I will continue the countdown in my next post, but I don't have my list on me right now, so I'll tell other stuff.
Condemned 2, as fun as it was, got sickening toward the end, forcing you trough crappy levels, and a last level that feels wrong. But, the first 7 or so (of 9) were great, so I stand by my rating (I had beaten the game when it was posted at # 9).
Other news: I bpuight Dead Rising. Great Game. Bit rushy and annoying at times, with time consuming, and some very hard achievements, but overall a hell of a lot of fun for $20.
Halo 3 has also returned in all it's glory to me (I love it again!).....except I'm extremely rusty.
Review (Album):
Slipknot - All Hope Is Gone
Slipknot have also been the one to go to for hardcore, hellish-ly angry metal, with their clas sic Self Titled effort (***** of 5), and their hardcore-fans-only second album, Iowa (****1/2 of 5), but when they came out with their 3rd album, Vol. 3 (***1/2 of 5), most where shocked. It's experimental nature made it forgiving for not beeing what was expected. I, on the other hand, loved the album and it's new direction, but as the fan boys did, missed the old Slipknot, and wanted it's touch back to the clas sic.
Their new album, All Hope Is Gone, does something different, but just as good.
I'm sure all of the Stone Sour fans will latch onto this album, and I'll regret this interview (I only like their self titled album, their new one I thought sucked), but know this: They don't understan Sh!t. This new album isn't a 'softening' or a 'radio' album, but more a matured album. It has some of the basic lyrical bassis as the old ones, but not shoving it so far down your throat. Not to be discouraged, it still holds i's brutality.
My main wish for this album was for a couple songs of the clas sic speed metal they used to do, but didn't recieve that. I cna't say I recieved something better, but really just different. Slipknot isn't going back on what they said in their first albums, but rather agreeing with their thoughts, and also knowing it isn't necessary to go to those lengths for people to understand them, or that not everything needs to be said.
Songs like 'Sulfer' feel like new and old Slipknot together mixed (Sulfur's chorus reminds me of Me Inside from s/t), while tracks like 'Dead Memories' and 'Gehnna' are very unique, the former being my pick for best track on the album (even if it is a bit too radio friendly for this band). The Latter, is a work of art to me, though not tothe extent of Tool, the artists of the artists, but rather anothe, simpler art. It, too me, feels like if Alice In Chains remade 'Gently' from Iowa with Slipknot mixing their blood in on the song, with a hint of the new stuff. It's the most unique thing Slipknot has ever done, and is my pick for #2 track on the album.
Like I said, when fake fans start loving the album for what is in the now, appose to the complete journey, I will regret such praise, But until then, the Journey feels like it could be completed, or continued. ****1/2 of 5.
DorkaDorka: 11661
Shortbus215: 4135
Killjoy185: 2595
Crosssacrifice: 295
If you like my review for the Album, pleas message me on LIVE or elsewhere, such as a comment.
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