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DorkaDorka Blog

To Oblivion

It's been awhile, but I'm back (who noticed I was gone?). Since I've been gone (gonna have that damn song stuck in my head now), I have bought, and played, Oblivion Game of the Year Adition, and it's amazing.

The Graphics aren't amazing, but they're good (they were better when it came out) but the game is so addictive, and so fast, this is a STRONG recommend. It's missing elements that Fable had that I loved (as does Fable for Oblivion), but that doesn't matter.

In other news, I, with my clan Dictionarmy (or at least Shortbus215), have been playing Team Doubles in an effort to get to level 50 in Halo 3, and are pwning......for now.

I went from an 11 to a 26, shortbus from a 13 to a 22, severely ticking him off. He isn't going up at all, while I go up nearly per won match, and down per lost one.

We haven't figured it out, but he's ticked off.

Oh well. Stats:

DorkaDorka: 10566

Shortbus215: 3540 (He finally got the Overkill in Halo 3)

Killjoy185: 2390

Crosssacrifice: 240 (hey! He got some more!)


I have now made a "Clan" of sorts on Halo 3, called Dictionarmy, and we MIGHT be recruiting, but you'd have to message me about information, seeing as info. changes every five seconds. If you want in, maybe we'll have a place for you, but you have to prove it. Forge ideas? Current Skill? Favorite Playlist? And, of course, no hard feelings?

We are mostly about total stats, like that in Ranked and Social plylists, and interesting forge ideas, whether just overall interesting, neat to look at, or great to play. We are currently at bungie and By the way: any Halo 3 fan should register at, it's addictive in all the right spots.


Dictionarmy at Bungie

Dictionarmy at Halo Charts

Yes, am aware that they both have different members, but that's because one of our members (my brother) isn't signed up with


DorkaDorka: 10536

Shortbus215: 3535

Killjoy185: 2210

Crosssacrifice: 200

TMNT vs. Ninja Gaiden II

I know the title of this post seems like a total no brainer, but there is a reason i have put it.

I recently rented TMNT aka Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles, soley for achievments. Something I don't plan to do for awhile. My brother on the other hand, after he and I learning about the great reviews, rented Ninja Gaiden II. My brother, Killjoy185, played it and it looked GREAT! He said it was fun, but I wasn't going to play it yet. I waited until I beat Gears of War on Insanity, and played TMNT untilo I got 10K. After getting 10K, I finally played Ninja Gaiden II.

It is great, and very worth renting, or even buying. It's like a fighting game (something I don't care for too much) meets a Platformer with tons of gore. As I was playing it though, I noticed it reminded me of TMNT. This is because TMNT is basically a G rated, crappy version of Ninja Gaiden.

It's a weird thought, but it's true. TMNT's only entertainment is through your Ninja abilities. You have the wall walk (much better in Ninja Gaiden), the pole jumps (better in Gaiden), and even your little combos (much MUCH better in Gaiden). After playing through TMNT aawhile, I was able to appreciate Ninja Gaiden much more.

Also after TMNT, and Halo 3, I have found it is so much better getting 1000 points from the harder games. I know this is a no brainer, but the difference is I am going to try and get them the better way....unless I have a goal that is at the deadline. My next goals:

-1000 points in Ninja Gaiden (i know there are more, but I'm just working on the original 1000)

-1000 points in BioShock (maybe 1100, the complete set, but I'll have to see if I feel like it).


DorkaDorka: 10278

Shortbus215: 3535

Killjoy185: 2175

Crosssacrifice: 200

We Have Reached 10K!

I have officially reached the 10,000 Gamerscore mark as of today! Yes, I am very happy, and yes I am very, very tired (I played ALOT), and now am very happy to take a break. As in, not play non-stop all day for games, unless I actually feel it would be nice to play right now.

On another note, Me and Shortbus215 have beaten Gears of war on Insane Difficulty. By the way: I need 1 more COG Tag, he needs only 2. Doesn't that suck?

Oh well. We might go for the Online achievments now, seeing as I only need the COG Tag achievment, and he needs the Cog Tag and Dom Achievments.

If you don't mind getting dirt on your hands, and not playing very fairly, Shortbus is online right now trying to get the Overkill, so send him a message to ask to join. He's very desperate.


DorkaDorka: 10243

Shortbus215: 3535

Killjoy185: 2165

Crosssacrifice: 200

I almost put A friend of mine on today, but after a very prick-ish stunt today, that won't happen anytime soon. Jerk.

Overkill! Two for One! Me!!!

Yes, I have finally done it! I hav eboth the Two For One and the Overkill achievments in Halo 3!. I have all 1000 points in the game, and couldn't be happier!

I now feel free to play Lone Wolves when ever!

Yes, I'm a huge dork for Halo. Yes, I spent too much time on it. No, I don't regret it.

So, now shortbus is angry, but I don't care!

Oh well.

Anywhoo, I still haven't been able to beat Green Grass and High Tides on Expert yet, but mark my words I will....or someone will on my account. I've gotten to 74%, that's an 8% upgrade, but also I can play the first solo without star power, and getting about an 80% on it.

So, improvements all around!


DorkaDorka: 9191

Shortbus215: 3305

Killjoy185: 2080

Crosssacrifice: 200

I have another person I want to put on the list of "Competetors", but the person plays on multiple accounts and won't stick to one, and isn't competetive on the account I could show here, only his 'offline' account, which is over 10k.

