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DorkaDorka Blog

Nuke'm and Spook'm

Yes, I have Duke Nukem, and, when I made it to the 4th level, I noticed something.

This game makes you think. There aren't any arrows pointing you in the right direction (thank god), but also there is an open feeling that's fun, but also had me for an hour running around level 4 trying to figure out where to go (I had to go in between the gears, me not noticing that there was a gap in them to make it through). They are so obvious, that you fell like your an idiot for missing them, when really in complete consideration for your expectations, it is predictable that you would miss them.

How's the game? It's great. Doesn't make sense, but still great. I like the environment of the first level better than the fourth, but that's ok. It's no DOOM, but it's one hell of a game.

Stats Later

Duke Nukem 3D/Mega Man 9

Oh yes! Mega Man 9 (though, not as good as the other NES classics, such as (am I alone on this?) Mega Man 3, but one hell of a game. But, seeing as I can't even beat the trial game (damn owels), and the achievements being nearly impossible (Beat the game without dying - !?? - and beat the game 5 times in one day have to be top contenders of "never gonna get them" awards) have convinced me not to buy it.

But, Duke Nukem 3D, also released now, has caught my eye, with it's fair achivements (though only adding up to 200G), amazing gameplay (like DOOM, without hell, adding a smart-ass main character, and strippers/pixelated nudity), and I have enough to buy. Thank the Lord Jebus (not missspelled, just a reference to The Simpsons Movie).

So, I might be buying Duke tomarrow, and Shortbus215 following suite in about a week, unless he decides to buy DOOM first (its only 400ms points), or that Xbox originals Game (They take way too muchy damn room).

My problem: About 10G less than needed to get 14K G. WTF?!?!

Oh well. I hope to see ya online.

-Stats When they alter-

The Month of Fable II

I'm syched. Though. I don't have a reservation, I hope to get one soon. To what you ask? Well, my blind-to-the-obvious friend, Fable II.

Not only was Fable the first RPG to hook me, it still stands in my head as a great game, and a 'would-have-been' perfect game. It had the gameplay down, but needed to be freed, have a bit of co-op, and it needed more open-ended style gameplay. To Linear. Not fully free-roaming. Not any LIVE oppertunities.

Fable II on the other hand...well, if you're reading thi, you know, or your a search away from Gamespots many cool riches about this game.

Problem: Guy who made it, M-something (no disrespect, just a brain-fart), has had a habit of not coming in full - or half - with his promises. But, I have faithe in what he has shown us, and he does know how to make a great game.

Anyhoo, somethin' I missed is that on th 25th of Sept. Halo 3 had it's first birthday. Something more amazing? It's been on my last 5 games (on your gamercard that you use as a sig. or put on your desktop) played since then. That's pretty nuts.

Though the gameplay has felt a bit down, it's still a hell of a lot of fun to play. NEw achievements give great tools for the imagination, and I can't wait for what's next.

By the way, My gamerscore recently went to 13K (after staying at 12K FOREVER), and in the last few days, that has jumped to NEARLY 14K (so damn close I can taste it).

Need more achievements, but can't find them.


DorkaDorka: 13798

Shortbus215: 6355

Killjoy185: 3120

Crosssacrifice: 535 (will he ever break 1,000?!?!)

Nothin New

Can't think of anything to say. I know I'd been playing Rock band 2 and am near a couple of achievements, but I'm too tired to play.

Halo 3 ne Achievements are becoming annoying on account that even on DLc playlists, you won't get the legendary maps (WTF?!?!)

But, the new trailer looks interesting. Thoughts? Comment then!

Plus: Somethign you guys might not know: I play Guitar. I've recorded a couple cds (None you will see, with the copyright laws and such), but I'm starting soon - hopefully - a Cover album, seeing as I've only recorded about 2 covers (Vermillion Pt. II and. . . Well, I don't have anymore Recorded, but I've Got "Reject Yourself" from Killswitch Engage and Detheme [Rythm Guitar] from Dethklok).

So far, i don't have much to record, but I've got a list of songs learn.

Songs on the List (Song - Band):

Dressed in Decay - CKY

Through the Black - Demon Hunter

Reject Yourself - Killswitch Engage (Learned)

Detheme - Dethklok (Rythm Guitar Learned)

Bands to Play:


In Flames

All That Remains

A Perfect Circle

Lamb of God

Killswitch Engage



Dark Tranquility

The Biggest problems with the list here, is the different tunings. How long will it take you ask? About half a frickin' hour per tuning. By-God, that is a waste of time. But, I will do it.

