@Thefatness16 Sure hope you're right. BF3, between update and DLCs takes almost 8GB. By the time the other packs come out, my entire HDD will be dedicated to one game.
@moviequest14 Because they probably have been. After all, it's supposed to come it within 2 years, so it's safe to assume they've been working on it for some time.
I've bought into too many so-called "free to play" games already (DC Universe, Combat Arms, etc.), and they all have the same thing in common: "You don't HAVE to pay", but if you don't the stuff they give you is so trashy and useless that you won't even want to play the game. This looks like it will be no different. It's a shame, too, because I would have bought the game retail, cuz it actually looks pretty good.
Kind of ironic that I shudder at the sound of the word "free".
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