Bootcamp is the map and awol is the game. Found glitch that you can co awhol and run around outside the map.
Great Map though!
Bootcamp is the map and awol is the game. Found glitch that you can co awhol and run around outside the map.
Great Map though!
This happened some time ago, but thought I better record it. BlockBusters GameRush, has a heck of a deal. Trade in 2 games and reserver a $49.99 game for $29.99 minus the trade in credit for those 2 games. Plus another deal was to trade in 3 games and get an extra $5 trade in credit for each.
Well, 2tall was able to work both dealts together at his local GameRush and I ended up trading in 8 games for $107 credit and reserved for new games at $29.99 and only paid $20 some bucks out of pocket. Heck of a Deal.
It been forevcer since I've logged anything, but my wife and I reserved each out own xbox 360 at ebgames over the weekend.
Played all th new maps last night for a few hours. Nicely done I thought.
Played 2tall in over 20 matches in MK with which he only one 2. Jump my ranking from around 11,000 to 400.
Also took it to Qsec, 12 straight wins in puzzle kombat, made it back in the top 50 at 26.
Cant seem to play a full game of NBA 2K5 against Pimpjuice or Tootall68. Game drops shortly after the start of the third period evertime! Samething happens with NHL 2K5.
I can play Stiff and Qsec just fine.
Very strange, and disapointing.
Man, I handed out a whoop'n on some friends last night. Played till 1am.
Went 8-1 against Tootalls scorpion with Nightwolf.
Again went 8-1 against Qsec till I started getting tired or got to repititive, then he started kic'n my tail
Nightwolf by far my favorite and versitile character. Working on Sindel and Raiden. Just need a
fourth for Chess Kombat..
Holly Hell, this game rocks on HD and Dolby Digital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Chess match reminds me exactly of Archon on the old C64!
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