is played to perfection by Collin Farrel. Very violent though, so don't go in lightly. Very worth your time, but unfortunately I can't say much without giving anything away. Trust me. ***1/2
Thanks for reading, and don't be afraid to message me.
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