Stats later...when I get an achievement.

In Case You Didn't Hear About TU2...

Yes, Halo 3 recieved Title Update 2 finallly, and, as promised 10 new achievements have been added (I already have 4; their not too bad). Oh yes! Something they forgot to mention (I'm Aware they actually chose): there are also an additional 40 Achievements also in TU2, but they can't be achieved yet.

Well, that was a surprise. I would have had more of the achievements by now if I had been playing Halo 3 for the last month (I hadn't; Rock Band 2 has, and is taking up my Gaming time; I got 5 achievements in RB2). But, I have 2 left possible to get , while getting points. The others are either non-pointers, though, as bungie puts it, "will still give a reward later on, or they can't yet be gotten. As an added plus, they're worth a hell of a lot of points (like get five Warthog Chaingun kills on a Legendary Map for 50G ).

Anyway! I have to breath now. I say to you now, dust off your copy of halo 3 (Mine had no dust on it, obviously), and while playing that, go buy Rock Band 2, because these are the 2 that will be taking over your life.

PS: New Goals:

- Halo 3 New Achievements: 4/50

- Rock Band 2 Achievements: 35/50

- CAll of Duty 4 Achievements (This is Unlikely): 33/37


DorkaDorka: 12958

Shortbus215: 5555

Killjoy185: 2885

Crosssacrifice: 535

The rest, 20 days later with explanation.

GEEZ! It's been awhile, so I'll finish this countdown up by giving you my new top ten, completely neglecting my previous lists. Start from scratch I say!

1. Halo 3 - Because it's still damn fun...even if it's been a month since I played it.

2. BioShock - It'll wear you out getting 100% Achivements, but it's so well written, you won't care.

3. Oblivion - Complete freedom. Dated graphics? Yep, but still fun as hell.

4. Grand Theft Auto IV - Once again: complete, grity freedom. Why so low? Repitition.

5. Call of Duty 4 - insanely hard difficulties, but still fun as hell, and full of raw realism.

6. The Orange Box - 5 games, one disc, one price. Plus Portal and Half Life 2. Why the hell not?

7. Rock Band 2 - Mild improvements equal a much, MUCH better game, and that means alot considering the original classic.

8. Rock Band - Great, multiplayer fun, despite some horrible songs and difficult achievements.

9. Gears of War - Great, gritty violence, though extremely glitched, still is a good time.

10. Ninja Gaiden - Fast, Bloody fun that won't let up...except when you get stuck on it's uneven difficulties.

An explanation why it's been 20 days: I've been tired and playing tons of Rock Band 2 (30/50 achievements) and the real guitar, so I haven't had time. Now I do.

Another thing: why take out Comdemned 2? Well, after finishing it, and haveing 3 horrible savings where I had to start the level over, the game get's a bit annoying towards the end, makes no sense, has a stupid villan and at times feels a bit too brutal to be a game, but more like lessons on how to kill your classmates. Still a good game...but be warned.

Plus, I will, when i have more time, give a review of Rock Band 2. Though, I'll waite until I have all 84 songs unlocked (I have like 80 of them now). Another thing: Most are good achievements in this game, with a few to surrounding the Drums, and how you hve to be good at them (I'm not), but otherwise good if you can play on expert with a friend or 3.


DorkaDorka: 12683

Shortbus215: 5345

Killjoy185: 2885

Crosssacrifice: 475

Number 6.....Finally.

To Continue with my Top 10 games on the 360.....finally.

6. Call of Duty 4

Call of Duty 4

This has to be one of the best games ever. I love this game to death, despite it being nearly impossible to beat 100% (I have 2 levels and the epilogue left on Veteran, then I'm done), but it's still great and it feels very real by nhot glorifying the war or using any can kind of dramatic spicing up, but just gives it to you raw. If this is one of the best games, why is it at number 6 you say? Because there are to many best games ever. The other 4 just barely beat each other, so get ready to argue with me.

PS: I haven't been on the in awhile because my internet went down. That's why my GS hasn't increased much.


DorkaDorka: 12128

Shortbus215: 4580

Killjoy185: 2655

Crosssacrifice: 365

Number 6 ver. 2

Here we return to number 6 on my (new) difinitive top ten Xbox 360 games. I am very tired, by the way.

