DrDeath10's forum posts
Here are it's functions since you are obviously too lazy to look for it.
Ninja Gaiden 2
Hi I am new 360 convert (from PS2) so the whole online component and mic thing is new to me. I hear live is great but that people yell nube and swearing 24/7 just hurt the experience. If I decide not to use a mic is this gonna get me kicked out of games? What is your guys opinion on how good or bad the community is? Thanks.
I would say overall, the Live community is pretty good. Of course you'll have those arrogant, abrasive, and vulgar people. It's universal with every community, not just Live. The mute function will allow you to silence individual people that annoy you whether it be swearing, singing, etc. It's very difficult to be teamates with someone who doesn't use a headset, but you shouldn't be kicked too often. My gamertag is Klein9.
Here is a link that briefs you on the different aspects of Xbox Live.
18. Although there was a thread that was made a few months ago about this very topic.
I'm holding out until more games start utilizing the camera, like NHL for creating players. One of the upsides to owning a Xbox Live Vision camera is that if you don't own a webcam, it is compatible with your P.C. I can't decide for you, but I've given you the information necessary to make one for yourself. Next time, I would recommend you research it yourself, because if you decide to base your decisions on what to buy from a ignorant user, you'll certainly be disappointed in the future.
Here are some links to break down the pricing.
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