PS: My goal is 10K, which I'm dangerously close to.

A Little About Gears

First: I've been playing Rock band on Guitar:Expert, and only failed on Green grass, and I'm angry.

Second: I am currently playing Gears of War on insane difficulty, and have now re-fallen in love with the game and am currently awaiting the sequal coming this Nov. I am currently on ACT: III, one chapeter away from finishing it, and gaining 50G (I haven't beatin it on Hardcore yet). My friend, Shortbus215, his internet died, and so we are waiting.

In the mean time, I'll play some Halo, which I found I need to get a little more used to.

Yes, this is useless info., But I promise I have important things to say in a future post, but am now suffering from a time constraint. Be patient (all none of you).


DorkaDorka: 9141 (goin for 10k!)

Shortbus215: 3300

Killjoy185: 2080

Crosssacrifice: 200

I have been trying (since May, when I was around 6k) to get to 10k Gamerscore, and am so close. I have until Aug. 13, and then...well, I can still get it, but that was my goal deadline. 859 gamerscore left! i might go TMNT!

Gear Up! aka: The Dumb Post, Unless Your New

if you don't know me, or haven't read any of my previous posts, than you don't know I love achievments. I also didn't get into them until around January of '08, so I'm pretty far behind. But, that also means I own many games that I could play again to unlock more of these coveted medals. So, the I've dug up 2 games I haven't played in forever: Gears of War, and Tiger Woods PGA Tour '08.

In Gears I'm just beating it on Insane. Tiger Woods however, only has about four achievments I can get.

Anyway, onto something interesting!

So, how many people actually read these things? Or at least mine? I like to write them, whether or not there is anyone to read them. If you do visit my blog, please leave a comment. I do love feedback, but don't make crap like "u suk dood", just tell me like a human being, not an idiot teenager/tween.

Things to comment on:

-A Movie you liked, or your response to my recommended movies

-Your opinion on my reviews, and ways to improve

-Possible a recomendation of a film or game you liked, that I should try out

-Your opinions on ANYTHING, except really stupid and immature things. (would you count games as mature? Well, here we do)

Anyhoo, here are the stats, in order:

DorkaDorka: 9036

Shortbus215: 3180

Killjoy185: 2080

Crosssacrifice: 200

Me, Shortbus, and Killjoy have all gone up, and Cross, as usual, hasn';t been playing anything except social games on Halo 3.

Me and Shortbus should be playing co-op on Gears of War on Insane tonight, but nothing is concrete.

Wow, what a horrible post this was.

Movie to see: The Big Lebowski, ***; This is a more 'everyguy' film, that most people (who aren't afraid of the 'F' word 200,000 times) should be able to watch, unlike my past recomendations. It's a bit dumb, but it's also hilarious, and is from the Coen Bro.


The New, and the H3T

Guess What? I have gotten a new 360! Yes, I have, and i haven't stopped playing it since, starting with Halo 3, then Rock Band, Guitar Hero III (still can't beat Satan on hard), Aegis Wing (free Xbox LIVE Arcade game that is actually fun once you get the hang of it), Halo 3 again, and Rock Band Again.

And, I've only gotten 2 Achievments! Why?!! I have no games with many easy achievments, so I'm beating Rock Band on Expert (and doing so with flying colors).

But, now on to H3T. [Halo 3 Tournament]

We have now got a nice system going, and have decided the games to have in the Tournament (yay!), so we just need a date, and one more player, that we are currently choosing of 2, I believe.

I have also played more Cold Storage, and, after getting the hang of it, because it is a bit more chaotic, I found that I love it. It's great.

By the way, I have officially seen The Dark Knight twice, and it holds up the second time, though is a bit slow at one point, but other than that, it's still amazing.

By the way, Stats! (in order):

DorkaDorka: 8886

Shortbus215: 3180

Killjoy185: 2010

Crosssacrifice: 200

There's somethin' to chew on.


I.......have finaly slept. Only 9 hours, but that's ok. I am now fully rested.

Unfortunately I haven't got much to say except maybe........I've made up about 4 songs on my guitar. Pretty good. I need to record them, but only 2 are full songs, 1 needing another verse, and 1 only has an intro and a verse. Oh well.

In other news, I thought I'd list some of the most anticipated games (for me) coming up soon....or eventually.

Fable II: Fable 1 was nearly awesome. It was fun, but a bit annoying for all it's missing parts.

Resident Evil 5: I shouldn't have to comment on this.

Gears of War 2: My main hope for this game is that it's not the same thing we played in the first game, because I got bored of the same thing over and over, though that's mostly because of the 2 levels before the last. Those sucked horribly.

Halo Wars: i haven't played an RTS since WarCraft II, or was it Starcraft? i can't remember....

Rock Band 2: The whole "Downloadable Content For All Games" thing is great. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I mean that your downloadable songs work for ANY Rock Band game. That's what we should be doing in the first place!

Something else I would like to mention: Have you guys seen the new "Xbox Experience"? How weird is that. I'm not sure how I think of it just yet, but it looks interesting at least.

By-the-By: Movie to watch: Memento, ***; This movie is so weird, and a bit hard to follow (but that is the point, so don't feel bad for not perfectly understanding the whole thing, that's the point), but it is defenitely a unique experience. Directed by the great Christopher Nolan, the Director of The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, and The Prestige (all worth watching; Ratings (in order): ****, ***1/2, ***).