7. The Orange Box

Orange Box

Yes, the best video game deal in Hisory: you get the cult hit Half-Life 2, with two of it's amazing episodes, the new cult favorite Portal, and the great, though a bit flawed Team Fortress 2. $60? Should be more, but who's complaining? Plus, a great goal for all you achievement hunters looking for a perfect 1000 over points in general: this game has, to lead up to only 1000G, 99 achievements, and getting them is definately an achievement in itself.

More News: I'm trying to beat th enearly perfect Call of Duty 4 on Veteran Difficulty and am stuck on the Level before the last (Not including Mile High Club). Fun as hell, and harder than that. I'm so close! Still....


DorkaDorka: 11901

Shortbus215: 4295

Killjoy185: 2595

Crosssacrifice: 340

PS: I'm considering changing my Gamertag. It's very iconinc on LIVE to those who know me, because it's easy to remember (and make a song from), but I'm considering changing it to something I'm better able to explain in public, instead of this inside joke. My current consideration: OrphanFactory.

I like it anyway.

Number 7 ver. 2

Yes, I have continued my countdown!

7.Rock Band

Rock Band

We all know about Rock Band. It improved on nearly eveyrthing that was problematic about the Guitar Hero series, and with it coming out around the time of the horrible Guitar Hero III, this one might have nearly killed all traces of Guitar Hero love in me (not to mention Guitar Hero being on all forms of merchandise).

Break in the Countdown

I will continue the countdown in my next post, but I don't have my list on me right now, so I'll tell other stuff.

Condemned 2, as fun as it was, got sickening toward the end, forcing you trough crappy levels, and a last level that feels wrong. But, the first 7 or so (of 9) were great, so I stand by my rating (I had beaten the game when it was posted at # 9).

Other news: I bpuight Dead Rising. Great Game. Bit rushy and annoying at times, with time consuming, and some very hard achievements, but overall a hell of a lot of fun for $20.

Halo 3 has also returned in all it's glory to me (I love it again!).....except I'm extremely rusty.

Review (Album):

Slipknot - All Hope Is Gone

Slipknot have also been the one to go to for hardcore, hellish-ly angry metal, with their clas sic Self Titled effort (***** of 5), and their hardcore-fans-only second album, Iowa (****1/2 of 5), but when they came out with their 3rd album, Vol. 3 (***1/2 of 5), most where shocked. It's experimental nature made it forgiving for not beeing what was expected. I, on the other hand, loved the album and it's new direction, but as the fan boys did, missed the old Slipknot, and wanted it's touch back to the clas sic.

Their new album, All Hope Is Gone, does something different, but just as good.

I'm sure all of the Stone Sour fans will latch onto this album, and I'll regret this interview (I only like their self titled album, their new one I thought sucked), but know this: They don't understan Sh!t. This new album isn't a 'softening' or a 'radio' album, but more a matured album. It has some of the basic lyrical bassis as the old ones, but not shoving it so far down your throat. Not to be discouraged, it still holds i's brutality.

My main wish for this album was for a couple songs of the clas sic speed metal they used to do, but didn't recieve that. I cna't say I recieved something better, but really just different. Slipknot isn't going back on what they said in their first albums, but rather agreeing with their thoughts, and also knowing it isn't necessary to go to those lengths for people to understand them, or that not everything needs to be said.

Songs like 'Sulfer' feel like new and old Slipknot together mixed (Sulfur's chorus reminds me of Me Inside from s/t), while tracks like 'Dead Memories' and 'Gehnna' are very unique, the former being my pick for best track on the album (even if it is a bit too radio friendly for this band). The Latter, is a work of art to me, though not tothe extent of Tool, the artists of the artists, but rather anothe, simpler art. It, too me, feels like if Alice In Chains remade 'Gently' from Iowa with Slipknot mixing their blood in on the song, with a hint of the new stuff. It's the most unique thing Slipknot has ever done, and is my pick for #2 track on the album.

Like I said, when fake fans start loving the album for what is in the now, appose to the complete journey, I will regret such praise, But until then, the Journey feels like it could be completed, or continued. ****1/2 of 5.


DorkaDorka: 11661

Shortbus215: 4135

Killjoy185: 2595

Crosssacrifice: 295

If you like my review for the Album, pleas message me on LIVE or elsewhere, such as a comment.